

Ayurvedic tips to Stay Cool in Summer According To Your Doshas

The arrival of summer brings with it a plethora of delights – long days, outdoor adventures, and an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables. However, for some, the sweltering heat of summer can also bring discomfort, especially if you’re prone to imbalances in your Doshas, particularly Pitta Dosha. In Ayurveda, Doshas are the three elemental… Continue reading Ayurvedic tips to Stay Cool in Summer According To Your Doshas

Is horse gram good for Pitta bodies?

Horse gram is a popular legume that is often consumed in South India. It is rich in fibre and protein and is great for people looking to lose their weight. However, horse gram is not ideal for all, especially if you are a Pitta body. Pitta Dosha is one of the three Doshas (biophysical energies). This… Continue reading Is horse gram good for Pitta bodies?