

Ways to Maintain Skin Health With Ayurveda

In the quest for beauty and vitality, our skin often serves as the canvas upon which our inner vitality is reflected. Yet, in the hustle and bustle of modern life, our skin health can become imbalanced, manifesting various issues such as acne, dryness, or inflammation.  In the realm of holistic healing, Ayurveda offers profound insights… Continue reading Ways to Maintain Skin Health With Ayurveda

Does Ayurveda Have Treatment for Contact Dermatitis?

Every skin type is beautiful and requires proper care to maintain a healthy and radiant appearance. The aura of your body is a reflection of your overall health and strength, both internally and externally. While connecting it with this contemporary world, skin diseases are on the rise due to pollution, stress, and poor dietary choices.… Continue reading Does Ayurveda Have Treatment for Contact Dermatitis?

7 Reasons why you get skin diseases

Kushta Skin diseases are called ‘Kushta’ in Sanskrit. Charaka mentions the main causes of Kushta in Caraka Samhita Nidona Sthana. #1 Eating hot & cold foods together in 1 meal. #2 Overuse of honey, fish, radish, etc. when you have low digestion. #3 Eating incompatible foods. #4 Exerting excessively physically, more than your strength. #5… Continue reading 7 Reasons why you get skin diseases