

What is Mindful Eating?

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, the simple act of eating has become a mindless routine for many of us. We often grab a quick bite on the go, scarcely pausing to savour the flavors or consider the nutritional value of what we consume. However, Ayurveda recognizes food as not only nourishment for… Continue reading What is Mindful Eating?

Ayurvedic tips to Stay Cool in Summer According To Your Doshas

The arrival of summer brings with it a plethora of delights – long days, outdoor adventures, and an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables. However, for some, the sweltering heat of summer can also bring discomfort, especially if you’re prone to imbalances in your Doshas, particularly Pitta Dosha. In Ayurveda, Doshas are the three elemental… Continue reading Ayurvedic tips to Stay Cool in Summer According To Your Doshas

Is it necessary to be a vegetarian to follow an Ayurvedic life?

Living an Ayurvedic life places a strong emphasis on achieving harmony and balance in all aspects of life, particularly in our diet. Ayurveda is often associated with vegetarianism. However, in reality, it is not a strict requirement for following an Ayurvedic life. Instead, Ayurveda places great importance on following dietary recommendations to suit an individual’s… Continue reading Is it necessary to be a vegetarian to follow an Ayurvedic life?

Delicious and healthy Ayurvedic Hummus recipe

As an Ayurvedic doctor, I firmly believe that a healthy diet forms the cornerstone of a balanced and vibrant lifestyle. Ayurveda considers food as medicine and therefore, what you eat has an important role to play in your overall well-being and healing. So, here is a simple Ayurvedic Hummus recipe to add to your diet. … Continue reading Delicious and healthy Ayurvedic Hummus recipe

Is it safe to have apple cider vinegar every day?

Influencers and online sources have been endorsing the health benefits of apple cider vinegar a lot these days and have been encouraging its addition to one’s diet. However, Ayurveda has a different opinion.  Ayurveda believes that anything we consume has a specific effect on our body and consuming them without being mindful can lead to imbalances and health… Continue reading Is it safe to have apple cider vinegar every day?

Does Ayurvedic diet consist only of vegetarian foods?


Ayurveda is a traditional system of medicine that places a strong emphasis on harmony and balance in all facets of life, including diet and nutrition. Although Ayurvedic diet is frequently connected with vegetarianism, adopting an Ayurvedic lifestyle does not require becoming a vegetarian. Ayurveda stresses individualized food advice based on an  individual’s body constitution (Prakriti),… Continue reading Does Ayurvedic diet consist only of vegetarian foods?