

Top 5 Ayurvedic Herbs for Balancing Kapha Dosha

Kapha Dosha is responsible for giving structure and lubrication to the body. When balanced, Kapha gives us strength, protects against diseases and keeps us calm. But if it’s out of balance, it can cause weight gain, congestion and tiredness.  My treatment for Dosha imbalances majorly involves dietary and lifestyle correction. And if necessary, I include… Continue reading Top 5 Ayurvedic Herbs for Balancing Kapha Dosha

Jatamansi: Ayurveda’s Answer to Stress and Sleep Disorders

Jatamansi (scientifically known as ‘Nardostachys jatamansi’) is a powerful herb that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years.This herb is popular for its amazing benefits in stress management and treating insomnia. It is also well known to have the properties to calm and support our mental health.   The Power of Jatamansi… Continue reading Jatamansi: Ayurveda’s Answer to Stress and Sleep Disorders

Uses of Kushta in Ayurveda

Do you know that almost 30% of the world’s population has respiratory problems and almost 40% has skin issues once in a lifetime? Kushta offers natural remedies to those everyday issues and makes it possible to live a balanced, harmonious life. Kushta or Saussurea lappa is a potent herb that is used in Ayurveda to… Continue reading Uses of Kushta in Ayurveda

Top 10 Essential Ayurvedic Herbs

Herbs are an important part of Ayurveda. Ancient Ayurvedic texts have mentions of a huge variety of herbs that help heal an array of health conditions. Each of these herbs has high value for its special medicinal qualities and healing potential. The best part is that they offer mild yet efficient therapeutic benefits with few… Continue reading Top 10 Essential Ayurvedic Herbs

Health Benefits of Ativisha

Ayurveda is a traditional system of medicine that incorporates the offerings of nature to help people heal. Ancient Ayurvedic texts have mentions of an array of herbs that help treat different health conditions. Ativisha is one of them.    The plant is known for its amazing medicinal properties and is especially used to treat diseases… Continue reading Health Benefits of Ativisha

Ayurvedic Treatment for Obesity

Obesity is one of the major causes of concern today, and it has become a critical health problem in recent years. According to the estimates of 2022, 890 million adults and 160 million children around the world were living with obesity.  Being obese can raise the chances of getting type 2 diabetes and heart disease.… Continue reading Ayurvedic Treatment for Obesity

How to Manage Type 2 Diabetes with Ayurveda?

Diabetes is a chronic medical condition characterized by high levels of sugar or glucose in the blood. This occurs when the body either doesn’t produce enough insulin or can’t effectively use the insulin it produces. According to World Health Organisation (WHO), about 422 million people from around the world suffer from diabetes. And the numbers… Continue reading How to Manage Type 2 Diabetes with Ayurveda?

Best Ways to Welcome Kapha Season With Ayurveda

Changing seasons can have an effect on your Doshas. That’s why it is important to understand your Dosha imbalances with each season and find the best practices that would help you to adapt and be in good health despite the changes. Kapha season usually refers to late winter and spring. The season is typically cold,… Continue reading Best Ways to Welcome Kapha Season With Ayurveda