

Know Your Personality Type Based on Your Dosha

In a world bustling with ambitions and dreams, motivation becomes the fuel that propels us forward. But have you ever wondered why some people are naturally driven while others struggle to find their inner spark?  Enter Ayurveda, which offers profound insights into the diverse spectrum of personality types that are influenced by different factors, like Dosha.  … Continue reading Know Your Personality Type Based on Your Dosha

5 signs your Vata is high and your body needs help

Vata Dosha comprises elements of air and space and is responsible for movement, communication and creativity. When it is in balance, it promotes mental clarity, agility and vitality. However, when it becomes excessive or imbalanced, it can cause a range of physical and mental symptoms.  Here are five signs that your Vata is high and… Continue reading 5 signs your Vata is high and your body needs help

Having a Vata Mind and Ways to Tackle It

According to Ayurveda, there are three biophysical energies based on which every human being is classified into a specific Prakriti (unique constitution and identity of an individual). The energies are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Everyone and everything in this world is made of energy. This energy is comprised of five elements: space, air, fire, water,… Continue reading Having a Vata Mind and Ways to Tackle It