

The Miraculous Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is long regarded as a botanical miracle due to its powerful healing abilities. The many health and beauty advantages of aloe vera have attracted generations, from ancient civilisations to modern-day fans.  Aloe vera, dubbed the “plant of immortality” by the ancient Egyptians, never ceases to astound with its powers to relieve sunburns, ease… Continue reading The Miraculous Benefits of Aloe Vera

All About Eye Health With Ayurveda

Ayurveda extends its healing touch to almost every part of our being – this also includes our eyesight. When it comes to caring for our eyes, physical needs and energies that influence eye health – Ayurveda covers it all. For example, Netra Basti/Tarpana, are age-old Ayurvedic therapies that promote eye health.   Ayurvedic Perspective on… Continue reading All About Eye Health With Ayurveda