

5 fruit rules you didn’t know about

Fruits are nature’s gift to us, packed with essential nutrients and delicious flavours. We all know that eating fruits is good for our health, but did you know there are some lesser-known fruit rules that can make a big difference in how fruits benefit your body?    In this blog, let us explore the five rules about eating fruits that you may not be aware of.     Choose ripe fruits over sour ones     When it comes to picking fruits, always opt for ripe ones over sour ones. Ripe fruits not only taste better, but they are also easier on your digestive system. If you suffer from acidity, acid reflux, heartburn, gas or bloating, choosing the ripest fruit can make a world of difference.      Eat seasonal fruits     Nature has a way of providing us with the right foods at the right time. Pay attention to the seasons and choose fruits that are in season and grown locally. Seasonal fruits are not only fresher and tastier, but they are also more nutritious.      Do not have dairy with fruits     Never combine dairy with fruits. Mixing dairy products like milk or yogurt with fruits can lead to digestive issues. This combination can create an imbalance in your gut, causing discomfort, gas and bloating.    Eat fruits in moderation     Moderation is key when it comes to consuming fruits. While fruits are undoubtedly nutritious, overeating them can have adverse effects on your health. Fruits need a different set of digestive tools to digest.     Have stewed fruits     If you have gut issues or find it challenging to digest raw fruits, consider having stewed fruits as an alternative. Stewing fruits like pears and peaches can improve your digestion.     Most importantly, listen to your body!    The most crucial rule of all is to listen to your body. You are your best doctor, and no one knows your body better than you do. Pay close attention to how different foods, including fruits, affect you.     If a particular fruit doesn’t agree with you, respect your body’s signals. It is essential to make informed choices about your diet and lifestyle based on your body’s needs. You can either avoid fruits that don’t suit you or work on improving your digestion so that you can enjoy them without any issues.     These five fruit rules can make a significant impact on your overall well-being. Remember, when it comes to your diet, you are in control. So make choices that work best for you and your body.   

Is mango a heating fruit?

Mango is considered a heating fruit in Ayurveda due to its sweet and sour taste, as well as its ability to increase the body’s internal heat. However, the fruit is also known for its cooling effect due to its high water content and its ability to alleviate Pitta Dosha.     In Ayurveda, mango is classified as a Rajasic fruit. It means that it has an energizing effect on the body and mind. The Rajasic quality of mango is due to its ability to stimulate the digestive fire or Agni in the body. Mango has the ability to cleanse the liver and aid in digestion. This makes it a popular fruit in Ayurvedic diets.     Due to its heating nature, mango should be consumed in moderation, especially by those who have a pitta constitution or are experiencing Pitta imbalances such as inflammation, acidity or heat-related disorders. It is recommended that mango should be eaten in small quantities and combined   with cooling foods, such as cucumber, mint, or coconut to balance its heating properties.     In addition, according to Ayurveda, the timing of consuming mango is also crucial. It is recommended that mango should be eaten during the summer season, when its cooling effect is most beneficial. Mango should also be consumed during the daytime. Eating it in the evening or at night may disturb sleep due to its heating properties.     Mango is considered a heating fruit. However, despite its heating properties, mango is also known for its cooling effect. Therefore, it is recommended to have mango in moderation and combined with cooling foods to balance its heating properties.     Also, the timing of consuming mango is crucial. It is recommended that it should be eaten during the summer season and during the daytime to maximize its benefits. 

4 reasons why having fruits for breakfast is not a good idea

You might have seen many sources in the internet suggesting fruits for breakfast as part of a healthy diet. But Ayurveda has a different opinion. Here’s why. #1 Mornings are cold, dewy, and moist Fruits are cold, moist and slimy as well. What is cold, moist and slimy in our body? Kapha! #2 Fruits are sweet, heavy and cold. What is sweet, heavy and cold in our body? Kapha! #3 6am to 10am is Kapha Kala This is the time Kapha is at its peak – think excessive mucous, blocked nose, runny nose, and all upper respiratory tract symptoms. #4 The Sun has just risen Our digestive fire mimics the Sun. We do not have sharp digestive in the mornings. Hence we may not be able to digest cold, sweet, heavy foods at this time. Then what is a good breakfast? Anything warm, light and freshly cooked. Example, oatmeal, porridges, rice or chickpea flour, pancakes, stewed apples, green gram pancakes etc. These are not only light but also easy to digest. When is the best time to have fruits? Between 10am to 4pm (Pitta Kala) before or after a meal, but not with a meal. Trust me, if you do this, your gut will thank you! Doctor Rekha is a 4th generation Ayurvedic Medicine Doctor (BAMS) living in between Dubai and India who has patients from around the globe who believes that the wisdom of Ayurveda can help everyone lead a happy, heathy and disease-free life. You can join our Health Programs for mind and body detox. And If you are struggling with any health issues, you can book a consultation with us or give us a message via WhatsApp at +91 79074 89839. If you have any queries, contact us. You can also follow me on Instagram.