

Best Ways to Welcome Kapha Season With Ayurveda

Changing seasons can have an effect on your Doshas. That’s why it is important to understand your Dosha imbalances with each season and find the best practices that would help you to adapt and be in good health despite the changes. Kapha season usually refers to late winter and spring. The season is typically cold,… Continue reading Best Ways to Welcome Kapha Season With Ayurveda

Know Your Personality Type Based on Your Dosha

In a world bustling with ambitions and dreams, motivation becomes the fuel that propels us forward. But have you ever wondered why some people are naturally driven while others struggle to find their inner spark?  Enter Ayurveda, which offers profound insights into the diverse spectrum of personality types that are influenced by different factors, like Dosha.  … Continue reading Know Your Personality Type Based on Your Dosha

4 reasons why having fruits for breakfast is not a good idea

You might have seen many sources in the internet suggesting fruits for breakfast as part of a healthy diet. But Ayurveda has a different opinion. Here’s why. #1 Mornings are cold, dewy, and moist Fruits are cold, moist and slimy as well. What is cold, moist and slimy in our body? Kapha! #2 Fruits are… Continue reading 4 reasons why having fruits for breakfast is not a good idea