

How to Balance Emotions With Ayurveda?

Today, I had a chat with a patient dealing with a lot of unwanted thoughts, stress, emotional trauma, bullying from colleagues, job stress and a lot of worries. I asked him, “What’s your go-to when things get tough?” He said he talks to his spouse and friends, which significantly helps him. It’s great when you… Continue reading How to Balance Emotions With Ayurveda?

What is happiness according to Ayurveda?

According to Ayurveda, happiness is a state of being that arises from living in harmony with our true nature. It is the result of balance in all aspects of our lives, including our physical health, mental well-being and spiritual development.     In Ayurveda, happiness is seen as a natural state of being that is available… Continue reading What is happiness according to Ayurveda?

Understanding sadness, grief and depression as per Ayurveda

Ayurveda views body and mind as interconnected entities that affect each other. An imbalance in the three Doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha are responsible for many of the health conditions – both physical and emotional. This includes emotions like sadness, grief and depression.   Ayurvedic POV of sadness, grief and depression  Here’s how Ayurveda views… Continue reading Understanding sadness, grief and depression as per Ayurveda

Why You Shouldn’t Explicitly Express Emotions for Long Periods of Time

Emotions are a normal and essential aspect of human experience. However, Ayurveda says if you explicitly express emotions for prolonged periods of time, it might be harmful for both your physical and mental health.   Ayurveda recognizes that each individual has a unique emotional makeup. Therefore, the way in which emotions are expressed and processed… Continue reading Why You Shouldn’t Explicitly Express Emotions for Long Periods of Time