

Medicinal Properties of Dhanyaka (Coriander)

Coriander seeds and leaves have played a vital role in Indian cuisine for many years. The herb’s scientific name is Coriandrum Sativum Linn, but it is also known as Dhanyaka or Dhanya, translated as ‘the rich one.’ Its earthy and rejuvenating taste is well recognized, and it also provides several health benefits.  Let’s thoroughly analyze… Continue reading Medicinal Properties of Dhanyaka (Coriander)

How to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy with Ayurveda?

According to Ayurveda, the kidneys are essential organs that remove toxins from the body and keep the fluid equilibrium in the body. They are an important part of the Mutravahasrotas (urinary system). Taking care of our kidneys becomes essential in an environment where stress, poor eating habits and environmental pollutants are becoming more and more… Continue reading How to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy with Ayurveda?

The Power of Ayurvedic Diet

According to Ayurveda, food is medicine. It not only provides you energy to sustain, but it also heals you. I am someone who gives importance to diet. An Ayurvedic diet is a major part of my treatment plan for my patients for all health conditions. 80% of my treatment involves food and the rest 20%… Continue reading The Power of Ayurvedic Diet

Is eating multiple small meals worth it?

Do you know the animal that eats 7-8 small meals daily? The answer is “only humans!”   Modern medicine and even many online sources say eating multiple small meals is beneficial. But what does Ayurveda have to say?   The Ayurvedic perspective   According to Ayurveda, contrary to the principles of modern nutrition, eating multiple… Continue reading Is eating multiple small meals worth it?

Makhana – one of the most loved snacks in Ayurveda

Roasted Makhana (lotus seeds or fox nuts) is crunchy, delicious and also healthy and is, therefore, one of the most loved Ayurveda snacks. The seed is full of nutritional benefits and is known as Ankhalodya in Sanskrit. Makhana is used in spiritual practices, and the seed resembles a lotus. You can find the plant and… Continue reading Makhana – one of the most loved snacks in Ayurveda

Three foods that should not be used in excess

Do you know in Ayurveda there are some foods that you should not consume in excess quantity as they can negatively affect your health? This is mentioned in Caraka Samhita as “Trividha Varjya Dravya”.   Trividha Atisevana Varjya Dravya means that three substances should not be taken for a long time. The three substances are… Continue reading Three foods that should not be used in excess

The big fake “Kitchari”

“Kitchari is a nutritious Indian dish consisting of rice and lentils or occasionally mung beans. Highly favored by Ayurvedic practitioners, Kitchari is an ideal dish for purifying the body. It is also comforting when you are not feeling well or bouncing back from overindulgence. Kitchari is unique because it provides both a cleansing and nourishing… Continue reading The big fake “Kitchari”

Ayurvedic recipe for hypothyroidism

Do you have hypothyroidism?    If yes, then this Ayurvedic recipe is for you!   You can include this Ayurvedic recipe for hypothyroidism in your everyday diet to get better effects. The main essence of the recipe is Moringa or Shigro. Drumsticks and the fresh leaves are the main ingredients of the recipe.    Moringa,… Continue reading Ayurvedic recipe for hypothyroidism

Top 3 inflammatory foods you should avoid

When your body activates its defense mechanism, it releases cells that induce inflammation. These cells combat bacteria and contribute to the healing of injured tissue. When your body removes cells that lead to swelling without illness or injury, it could indicate chronic inflammation.   Many chronic diseases, such as arthritis and Alzheimer’s, are often accompanied… Continue reading Top 3 inflammatory foods you should avoid

How to choose the right quantity of food to eat?

In Ayurvedic nutrition, we do not count the calories or weigh the food in grams. The quality of food matters more than quantity.     Ayurveda thinks of food as medicine. This means the choices you make about what you eat can affect your health. When I treat my patients, 80% of the treatment involves coming… Continue reading How to choose the right quantity of food to eat?