

Ayurvedic tips to Stay Cool in Summer According To Your Doshas

The arrival of summer brings with it a plethora of delights – long days, outdoor adventures, and an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables. However, for some, the sweltering heat of summer can also bring discomfort, especially if you’re prone to imbalances in your Doshas, particularly Pitta Dosha. In Ayurveda, Doshas are the three elemental… Continue reading Ayurvedic tips to Stay Cool in Summer According To Your Doshas

What is the Right Temperature of Water That You Should Drink?

Human body is made up of 50-70% water. Also, our body needs water for the cells and tissues to be hydrated as well as to maintain the body temperature. It is also vital for many other functions of the body. It is recommended that men should drink 2.5 litres of water per day and women… Continue reading What is the Right Temperature of Water That You Should Drink?

Is it safe to drink rain water?

Do you know Ayurveda recommends drinking rainwater (Antareeksha Jalam)?   According to Ayurveda,  drinking rain water can be beneficial for many reasons. Ayurveda recommends fresh, clean rainwater to help balance the body’s natural energies, improve the digestive system, and reduce any discomfort or pain associated with digestive issues. Additionally, it is believed to be a… Continue reading Is it safe to drink rain water?

How you drink water affects your digestion

Did you even know, without even realizing, how you drink water affects your digestion. Drinking excessive water ‘Atyambupana‘ is mentioned as one of the main causes for indigestion by Charaka Samhita. Then, how to drink water? Drink water sip by sip, do not chug down a whole bottle in one go. Drink water 30 minutes… Continue reading How you drink water affects your digestion