


4th generation ayurvedic medical doctor


Hey there, I am Dr. Rekha Radhamony.

I’m here to help you live a happy, healthy, disease-free life with the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda!

I believe the journey towards good health should be fun, simple, and uncomplicated and one must be able to seamlessly integrate it into everyday life!

I’m a 4th generation Ayurvedic doctor with a global practice spanning 59 countries, founder of Doctor Rekha Ayurveda products, expert advisor for Procter & Gamble for their Ayurvedic product line, and currently writing a book on busting myths around Ayurveda!

If you believe in the power of “Food as Medicine”, I am here to uplift you physically, mentally & spiritually with Ayurveda!

My ethos is simple – to provide an Ayurveda offering that is real and true to the Samhitas – the original scriptures of Ayurveda, which is different from what you have seen or heard in the name of “Ayurveda”.

We’ve got lifetimes to catch up on, so let’s get started!


Healing becomes holistic when physical health is understood in relation to the power of thoughts and emotions.

20K +

Real Ayurveda based on original scriptures



What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is the holistic system of medicine that believes in treating the root cause of diseases, rather than the symptoms to prevent them from recurring in the future. Ayurveda means “science of life.” Unlike the usual treatment methods involving just medicines, Ayurveda believes in creating a balance of the mind, body and soul through a combination of food (Ahara) and lifestyle (Vihara) changes, meditation, herbs, Panchakarma and other therapies. 

What makes Ayurveda different from other systems of medicine?
What makes Ayurveda different from other systems of medicine?

Ayurveda is one of the oldest systems of medicine. It believes in finding the root cause of an illness rather than just treating the symptoms. What makes Ayurveda different from other systems of medicine is that it not only helps to treat diseases but also has elaborate protocols to help people live healthy lives and to prevent diseases in the future.

Do Ayurvedic medicines contain heavy metals and toxic ingredients?
Do Ayurvedic medicines contain heavy metals and toxic ingredients?

The Samhitas – original texts of Ayurveda do mention a combination of herbal and mineral medicines to treat diseases. But, with today’s lifestyle, a lot of patients may not be able to have strong medications. Dr. Rekha follows her family’s tradition of prescribing medicines prepared using only herbs. So, we do not use any medicines with heavy metals in our medicinal formulations. All our medicines are prepared with the finest quality ingredients at our oushadhasala (traditional medicine production facility), supervised by Dr. Rekha and her team of Ayurvedic doctors.   

Our treatment ethos is roga sarve api mandha agni – all diseases are caused by an imbalance in our digestive fire (aka gut health). We work primarily on improving gut health and therefore, do not prescribe any medicine that creates an overload on the liver, which is one of the most important organs of digestion. Hence, we take utmost care in making our medicines. Apart from avoiding mineral medicines, we also do not use Ayurvedic herbs, such as ashwagandha, shatavari, etc. that can affect metabolism and digestive functions. 

Should I be a vegetarian to follow Ayurvedic practices?
Should I be a vegetarian to follow Ayurvedic practices?

Not necessarily. Ayurveda does not believe in “one-size-fits-all” approach. It is not a religious science, but the science of life. So, it is a myth that one should be vegetarian to follow an Ayurvedic diet plan.  The system of medicine has elaborate protocols on all kinds of food a person normally eats and their effects on the body and the body processes. The only rule in Ayurveda is to consume what is staple for an individual. If you’re habituated to eating non-vegetarian food all your life, you can still consume it while following an Ayurvedic diet. However, a sudden switch from being a vegetarian to a non-vegetarian or vice versa is not recommended. 

Can Ayurveda help with mental health issues?

Yes. Ayurveda involves the care of physical, mental and spiritual health. Ayurveda helps with mental health issues through lifestyle practices, diet, Ayurvedic medicines, self-care and meditation. Dr. Rekha helps heal mental health issues, like psychosis, neurosis, schizophrenia, depression and anxiety, primarily with food because according to Ayurveda, the gut and mind are connected. When you treat the gut, you treat the mind too. Dr. Rekha’s three-month gut health program will help you if you have mental health issues.

What are the classical Ayurvedic texts?

The classical Ayurvedic texts provide a large amount of knowledge regarding health and healing. The classical Ayurvedic texts known as Brihattraya are the Caraka Samhita, the Sushruta Samhita and the Ashtanga Hridayam written by Charaka, Sushruta and Vagbhata, respectively.

Where are you based?

Dr. Rekha is based between India and Dubai. She not only consults patients in person at her hospital in Thiruvananthapuram, but also consults people online. 

If you are willing to travel to Thiruvananthapuram, you can do so after pre-booking a consultation with Dr. Rekha by reaching out to our team at +91 79074 89839. However, our most successful health programs involve online consultations and they are exactly same as offline consultations. You can also book our online health programs that are meticulously prepared to reverse chronic health conditions.  

Do you have a residential program?

We have a residential program at our hospital in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. You can get more details on our hospital website – www. adirekhaayurveda.com.  

Can I meet Dr. Rekha in person for consultation?

Yes, you can pre-book an in-person consultation with Dr. Rekha if you are willing to travel to Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. If it is not possible, you can opt for an online consultation, which is the same as in-person consultation. 

How about the follow-up consultation after general consultation if not enrolling for 3 months program?
How about the follow-up consultation after general consultation if not enrolling for 3 months program?

If it is only generic consultation, the follow-up consultation will be after 45 days to one month. Doctor might extend the consultation follow-ups based on your health condition and improvement.

Are blood tests required depending on medical issues (endometriosis, PCOD, Insulin resistance, Fibroids)?
Are blood tests required depending on medical issues (endometriosis, PCOD, Insulin resistance, Fibroids)?

Yes, blood reports that are not less than 6-months old should be submitted along with the medical history for consultation. When you submit an enquiry, our team will recommend the test you have to take before the consultation.

I stay outside India and here, it is difficult to get blood reports on time. I don’t have any recent blood reports. Can I join the program/consultation?
I stay outside India and here, it is difficult to get blood reports on time. I don’t have any recent blood reports. Can I join the program/consultation?

Yes, you can still join the program/consultation if you are based outside India. If you are not able to submit recent blood reports, our team will advice you regarding what should be done.

Are the products safe for kids?

Yes, the products are safe for kids.

How can I get Dr. Rekha’s products?

You can drop a DM on our Instagram page [@doctorrekhaayurveda] to buy our products.

Do you deliver your products outside India?

No. At present, we only deliver our products within India. But you can expect international delivery of our products in the years to come.

When can I expect the delivery of the products I order?
When can I expect the delivery of the products I order?

All orders will be processed within 1 business day. You can expect the delivery within – – business days.

What is the cost of the programs?

Cost of the programs depends on the kind of program you take. We have the following programs:

  • Gut Health Program
  • Weight Loss Program
  • PCOS Reversal Program
  • Skin & Hair Care Program
  • Type 2 Diabetes Reversal Program
  • Thyroid Reversal Program
  • IBS Reversal Program
  • Immunity Development Program
  • Child Nutrition Program
  • Women’s Hormonal Health Program
  • Mental Health Program
  • Conception Program (6 months only)
  • Men’s Health Program
  • Cancer Rehabilitation Program
  • Ayurvedic Wellbeing Program
What do the health programs include?

Our health programs include different steps. It includes consultation with the doctor, personalized treatment plan, sourcing the prescribed medicines, creation of WhatsApp group consisting of a team doctor, nutritionist, a head nutritionist and yourself, Panchakarma cleanses and review. You can also enrol for online yoga sessions with Doctor Rekha’s own teacher along with the health program. You can find the details of health programs here (Click Here)

Do I have to be in India during the course of health programs?
Do I have to be in India during the course of health programs?

No. You can attend the program online. The consultation and every other step of the health programs will be conducted online, under the supervision of Dr. Rekha and team doctors.

How do I know which health program to sign up for?

You can choose the health program based on your health condition. If you are not sure, you can consult with Dr. Rekha and follow her suggestions.

Can I pay for the health programs in instalments?

Yes, you can pay in instalments.

What is the duration of Ashtanga Hridayam course?

The course will have 32-hours of Zoom recorded sessions with 6-months free access.

Are the courses certified?

The courses are not certified by a certification body. However, you will receive a certificate of attendance for certain courses. The aim is to spread knowledge about different aspects of Ayurveda through the courses.

Who can attend the Ayurvedic Nutrition Workshop?

Anyone with the intention to learn more about Ayurvedic diet and wishes to apply it to their daily life can attend the workshop.

What is the fee for the courses?

Each course has individual fees depending on the content and the duration. You can check the fees for each course here (Click Here).

Are the sessions live for the courses?

No, you will have Zoom recorded sessions for the courses that you can even access for 6 months after completing them.

Can I enrol in more than one course at a time?

Yes, you can.



Imbalanced digestive fire (Agni) or poor gut health is the cause of all diseases.

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