Aloe Vera Benefits for Beauty, Health, Healing

Aloe or Aloe vera fresh leaves and slices on white background.

Aloe vera is long regarded as a botanical miracle due to its powerful healing abilities. The many health and beauty advantages of aloe vera have attracted generations, from ancient civilisations to modern-day fans.    Aloe vera, dubbed the “plant of immortality” by the ancient Egyptians, never ceases to astound with its powers to relieve sunburns, ease gastrointestinal distress, strengthen immunity, and encourage general vigor.   In this blog, let us delve deeper into aloe vera’s healing abilities and its role in dental hygiene, skin care, digestive health, and antioxidant support.  It is a safe and efficient remedy for various problems, including skin irritations, and digestive and general health improvement.    About Aloe Vera   In Sanskrit, aloe vera is called Kumari. It  has a bitter taste (Tikta Rasa). It is also heavy (Guru), oily (Snigdha) and slimy (Pichhila). The herb is also great for managing the Tridoshas.   For centuries, humans have grown aloe vera for its medicinal, cosmetic and aesthetic benefits. The thick, fleshy leaves of the plant are well-known for holding a clear gel-like fluid that is packed with bioactive substances such as antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins, minerals and amino acids.    This gel frequently used in multiple forms, including topical creams, gels, drinks and supplements, due to its many health and cosmetic advantages. Aloe vera is used in skin care products to treat eczema, acne, sunburns, and other skin issues because of its well-known calming and healing qualities.   It also internally uses as a nutritional supplement to help digestion, strengthen the immune system, and improve general health. It is also a component of oral care products that help to preserve gum health and oral cleanliness.    This is a highly valued botanical element because of its many uses and powerful therapeutic qualities.   Benefits of Aloe Vera   There are several applications and advantages of aloe vera for well-being, appearance and health. It is frequently used for the following purposes:   Skincare   People frequently apply aloe vera gel topically to relieve and treat various skin ailments, such as dry skin, psoriasis, acne, eczema, sunburns, small burns, cuts, and bug bites.  Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities aid in wound healing, infection prevention, and inflammation reduction.    Hair Care   Because of its moisturizing, conditioning, and scalp-soothing qualities, aloe vera is frequently included in hair care products such as shampoos, conditioners and hair treatments.  It can aid in dandruff reduction, scalp hydration, and healthy hair development.   Digestive Health   Internal use of aloe vera juice helps to relieve gastrointestinal problems such as constipation, reflux, indigestion, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It eases stomach pain and encourages bowel regularity as a natural laxative.    Immune Support   Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, It helps strengthen the immune system and guard against inflammation and oxidative stress. Taking its  juice or supplements can improve general health and boost immunity.    Oral Hygiene   Oral care products including toothpaste, mouthwash, and dental gels preserve oral hygiene, prevent gum disease, treat mouth ulcers, and freshen breath. Its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities support strong teeth and gums.   Anti-aging   This herb has amazing anti-aging properties. It helps increase collagen formation, enhance skin suppleness and lessen the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Aloe vera gel used regularly can help keep skin looking young and beautiful.    Sunburn Relief   Aloe vera gel relieves discomfort, inflammation and redness from prolonged sun exposure. Its hydrating and cooling qualities assist in restoring damaged skin cells and encourage healing.    Healing Wounds   This herb promotes cell regeneration, lowers inflammation, and guards against infection to hasten the healing of wounds. Hence, it helps heal mild burns, scratches and wounds and reduces scarring.    These are only some of its numerous applications  that demonstrate its adaptability and potency in enhancing health and well-being.   Medical uses of Aloe Vera   Aloe vera’s strong healing qualities make it useful in many medicinal applications.  Compounds in its gel-like composition encourage wound healing by lowering inflammation, avoiding infection, and promoting cell regeneration. This makes it a useful remedy for small burns, wounds, and cuts.    This herb is also a well-liked sunburn cure because of its calming and cooling qualities, which reduce discomfort, inflammation and redness. Because of its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial features, it manages skin disorders including dermatitis, psoriasis, acne, and eczema by reducing symptoms like redness, irritation and itching.    Furthermore, it also helps calm digestive issues including acid reflux, indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and reduces inflammation. Its  juice treats constipation and encourages bowel regularity as a natural laxative.    It is a very adaptable and beneficial natural treatment with medical uses. It has a variety of benefits, ranging from healing wounds and calming skin disorders to easing stomach pain and improving general health.    Also Read: Ways to Maintain Skin Health with Ayurveda   Despite the many amazing benefits of aloe vera, it’s important to use it sensibly. It is best to consult an Ayurvedic doctor before you use it, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or allergies.       If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.

Maintaining Kidney Health With Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, the kidney is an essential organ that remove toxins from the body and keep the fluid equilibrium in the body. They are an important part of the Mutravahasrotas (urinary system). Taking care of our kidneys becomes essential in an environment where stress, poor eating habits and environmental pollutants are becoming more and more common. Ayurvedic principles can help us build the lifespan, health and resilience in our daily lives.  The ageless knowledge of Ayurveda provides direction for cultivating ideal well-being from within, whether your goal is to support renal health difficulties already present or prevent kidney-related problems in the first place.  This article examines practical advice and Ayurvedic ideas for maintaining kidney health and avoiding kidney problems.    Root Causes of Kidney Weakness in Ayurveda   In Ayurveda, kidney weakness is frequently linked to a Vata, Pitta and Kapha imbalance in the body and other lifestyle variables. The following factors can affect the health of your kidney, as per Ayurveda:    Imbalanced Doshas   The kidneys can become abnormal due to excess Vata, Pitta or Kapha Doshas. An imbalance of Vata may induce dryness and exhaustion, an imbalance of Pitta can produce inflammation and excessive heat and an imbalance of Kapha can cause kidney congestion and slowdown.    Poor Digestion   Toxins (Ama) can build up in the body because of poor digestion, which can be brought on by excessive consumption, irregular eating patterns, or eating foods incompatible with one’s constitution (Prakriti). Over time, kidney function may be impacted by these pollutants.   Dehydration   When there is insufficient intake of fluids, particularly water, the kidneys struggle to filter waste materials from the blood, which can contribute to dehydration. Dehydration for an extended period may lead to renal problems, including kidney stones.    Poor Diet   An excessive intake of processed meals, refined sugars, fatty foods and salt can strain the kidneys and cause them to deteriorate. A diet low in whole grains, fresh produce and other nutrients deprives the body of vital elements required for healthy kidney function.    Inactive Lifestyle   Not moving around much can hinder metabolism and circulation, which can cause Ama build up in the body. Regular exercise supports kidney health by assisting in appropriate circulation and cleansing.   Stress   Emotional tension and mental strain might weaken the kidneys and upset the Dosha balance, according to Ayurveda. Over time, renal function may be compromised by adrenal exhaustion brought on by ongoing stress.  It is possible to naturally restore balance and increase kidney function by addressing these underlying reasons using Ayurvedic concepts including food change, stress management, herbal therapies and lifestyle adjustments. Consult with a skilled Ayurvedic practitioner for tailored advice and assistance in treating kidney weakness naturally.   Improving the health of the kidney through Ayurveda   Ayurveda offers complete methods to support overall health as well as the health of the kidneys. The idea of balance—achieving a state of equilibrium among the body, mind and spirit to preserve maximum health—is fundamental to Ayurvedic philosophy.  Here are some Ayurvedic ways to protect your kidneys.   Diet   Ayurvedic kidney treatment is primarily based on dietary corrections, ensuring that your diet is balanced. The kidneys receive vital nutrients when entire, unprocessed diets like fresh produce, whole grains, beans, and lean meats are prioritized. It can promote the kidneys’ optimal function to avoid items that load them, such as processed foods, refined carbohydrates, and excessive salt.   Ayurvedic herbs   Herbs from Ayurveda are essential for supporting kidney function and cleansing. Among the herbs frequently used to support the kidneys are Punarnava, Gokshura, Varuna, Chandraprabha and Shilajit. These herbs support general renal function, help cleanse the kidneys and eliminate toxins. However, do not take any of these herbs without the prescription from a qualified Ayurvedic doctor.       Hydration    In Ayurveda, kidney health is largely dependent on hydration. Throughout the day, sipping warm or room-temperature water promotes healthy kidney function, helps eliminate toxins and keeps kidney stones from forming.   Stress Management   An essential component of Ayurveda’s kidney health strategy, moreover, is stress management. Stress-relieving techniques like yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises support the body’s balance and vitality by easing mental and emotional tension.   Lifestyle changes   The emphasis is on lifestyle changes to maintain kidney health. Overall kidney strength is influenced by keeping a healthy weight, exercising often, obtaining enough rest and sleep, and abstaining from practices that harm the kidneys, such as smoking and excessive drinking.    Detoxification   Ayurveda suggests using gentle detoxification techniques to help the kidneys and remove toxins from the body. Seasonal detoxification treatments, dietary modifications and techniques like self-massage (Abhyanga) encourage detoxification and circulation.   Dinacharya    Creating a daily routine (Dinacharya) that aligns with the body’s natural cycles aids in keeping the kidneys and other organs in harmony and balance. Daily Ayurvedic practices including oil pulling, tongue scraping, and nose cleaning promote general health and vigor.   Through everyday use of these Ayurvedic practices, people can strengthen their kidneys, encourage good renal function, and avert kidney-related problems. Speaking with a trained Ayurvedic practitioner may promote a comprehensive approach to kidney health and well-being by offering individualized advice and suggestions based on each person’s requirements and imbalances.   Additional Tips   Here are some additional tips to promote kidney health:    Avoid overeating   Avoid overeating, as this can strain the kidneys and overburden the digestive system. Eat slowly, give your food a good chewing motion, and stop once full. Steer clear of large, oily, and spicy meals – especially after dark – as these can cause problems with renal function and upset stomachs.    Keep a Healthy Weight   Kidney disease is more likely in those who are obese. Eat a balanced diet and engage in regular exercise to stay at a healthy weight. Engage in enjoyable physical activities, such as yoga, swimming, or walking, to not only assist your metabolism but also enhance your general health.   Limit Intake… Continue reading Maintaining Kidney Health With Ayurveda

Agni- The Ayurvedic Secret to Health and Vitality

Agni or digestive fire is the most significant concept in Ayurveda. It controls all metabolic functions, like digestion, assimilation and elimination. In a nutshell, it is the energy that gets the food changed into nourishment and waste. It is the basis of good health and keeping it in balance is important for our survival.   Types of Agni   In Ayurveda, there are mainly three types of digestive fire:   Jatharagni: This is an agni located in the stomach and top of the small intestine. It is responsible for breaking down food and thereby triggering the process of digestion.   Bhutagni: This pertains to the fire element of the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and ether) that constitute the body. Every one of these elements, in fact, has its own Agni, which, consequently, allows for the transformation of food into bioavailable nutrients.   Dhatu Agni: Here are the fires that are present in each of the seven Dhatus (body tissues) – Rasa (plasma), Rakta (blood), Mamsa (muscle), Meda (fat), Asthi (bone), Majja (bone marrow), and Shukra (reproductive tissue). Dhatu Agni is responsible for the nourishment and the sustenance of these tissues.   Role of Agni in Our Health Agni has various functions in our body. They include:   Digestion and absorption: Agni is responsible for breaking down food into small particles for easy absorption and assimilation of nutrients.   Metabolism: It is responsible for the metabolic processes that convert food into energy and tissues.   Detoxification: Agni is in charge of helping the body get rid of toxic substances called Ama. Hence, it acts as a crucial component of internal purity and balance.   Immunity: A robust and stable Agni helps the immune system function properly by facilitating the production of healthy tissue and immune cells.   Promote mental clarity: Agni function is to favor mental features such as clarity, focus, and understanding. Hence, Agni is in charge of a clear and sharp frame of mind.   My Personal Experience   As a teenager, I suffered from acne. My skin was red all the time, so I used every over-the-counter product as well as prescription drugs hoping for some relief but without any effect. I didn’t get any relief until I turned to Ayurveda. My Ayurvedic doctor focused on normalising my Agni. We reworked my diet, included some herbs, and I practised mindful eating. In just a few months, my skin was clean and I started to have more energy and focus. This experience helped me to understand how important proper functioning of Agni is for the overall body health.   Signs of Balanced and Imbalanced Agni   Following are the key features of balanced Agni: Good appetite  Proper digestion Regular bowel movements A light and energetic feeling.   Imbalanced Agni, on the other hand, has the following characteristics:   Tikshna Agni (Hyperactive Fire): It is the overactive Agni that can cause hyperacidity, heartburn, inflammation, and a burning sensation in the stomach.    Manda Agni (Hypoactive Fire): A weak digestive fire, in turn, results in poor digestion, heavy feeling, bloating, and a tendency to gain weight easily.    Vishama Agni (Variable Fire): Irregular results in interrupted digestion, sequential change of constipation and diarrhea, and often unstable appetite.   Causes of Imbalanced Agni    Several factors may contribute to the occurrence of imbalanced Agni:   Poor Diet: Consumption of fried, oily and processed food will overburden and affect it.   Irregular Eating Habits: Eating irregularly, overeating and skipping meals will result in the weakening of digestive fire.   Stress and Anxiety: The emotional strain and worry can negatively impact the function of Agni and cause digestive disorders.   Lack of Physical Activity: Sedentary lifestyle may result in a slackening of metabolism and the weakening of Agni.   Incompatible Foods: Consumption of wrong food combinations, for example milk with sour fruits, can affect your Agni and will give you digestive problems.   Ayurveda and its Agni Balancers   A balanced Agni is key to the health benefits. Ayurveda offers the following suggestions for achieving this state:    Mindful Eating: Eat in a composite and quiet environment purposefully paying attention to chewing thoroughly and sensing the taste and texture of the food. Turn off your TV and refrain from using your smartphones while eating.   Balanced Diet: Consume a diet that is natural, organic, and specific to your Dosha or Ayurvedic body type. Add spices like ginger, cumin, and turmeric to help the digestion process. Stay away from processed foods and choose natural ones instead.   Regular Meal Times: Keep your regular meal timing and do not skip any meals or overeat. It would be better to have your main meal, which is usually at noon when Agni is the strongest.   Herbal Remedies: Consume Ayurvedic herbs and spices like Triphala, ginger, and cumin to help digestion and to enhance your Agni. Among the remedies I love the most is garlic milk which brings the gas and swelling down.   Hydration: Chew warm water or herbal teas throughout the day. This will help digestion and prevent toxins accumulation. Consume warm liquids instead of cold beverages as they can tend to extinguish it.   Physical Activity:  Exercise regularly, whether it be yoga, walking or other forms of exercise, to stimulate Agni. Physical activity is needed to support a healthy metabolism and the digestive system.   Stress Management: A regular practice of stress-reducing techniques like meditation, pranayama (breathing exercises), and mindfulness will not only support Agni but also overall well-being. Stress management should be given top priority in order to keep a healthy digestive system.   Ayurvedic Methods for Strengthening Agni   The following remedies can be practiced to improve your digestive fire:   Ginger Tea: Ginger is known for its digestive properties, and what’s more, it can help stimulate Agni. First, prepare ginger tea by putting fresh ginger slices in boiling water. Then, add a dash of honey and lemon for additional benefits.   Triphala: This is a traditional formulation of three fruits… Continue reading Agni- The Ayurvedic Secret to Health and Vitality

Ayurvedic Diet and the Art of Mindful Eating

An Ayurvedic diet is a major part of my treatment plan for my patients for all health conditions. According to Ayurveda, food is medicine. It not only provides you energy to sustain, but it also heals you. I am someone who gives importance to diet.  80% of my treatment involves food and the rest 20% involves medicines.    If you know me, you might have seen me talking about gut health all the time. Poor gut health is the root cause of all diseases. So, the best way to have a balanced gut health is to have foods that are suitable for you.    Ayurveda believes that each person is unique. That’s why each of my patients is given a personalized diet plan tailored to suit their body type (Prakriti), Dosha imbalances and health conditions.   In this blog, let us explore more about the power of the Ayurvedic diet.   Understanding Ayurvedic Nutrition   Ayurveda defines good health (as mentioned in Sushruta Samhita) as follows:   “Sama Dosha Sama Agnischa Sama Dhatu Mala Kriyaaha Prasanna Atma  Indriya Manaha Swastha Iti Abhidheeyate”    A person is in good health when their Doshas, Agni, Dhatus (body tissues) and Mala (waste products) are in balance. Also, the Mana (mind), Indriyas (sense organs) and Atma (soul) of the person must be in a pleasant state.    And for all these to be in balance, food plays an important role. Food, when not digested, turns into Ama (toxins). The accumulation of Ama in the body, therefore, causes imbalances in your Agni and Doshas; as a result, this can lead to diseases.  That’s why it is important to have light, digestible foods that suit you.   Furthermore, Ayurveda emphasizes the significance of consuming locally sourced and seasonal foods. It’s crucial to adjust your diet to accommodate changes in weather and seasons. This helps keep your dominant Doshas in check and boost your immunity according to the season.    Foods based on your Doshas   Each person has a unique constitution of the three Doshas, out of which one or two may be predominant. So, it is important to eat foods that help balance out your predominant Doshas. You can consult an Ayurvedic doctor to figure out your Prakrit as well as Dosha imbalances and to guide you regarding your diet.   Vata Dosha   Vata Dosha is associated with the characteristics of air and space; moreover, it embodies qualities such as lightness and mobility. This Dosha governs movement, creativity and communication. Vata people are full of energy, possess great creativity and have quick-thinking abilities. Imbalanced Vata can result in feelings of anxiety, fidgetiness and difficulties with digestion.   Foods to balance Vata: Hot and prepared foods, such as soups, thick stews and vegetables cooked by steaming. Healthy fats, like ghee, avocado and sesame oil. Basic spices, such as cumin, ginger and cinnamon.   Pitta Dosha   Pitta Dosha is, indeed, the combination of fire and water in the body. Furthermore, it regulates the body’s energy usage and, consequently, the process of breaking down food for energy. Pitta people tend to be passionate, committed, and able to maintain their focus on objectives. However, an imbalance in Pitta may manifest as irritability, inflammation, and digestive issues.   Foods to balance Pitta: Cooling foods like Cucumber, mint, and coconut. Foods with robust and intense tastes, such as pungent leafy greens and fenugreek.   Avoid overindulging in extremely spicy, sour or fried foods.   Kapha Dosha   Kapha Dosha, resembling the elements of earth and water, provides the body with solidity, power and hydration. Individuals who possess a robust Kapha constitution typically exhibit composure, compassion and willingness to assist others. Excessive Kapha can result in feelings of fatigue, weight gain and congestion.   Foods to balance Kapha: Warm and spicy foods, such as red peppers, garlic, and ginger are great.  Leafy greens, beans and quinoa are examples of foods that are not heavy and do not leave you feeling overly satiated.   Limit your consumption of dairy and high-fat foods.   Foods that promote healing   Ayurveda categorizes foods based on their taste (Rasa), potency Virya), and post-digestive effect (Vipaka). Incorporating the six tastes – sweet (Madhura), sour (Amla), salty (Lavana), bitter (Tikta), pungent (Katu) and astringent (Kashaya) – ensures a well-rounded diet that satisfies the body’s needs and promotes healing.   Many everyday ingredients possess remarkable healing properties, according to Ayurveda. Turmeric, for instance, is revered for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, making it a staple in Ayurvedic cuisine. Other examples include ginger, cilantro, and cumin, each offering unique health benefits. To reset gut health, emphasis is placed on easily digestible foods such as cooked vegetables, whole grains like basmati rice, and nourishing soups.  Ayurvedic nutrition extends beyond physical health to encompass mental and spiritual well-being. Therefore, have foods like almonds, saffron, and ghee that help nourish the mind and enhance spiritual awareness.   Foods based on seasons   According to Ayurveda, there are 7 seasons (Ritu) – Vasanta Ritu (spring), Greeshma Ritu (summer), Varsha Ritu (monsoon), Sharad Ritu (autumn), Hemanta Ritu (late autumn or pre-winter) and Shishira Ritu (winter).   Seasonal changes, consequently, affect your body and, as a result, bring about imbalances in your Doshas and Agni. So, it is important to eat accordingly.   During Vasanta Ritu, consume dry (Ruksa) and cold (Sheeta) foods. You can have foods with Madhura (sweet) taste during Greeshma Ritu. Foods with Lavana Rasa are the best for Varsha Ritu.  During Sharad Ritu, have dry and cold foods with Madhura, Tikta and Kashaya Rasas.  Snigdha (unctuous) and Ushna (hot) foods are, therefore, best suited for Hemanta and Shishira Ritu.   Ayurvedic principles of eating   Here are the 10 principles of eating (Ahara vidhi vidhana) recommended by Ayurveda: Ushnamashneeyat: Eat warm food. Snigdhamashneeyat: Eat unctuous food (not dry). Matravadashneeyat: Eat the right quantity. Jeerneashneeyat: Eat food only after the previous meal gets digested. Viryaavairudhamashneeyat: Eat compatible foods. Ishtadeshe ishtasarvopakaramashneeyat: Eat food in a good place and also, ensure you… Continue reading Ayurvedic Diet and the Art of Mindful Eating

Emotional Imbalances With Ayurveda

Today, I had a chat with a patient dealing with a lot of unwanted emotional thoughts, stress, trauma, bullying from colleagues, job stress and a lot of worries. I asked him, “What’s your go-to when things get tough?” He said he talks to his spouse and friends, which significantly helps him. It’s great when you have a support system or even a therapist to talk to and get the pressure off your chest.   Then, for a moment, I thought of myself.   I do not talk to anyone about what’s going on inside me and keep things to myself. I believe in the power of my mind to sort things out.   Everyone has their own way of handling emotions. Some express them; some stay silent. Mine, by nature, is being silent and finding healing within.   Managing our emotions can often feel like navigating a rollercoaster ride in today’s fast-paced world. From the highs of joy and excitement to the lows of stress and anxiety, our emotional well-being plays a crucial role in shaping our overall health and happiness. In Ayurveda, a profound understanding of the mind-body connection exists, offering holistic approaches to harmonizing our emotional states.   In this blog, let’s explore some valuable tips and techniques from an Ayurvedic perspective on balancing emotions and cultivating inner peace.     Understanding Emotional Imbalances     According to Ayurveda, our emotional state is deeply intertwined with our Dosha constitution—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Imbalances in these Doshas can manifest as specific emotional tendencies, such as anxiety and fear for Vata, anger and irritability for Pitta, and attachment and lethargy for Kapha. Recognizing these patterns within ourselves allows us to address underlying imbalances and restore harmony.   Nurturing Self-awareness   The first step towards emotional balance is cultivating self-awareness. Take time each day for self-reflection, journaling or meditation to observe your thoughts, feelings and reactions without judgment. By developing this mindful awareness, you can gain insight into your emotional triggers and tendencies, empowering you to respond more skillfully to challenging situations.     Harnessing the Power of Breath and Meditation     In Ayurveda, meditation is revered as a potent tool for calming the mind and, consequently, balancing the doshas. Practice breathing exercises like deep belly breathing or Pranayama techniques, such as Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) to soothe the nervous system, reduce stress and promote mental clarity. Incorporating breathwork into your daily routine can help you stay grounded and centered amidst life’s ups and downs.     Cultivating Emotional Resilience     Building emotional resilience is essential for gracefully navigating life’s inevitable challenges and equanimity. Engage in activities that nourish your spirit and uplift your mood, whether in nature, practicing yoga or connecting with loved ones. Cultivate a support network of friends, family or a trusted therapist whom you can turn to during times of need.     Balancing with Ayurvedic Lifestyle Practices     Incorporating Ayurvedic lifestyle practices into your daily routine can promote emotional balance from within. Follow a Dosha-balancing diet emphasizing whole, seasonal foods tailored to your unique Prakriti. Establish regular eating, sleeping and self-care routines to align with your body’s natural rhythms.      Embracing Mindful Movement   Physical activity is beneficial for the body, mind, and emotions. Engage in mindful movement practices such as yoga, Tai Chi, or Qigong to cultivate inner peace, balance, and harmony. These gentle exercises help release tension, improve circulation, and enhance the flow of prana (life force energy) throughout the body.   Seeking Guidance from Ayurvedic Practitioners   For personalized guidance on balancing emotions with Ayurveda, consult an experienced Ayurvedic doctor. They can assess your dosha constitution, identify imbalances, and recommend tailored lifestyle modifications, herbal remedies, and treatments to support your emotional well-being.   Effect of Expressing Emotions like Anger and Sadness   Let us explore what Ayurveda says about expressing emotions like anger and sadness.   Anger   Now, coming to the emotions, let’s understand the anger. According to modern science, anger is an emotion that needs to be expressed. However, explicitly expressing anger for long periods will do more harm than good, according to Ayurveda. Emotions like anger, grief, etc., fall under “Dharaniya Vegas.” This means these are emotions that need not be explicitly expressed for long periods.      According to Ayurveda, excess Pitta Dosha in the body causes anger. A Dosha imbalance, consequently, may result in exhibiting impulsive and, furthermore, hot-headed behavior.  Pitta-type emotions, such as wrath, are said to “heat up the blood, liver, and heart, creating internal fire” in Ayurveda.   Have you seen yogis who meditate for long hours and have complete control over their minds? Have you ever noticed them showing anger? No. According to Ayurveda, expressing anger is a Rajasik quality, and not expressing anger is a Satvik quality.     Sadness   You may feel like crying. That’s ok. Cry it out. But crying for a long time or keeping that grief lingering in you for more extended periods can harm your whole internal environment and topple off your state of emotional and physical balance.    In Ayurveda, grief is viewed as a manifestation of Pitta Dosha imbalance. Pitta, governing metabolism, digestion, and transformation, can result in strong emotions such as anger, frustration, and grief when it’s out of balance. Individuals with a predominant Pitta constitution are particularly susceptible to experiencing grief, particularly in times of loss or separation.   All good things need some work, so do your emotions. You cannot change the people around you or the circumstances; however, you can change how you respond to them.  But you can change yourself. And the best thing is, when you work on yourself, you will see the whole world changing. And the best way to work on your emotions is through Ayurveda – the system of medicine that gives equal importance to the physical and emotional health of an individual.   Also read: Depression : Five physical symptoms   If you are struggling with any health issues, you… Continue reading Emotional Imbalances With Ayurveda

Hormonal Imbalance Treatment with Ayurveda

As an Ayurvedic doctor, I often have patients consult me with different health conditions. And one of the reasons for some of the health problems, especially for women, is hormonal imbalances. Health conditions, such as PCOS, hypothyroidism, etc. are all results of hormonal imbalance.    In today’s fast-paced world, hormonal imbalances have become increasingly common. Factors such as stress, poor diet, environmental toxins and sedentary lifestyles can influence the balance of your hormones. The common symptoms include irregular menstrual cycles, mood swings, weight gain and low energy levels. While conventional medicine offers solutions like hormone replacement therapy, many individuals seek natural alternatives to restore balance to their hormones without side effects.    In this blog, let us explore how Ayurveda offers natural methods to balance hormones effectively.   What is Hormonal Imbalance?   The endocrine system is made of endocrine glands. These glands secrete hormones that are necessary to carry out a variety of functions in our body. Endocrine glands do not have channels or ducts to carry these hormones. Therefore, hormones are discharged directly into the bloodstream. The pituitary gland, pineal gland, thymus, thyroid, adrenal glands, pancreas, testes and ovaries are among the most crucial endocrine glands in the body.    Hormones play a crucial role in our growth, digestion, sexual desire and reproductive health. They are also responsible for our cognitive processes, emotions, regulating our body temperature, and satisfying our thirst.    An excess or deficiency of a hormone in the body can lead to hormonal imbalances and eventually diseases. This situation can occur due to various factors, such as feeling stressed, having a poor diet, or experiencing health issues.     Hormonal Imbalance as per Ayurveda   Ayurvedic texts do not have a direct mention of the endocrine glands. However, they do have mentions of symptoms due to the increase or decrease of hormones in different contexts.    Influence of Doshas on endocrine glands   Doshas cannot be considered as hormones, as they lack form and also because Kapha and Pitta Doshas are stagnant and need to be mobilized by Vata Dosha. However, their functioning can be considered similar to hormones.    Pituitary gland   The pituitary gland,  also known as the master gland, is located in the brain. This gland secretes hormones that control the operation of some of the other endocrine glands. Similarly, Prana Vata, Sadhaka Pitta and Tarpaka Kapha – subtypes of Vata, Pitta and Kapha Doshas are also located in the head. When these Dosha subtypes work together, they can be considered similar to the functions of the pituitary gland. Also, the Dosha subtypes have an influence on the pituitary gland and its functions.   Thyroid gland   Ayurveda considers the throat as the seat of kapha. This is exactly where our thyroid and parathyroid glands are situated. The movement of Udana Vata and Prana Vata – two of the Vata subtypes also happens in the throat. So, you can say that Kapha, Prana Vata and Udana Vata oversee and influence the functioning of your thyroid and parathyroid glands.    Adrenal glands and pancreas   Adrenal glands and pancreas are situated in the abdomen, which is also the seat of Ranjaka Pitta and Pachaka Pitta – Pitta subtypes, Kledaka Kapha – one of the Kapha subtypes and Samana Vata – a Vata subtype. Therefore, these Dosha subtypes do influence the functioning of the adrenal glands as well as the pancreas. Also, since the Udana Vata moves upwards from the navel towards the throat, it also has an influence on the endocrine glands.   Testes and ovaries   Similarly, the testes in men and ovaries in women are located in the pelvis, which is primarily the territory of Apana Vata. Therefore, the vata subtype oversees the functioning of the glands.      Treatment of Hormonal Imbalance with Ayurveda   Every year, I have a lot of patients who join my women’s hormonal health program as well as thyroid and PCOS reversal programs to have their hormonal imbalances corrected with Ayurveda. Though the treatment can vary with the health condition, Prakriti (body type) and Dosha imbalances of the patients, here are some of the common treatment approaches I follow.   Dietary Modifications   According to Ayurveda, poor gut health is the root cause of all diseases. If your digestive fire (Agni) is not in balance, it can affect your digestion. Food, when not digested, turns into Ama (toxins) and the accumulation of toxins (Ama) in the body can lead to diseases and even disrupt your hormonal balance. Therefore, treatment for hormonal imbalances with Ayurveda often focuses on improving digestive function mainly through dietary changes.   If you are someone who follows my Instagram page or reads my blogs, you might be aware of how 80% of my treatment involves food as medicine. Only the rest 20% involves medicines, that too if necessary. Therefore, my treatment plan for patients with hormonal imbalances primarily involves dietary corrections.   In Ayurveda, diet plays a crucial role in maintaining hormonal balance. Foods are categorized according to their taste (Rasa), energy (Virya), and post-digestive effect (Vipaka), and individuals are encouraged to eat according to their Dosha type and current imbalances. For example:   Vata-pacifying foods, such as warm soups, cooked grains, and nourishing oils, can help calm the nervous system and balance Vata hormones.   Pitta-pacifying foods, such as cooling fruits, vegetables, and grains, can help reduce inflammation and balance Pitta hormones.   Kapha-pacifying foods, such as light, dry, and spicy foods, can help stimulate digestion and balance Kapha hormones.   Herbs, herbal remedies and herbal medicines   Some of the common herbs and medicines that help with hormonal imbalance according to Ayurveda include the following:   Licorice This is one of my favorite Ayurvedic herbs! Licorice or Mulethi helps regulate cortisol levels and supports the adrenal glands. You can have licorice in the form of tea, tonic or extracts, but with the advice of a qualified Ayurvedic doctor.    Turmeric Curcumin – the active component of turmeric has anti-inflammatory… Continue reading Hormonal Imbalance Treatment with Ayurveda

Chronic Health Managing With Ayurveda

The prevalence and rise in the number of people suffering from chronic health conditions globally has sharply grown. From autoimmune disorders and diabetes to obesity and arthritis, chronic conditions significantly affect the quality of life of those suffering.    The growing number of people suffering from chronic disorders has placed a substantial strain on the healthcare systems and resources. The figures of deaths in India and across the world accounted for by diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases, cancers, and cardiovascular diseases are alarming.    These NCDs (non-communicable diseases) are a leading cause of death. Obesity is a global endemic that has increased the instances of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Recently, many have turned to Ayurveda to address this health crisis mainly because of its distinctive perspective of balancing the body’s doshas and integrating it with simple lifestyle practices.   Ayurveda as a holistic therapy   Ayurveda is a healing system that encompasses the body, mind, and spirit. It emphasizes lifestyle management to treat health conditions. The system of medicines provides a personalized approach to address the imbalances. When the Vata, Pitta and Kapha Doshas are not in balance, the body can develop chronic illness.    Healing this imbalance involves detoxification, improvement in digestion and stress reduction strategies. A person with a Vata imbalance can have warm and moist foods while a person with a Pitta imbalance can have cooling and calming foods.    Chronic health conditions are the result of internal and external factors that result in toxin (Ama) build-up and reduced digestive fire (Agni) according to Ayurveda. Physiological influences, genetic predispositions and environmental factors contribute to the development of chronic conditions. Chronic illness is attributed to a lack of energy. Improper lifestyle habits can cause toxins to build up.    What are chronic health conditions?   Let us understand chronic illnesses – those that last a long time, often a lifetime. They are most often autoimmune like neurological conditions, chronic pain and metabolic imbalances. Chronic conditions differ from acute conditions as their symptoms are persistent leaving the patient in pain, emotional pressure and social reclusiveness.    Globally, it is noticed that chronic conditions are a major issue as they are prolonged and require continual medical attention. Ayurveda has been effective in treating chronic health conditions at a nascent stage and they can be prevented from worsening. It goes to the root of a problem and treats it rather than suppressing the symptoms.   Today’s fast-paced life, dietary and activity changes, have given rise to increasing prevalence of hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Obesity and smoking are associated with these conditions.  The incidences of diabetes have also sharply risen.    Such chronic health conditions have to be managed with a strict diet lest it affect other organs like the eyes, heart, nerves and kidneys. An early diagnosis and treatment therapy can manage arthritis, which is an autoimmune condition.   Rheumatoid arthritis results in inflamed joints and degenerated joint cartilage. Patients suffering from this chronic condition suffer swelling and pain resulting in reduced joint mobility.   Autoimmune Diseases   Autoimmune diseases are mostly treated with immunosuppressive drugs to reduce the symptoms. However, as per Ayurveda, the gut and lifestyle will need rectification to address the malfunctioning immune system. Various herbs such as Maricha, Shunthi, Saindhav Lavan, Pippali and Haritaki can reduce the toxin build-up.   Ayurvedic herbs such as Vasa, Guggulu, Neem, Guduchi and Patola Patra help rectify metabolism. It is important to boost Ojas to provide the immune system with nourishment. The immune system is then corrected by calming and nourishing it.   Asthma   Asthmatic patients suffer from recurrent bouts of wheezing and breathlessness. Asthma is usually associated with irritants and allergens. While doctors prescribe steroids and inhalers to patients, they experience a reduced quality of life.   Ayurveda incorporates herbs like cardamom, licorice, Tulsi, Pippali, cinnamon and Vasaka to relieve airway blockage and congestion. Incorporating herbal teas, warm soups and cooked vegetables can also help.    It’s also important to follow regular mealtimes. Avoid smoke, pollution, pollen and dust to avoid triggers. Certain yoga postures and pranayama can strengthen respiratory muscles and open the chest.   Chronic Gut Issues   Treating gut-related and digestive issues involves the incorporation of a wholesome diet along with a healthy daily routine, exercise and medicines (if necessary). The diet aligns with the body constitution (Prakriti), health conditions and Dosha imbalances.    Ayurvedic treatments to treat chronic conditions   Following Ayurvedic practices can significantly reduce symptoms and prevent disease progression. Initially, Ayurvedic treatments begin with identifying the Dosha (body energy) imbalance in the body. With therapies, oils and diet correction, Ayurveda helps treat anti-inflammatory conditions to manage chronic health conditions.   Panchakarma   Panchakarma is a detoxification therapy that helps remove toxins and rejuvenate the body. This five-pronged specialized treatment encompasses therapeutic oil enemas (Basti), massage with herbal oils (Abhyanga), herbal steam practice (Swedana), purgation (Virechana), and Nasya (nasal medication).    Panchkarma prevents tissue damage and prevents recurrence of autoimmune disorders.    Lifestyle routines   The Ayurvedic regimen involves Dinacharya (daily routine) and Ritucharya (seasonal regimen). These encompass:   Waking up before sunrise Tongue scraping and oil pulling Abhyanga or self-massage Yoga Breathing exercises (pranayama) Meditation Retiring early at night   Following a routine consistently helps strengthen the mind-body connection and lower stress levels.   Benefits of following an Ayurvedic way of life   Ayurveda emphasizes mindful eating. You should avoid overeating and distractions during mealtimes. One can, for instance, modify their lifestyle and diet according to the season and, moreover, their prakriti.   The usage of oils helps in lubricating joints and can assist those suffering from arthritis. Good sleep hygiene can also go a long way in keeping several chronic conditions at bay. Meditative practices help strengthen the mind-body connection and lower stress levels.    A calm mind, therefore, can handle the stresses associated with the fast-paced lifestyle of today.   Also read: Ayurvedic recipe for gut – the mid-morning drink     If you are struggling with any health issues, you… Continue reading Chronic Health Managing With Ayurveda

Heart Health Boosters – Ayurvedic Herbs You Need to Know

Ancient Ayurvedic texts (Samhitas) have mentions of countless herbs that can be used to treat different ailments. As an Ayurvedic doctor who swears by the Samhitas, I use many of them to treat my patients as well as to prepare Ayurvedic medicines, oils and other products at my hospital. One such kind of Ayurvedic herbs that I use are herbs for heart health. In this blog, let us explore the herbs that have become my allies in nurturing and strengthening the heart.     Understanding the Heart-Health Connection from an Ayurvedic point of view.     Ayurveda views the heart as a central point in the body where multiple pathways converge. Envision a wagon wheel with the heart positioned in the middle. Every spoke on the wheel signifies a distinct element of the body or a significant emotional experience. The combination of channels is substantial as it demonstrates the interconnectedness of the heart with every part of the body. The subtle body, which is energized and guides the physical body, has a solid connection to the it.  It plays a crucial role in the subtle body’s energy pathways. It is directly related to the Chakra.  The heart, in Ayurveda, is not just a physical organ but the seat of emotions and consciousness. This ancient system of medicine teaches us that imbalances in the body’s Doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—can impact heart health. Therefore, maintaining balance in mind, body and spirit is critical to support a healthy heart.    The Heart Chakra   The heart is connected to all seven Chakras through the ten great vessels, but it has a more pronounced connection to the heart chakra. This Chakra is believed to bridge the gap between our internal and external environments, acting as a gateway to heightened consciousness and comprehension. It is the primary location where we experience love, sympathy, solitude, sorrow and melancholy. These emotions frequently cluster in the vicinity of the heart. The convergence of energy pathways occurs at specific locations within the body known as Chakras. The Heart Chakra is another pathway  that can affect our health.   Natural Herbs Good for the Heart   Among the myriad of Ayurvedic herbs, several stand out for their profound benefits on heart health: Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna): Known as the “guardian of the heart” in Ayurveda, Arjuna is revered for its ability to strengthen the heart muscle, improve circulation and regulate blood pressure. Incorporating Arjuna into my daily routine has been a cornerstone of my health regimen. Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.): Hawthorn is another potent herb that supports cardiovascular health. Rich in antioxidants, it helps dilate blood vessels, improve blood flow, and lower blood pressure.  Garlic (Allium sativum): Garlic, with its intense aroma and potent medicinal properties, is a staple in Ayurvedic cuisine. It helps lower cholesterol levels, regulate blood pressure, and reduce the risk of blood clots. I add garlic liberally to my meals, savouring its flavor and healthy benefits.   Ways to Prevent Heart Disease   Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to the health.  Here are some Ayurvedic-inspired tips to keep your heart healthy: Maintain a Balanced Lifestyle: Balance is the key to health in Ayurveda. I prioritize rest, relaxation and rejuvenation, making time for self-care practices like yoga, meditation and mindfulness. Exercise Regularly: Physical activity is essential for cardiovascular health. I engage in activities that I enjoy, whether it’s dancing, hiking or practicing martial arts, to keep my heart strong and my body fit. Manage Stress: Chronic stress can take a toll on the heart. I cultivate resilience through stress-reduction techniques like deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation and spending time in nature. According to Ayurvedic tradition, the body, mind, and spirit are viewed as intertwined and inseparable from one another. Caring for these influences can significantly affect the heart’s transformation. Similarly, the functioning of the heart impacts all the interconnected systems and pathways within it. If we focus on one area, it will have repercussions on all the surrounding areas. There are several treatment options available that can benefit both our cardiovascular health and overall well-being. It is essential to listen to your gut and follow your heart when determining the best course of action.   Effect of digestion on heart health   Apart from using the above-mentioned herbs, maintaining a healthy digestive system is also crucial for heart health. Agni (digestive fire) plays a pivotal role in supporting  health by influencing plasma, body tissues, and Ojus. Focus on consuming nutritious foods and be mindful of how you pair your meals. Follow a diet that helps improve your Agni.  Being conscious of our eating habits and, consequently, sticking to a routine can, in turn, enhance our digestion.  You can consult an Ayurvedic doctor for guidance regarding your diet.    Recognizing Stress Symptoms   It’s essential to listen to your body and recognize the signs of heart stress. Some common symptoms include: Chest Pain or Discomfort: This may, for instance, feel like pressure, squeezing, or tightness in the chest. Shortness of Breath: Difficulty breathing or feeling out of breath, especially during physical activity. Fatigue: Unusual tiredness or lack of energy, even with rest. Dizziness or Light-headedness: Feeling faint, dizz, or lightheaded, especially when standing up quickly. Irregular Heartbeat: Specifically, palpitations, skipped beats, or, additionally, a sensation of fluttering in the chest. If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s essential to seek medical attention promptly to rule out any severe  conditions. Always listen to your heart, nourish it with love and care and embrace the healing power of nature’s remedies to protect it.     If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.

Gut Health – Unlocking the Power of Ayurvedic Foods for Digestion

From bloating and constipation to IBS and diarrhoea, poor digestive health has become a sign of modern times. A sedentary lifestyle, improper meal times, unhealthy food choices and mental stress are some of the modern-day contributors to poor gut health. It is alarming to note that nearly 40% of adults suffer from gut issues, ranging from heartburn and bloating to acid reflux and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). According to Ayurveda, poor gut health is the root cause of all diseases. So, neglecting these problems could lead to severe conditions like colon cancer.    The Reasons Your Gut Is Not Happy   Fatigue, IBS, constipation, bloating, diarrhoea, unintentional weight changes, etc. are all signs of poor gut health. If you see it from the Ayurvedic perspective, Then, it’s time for you to hurry up and consult a doctor. One of the main reasons for your gut health issues is lack of sleep. The role of good sleep in digestive health is, however, often overlooked.   Serotonin is produced in the gut; therefore, any imbalance can significantly affect its production. A weakened immune system can also lead to poor gut health. Your body is not capable of fighting diseases as it has not absorbed nutrients from the food. Another reason for digestive issues is excessive consumption of incompatible and processed foods.   The Gut-Mind Connection   The gut-mind connection has been scientifically proven. Unlike the popular adage ‘You are what you eat,’ Ayurveda believes that ‘you are what you digest’. Healthy digestion is vital to wellness.  In Ayurveda, gut health is derived from ‘Agni’ – the digestive fire. It not only has a bearing on your digestion process, but it also influences your emotions and thoughts. Most digestive problems arise due to an imbalance in Agni. This imbalance in turn affects the Doshas and accumulates Ama or toxins. The GI system and the central nervous system are deployed and connected. Food can trigger mood changes. Ayurveda says, “Rogah sarve api mande agnou,” meaning, a low Agni or poor gut health is the root cause of all diseases – be it physical or emotional. It means your gut and mind are connected. Following a regular daily routine or Dinacharya is intrinsic to wellness as per Ayurveda. This regularity also goes a long way in maintaining a healthy nervous and digestive system.  Furthermore, Ayurveda recommends mindful eating, which, in a way, means the mind and the gut are connected. Additionally, mindful eating is about involving all your senses as you eat.  It makes you aware of the quality and taste of the food and portion control. This nourishes the inner Agni, thereby ensuring balanced digestion.    Ayurvedic Ways to Keep Your Agni Balanced   Here are different ways to keep your Agni on balance: Follow a diet with foods that are simple, light and easy to digest. Be consistent with your mealtimes.  Avoid overeating. Avoid incompatible food combinations. Eat your dinner early. Have three meals every day. Maintain a gap of about 2 to 3 hours between your dinner and bedtime. Follow Dinacharya. Keep your body well hydrated. Avoid cold drinks and ice water as it dampens your Agni. Avoid processed and frozen foods. Have warm, freshly cooked foods instead.   Ayurvedic Remedies To Soothe Your Gut   Here are some Ayurvedic remedies that work best for your gut health: Consume black raisins to support digestive health. They relieve constipation and provide much-needed minerals and nutrients. Guduchi is an Ayurvedic herb that helps soothe gut inflammation. Consume it if you suffer constipation or poor appetite. Add licorice or Yashtimadhu to tea to soothe an acidic gut. Add cinnamon to tea or milk to promote better digestion. It acts as an antioxidant to eliminate oxidative compression in the gut. Use cardamom to reduce inflammation. Furthermore, it alleviates symptoms of indigestion, gas, and bloating. People have used cloves for their analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Triphala – a combination of Amla, Haritaki, and Bibhitaki can be consumed for better nutrient absorption and relief from constipation. Relieve nausea by drinking ginger tea. Add ginger while cooking to promote digestive health. Consume fennel to boost digestion. You can either chew fennel seeds after your meals. Alternatively, brew a fennel tea and have it. Carom seeds or ajwain is a wonderful carminative. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties to reduce bloating, gas, and digestive tract inflammation.  Use black pepper and long pepper in food or tea to enhance digestive power.   Practices For Better Digestive Health   Incorporate these practices into your daily life to improve your digestive health: Try meditation to reduce the stress and anxiety that is part of modern-day life. Not only will you have better gut health, but you will also experience a healthier mental and emotional state. Eat foods that align with your Prakriti (body type). This helps prevent Dosha imbalances. Eat seasonal food. This practice maintains energy balance. Local produce is best as it is fresh and has not travelled thousands of miles to get to your plate. Enjoy your food but keep your gut happy too. Have foods that are easy to digest and follow mindful eating. Keep yourself active. Follow an exercise regimen that suits your age, fitness levels, and overall condition. Daily walks can kindle the Agni and build your digestive capacity. Though the principles of Ayurveda date back several thousand years, they hold relevance even today. Ayurveda gives utmost importance to gut health as it has an impact on your overall health. So, have foods that are digestible, follow a daily routine and keep away from stress. If you need any help with your diet.   If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.

All About Eye Health – the Ayurvedic Perspective

Ayurveda extends its healing touch to almost every part of our being – this also includes our eyesight. When it comes to caring for our eyes, physical needs and energies that influence eye health – Ayurveda covers it all. For example, Netra Basti/Tarpana, are age-old Ayurvedic therapies that promote eye health.     Ayurvedic Perspective on Eye Health     Before exploring the therapies, we should first understand what Ayurveda thinks of eye care.According to the principles of Ayurveda, occular health is intricately linked to the balance of Doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha altogether). It is also connected to the proper functioning of Dhatus (tissues), and the clarity of channels (Strotas) within.    Any imbalances in these elemental forces can lead to eye disorders – whether it’s dryness, excessive straining or something more serious like cataracts and glaucoma.     Key Principles of Ayurvedic Eye Care     Ayurveda has listed out various principles for Ayurvedic eye care.     Panchakarma for Eye Detoxification   Ayurveda has prescribed panchakarma therapies for eye care. Some popular ones are Netra Basti and Netra Tarpana. Netra Basti, called an eye oil bath, relieves various eye-related issues.    In this therapy, a small dough dam is built around the eyes. The dough is made using a mix of flour/black gram paste. Then, warm medicated oil (preferably organic black sesame oil) is poured into the dam. The warmth of the oil enhances blood circulation and issues like dryness and fatigue/strain get fixed.     Netra Tarpana is also almost the same, but instead of medicated oil, medicated ghee (clarified butter) is used. The ghee is also warmed like oil, and this therapy works best for individuals suffering from degenerative eye disorders.   Herbal Care   Ayurveda gives much importance to herbs. Ayurvedic herbs like Triphala, Amla (Indian Gooseberry) and saffron are popular for their rejuvenating properties. People have been using these herbs altogether to support eye health for years.   For example, Triphala eye washes and Amla-based eye tonics are used to improve vision, reduce inflammation and prevent age-old degeneration.    Padabhyanga   One great way to maintain the eye health with Ayurveda is by doing Padabhyanga, i.e., massaging the feet with organic black sesame oil every night before bed.   Dosha Balancing for Proper Vision   When your Doshas are not in balance, it has an effect on your overall health and that includes the health of your eyes. One has to follow Ayurvedic lifestyle practices to maintain Doshas, like daily routines (Dinacharya), and stress management techniques. Cooling foods, gentle eye exercises and relaxation techniques pacify your Aggravated Doshas and help with eye strains.    Agni Optimisation   Also known as digestive fire, Ayurveda emphasizes the role of Agni in occular health. An  impaired digestion leads to the accumulation of Ama (toxins) which often affects vision.    Once the digestive function has improved through dietary adjustments, herbal remedies, and lifestyle changes including nutrient absorption for supporting healthy vision.   Other Ayurvedic Remedies for Eye Care   In addition to the above-mentioned practices, Ayurveda has laid out specific remedies for eye care.   Anulom Vilom (Alternate Nostril Breathing)   How even is this related to eyes? Well, Anulom Vilom is a popular Pranayama technique that helps balance the flow of Prana (life force energy). And this flow of Prana in the body includes eyes as well. Try regularly practising this breathing technique as it enhances oxygenation and eye circulation.   Ayurvedic Eye Exercises   Next comes simple eye exercises. Try focusing on distant objects, and rotating your eyes in all directions. These exercises can relax the eye muscles. It also improves flexibility and gives relief from strain.   Ayurvedic Remedies for Dry Eyes   Coming to specific concerns, Ayurveda also offers remedies for dry eyes. Apply rose water or aloe vera gel to soothe dry eyes. You can also incorporate ghee (clarified butter) and healthy fats into your diet. The reason is that fats support lubrication and help moisture retention.   Ayurvedic Remedies for Vision Improvement   Ayurveda has many offers for vision improvement. It recommends consuming nutrient-rich foods like carrots, spinach, almonds  and Indian gooseberry (Amla)  for improved vision and eliminating degenerative eye conditions.   Ayurvedic Treatment for Glaucoma   Next comes Glaucoma. There are multiple Ayurvedic treatments available for this condition. These treatments focus on reducing intraocular pressure and improving blood circulation to the eyes. The therapies include herbal formulations like Guggulu and Punarnava.    Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations for Healthy Eyes   Maintaining healthy eyes involves adopting a balanced diet and lifestyle practices that support eye health. Here are some recommendations:   Nutrient-Rich Diet   After therapy and remedies come recommendations. Ayurveda always focuses on taking foods rich in vitamins A and C, omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants into your diet. Eat as many leafy greens, carrots, citrus fruits, nuts, seeds and fatty fish as required. As this food not only nourishes your body, but even protects the eyes. And the most important point to remember is to follow a diet that aligns with your Prakriti (body type). You can consult an Ayurvedic doctor to figure out your Prakriti and to recommend an Ayurvedic diet accordingly.    Hydration   Our life schedule can sometimes get tiring. But that should not stop you from drinking enough  water. At least three litres of water daily will maintain hydration in your body. It will prevent dryness, a factor that contributes to eye discomfort and fatigue.   Protective Eyewear   During summers, swear by your sunglasses or protective eyewear. Ayurveda may not have talked about sunglasses, but Ayurveda has talked about sun protection. The eyes are the seat of Pitta, the fire element. Hence it is important to keep the eyes protected against any kind of warm practices, including warm compresses and looking directly at the sun. In the olden times, people used to carry umbrellas in the summer for sun protection. These days it has become “old fashioned” and we carry them only during rain.… Continue reading All About Eye Health – the Ayurvedic Perspective