

The Power of Ayurvedic Diet

According to Ayurveda, food is medicine. It not only provides you energy to sustain, but it also heals you. I am someone who gives importance to diet. An Ayurvedic diet is a major part of my treatment plan for my patients for all health conditions. 80% of my treatment involves food and the rest 20%… Continue reading The Power of Ayurvedic Diet

Viruddha Ahara – 5 combinations with milk you must avoid

Ayurveda emphasises on the unique nutritional benefits of milk. Properly digesting milk contributes to maintaining a healthy body and emotional balance while also aiding in the equilibrium of Doshas. It is considered one of the most essential foods for enhancing Ojus (vitality).    A quick brief into what Ojus is. It is a unique substance… Continue reading Viruddha Ahara – 5 combinations with milk you must avoid

How to choose the right quantity of food to eat?

In Ayurvedic nutrition, we do not count the calories or weigh the food in grams. The quality of food matters more than quantity.     Ayurveda thinks of food as medicine. This means the choices you make about what you eat can affect your health. When I treat my patients, 80% of the treatment involves coming… Continue reading How to choose the right quantity of food to eat?

How to choose the right quantity food for you?

According to Ayurveda, food is medicine. Along with routine and medicines, diet is equally important for healing and remaining healthy. That is why it is important to choose the right quantity of food to consume.    Ayurveda gives utmost importance to digestion. An imbalanced digestive fire (Agni) is the reason of all diseases. Therefore, eat… Continue reading How to choose the right quantity food for you?

Delicious and healthy Ayurvedic Hummus recipe

As an Ayurvedic doctor, I firmly believe that a healthy diet forms the cornerstone of a balanced and vibrant lifestyle. Ayurveda considers food as medicine and therefore, what you eat has an important role to play in your overall well-being and healing. So, here is a simple Ayurvedic Hummus recipe to add to your diet. … Continue reading Delicious and healthy Ayurvedic Hummus recipe

Does Ayurvedic diet consist only of vegetarian foods?


Ayurveda is a traditional system of medicine that places a strong emphasis on harmony and balance in all facets of life, including diet and nutrition. Although Ayurvedic diet is frequently connected with vegetarianism, adopting an Ayurvedic lifestyle does not require becoming a vegetarian. Ayurveda stresses individualized food advice based on an  individual’s body constitution (Prakriti),… Continue reading Does Ayurvedic diet consist only of vegetarian foods?

Have you tried coconut sprouts?

I have always been fascinated by the coconut tree! It is considered the “tree of life” by many cultures around the world. Coconut trees provide so many different products and is a staple food in many tropical regions. One of the lesser-known parts of the coconut tree is the coconut sprout. It is a delicious… Continue reading Have you tried coconut sprouts?

Why Ayurveda Loves Coconut Water

Ayurveda places great importance on natural remedies and nutrition for maintaining a healthy body and mind. One of the most treasured natural remedies in Ayurveda is tender coconut water. This refreshing drink is rich in nutrients and has numerous health benefits, making it a staple in Ayurvedic practices.  Ayurveda recommends having tender coconut water for… Continue reading Why Ayurveda Loves Coconut Water

5 Foods to Boost Your Immune System

Ayurveda defines strong immunity as a result of good digestion, strong Agni (digestive fire), good liver functioning and a balanced endocrine system. There are many natural foods available that help enhance your immunity. According to Ayurveda, you can add the following foods to your diet to boost your immune system: Amla (Indian gooseberry) Amla has… Continue reading 5 Foods to Boost Your Immune System

7 Truths I Wish More People Understood About Ayurveda

Ayurveda, being the traditional system of medicine, is often compared with modern medicine. Not many people go for Ayurvedic treatment at the first chance. Many consider this as the last resort after having tried all other systems of medicine and failed. One of the main reasons is the lack of understanding of Ayurveda. As an… Continue reading 7 Truths I Wish More People Understood About Ayurveda