Is Brahmi good for kids’ brain development?

Bacopa monnieri is a plant that thrives in moist environments found in various regions around the globe. It goes by names like water hyssop, Brahmi, thyme-leafed gratiola, herb of grace, and Indian pennywort, and is employed in traditional Ayurvedic practices. It has a mild odour, and the plant’s foliage is dense, elongated and full of moisture that measures between 4 and 6 millimeters in width.   The leaves are elongated with a broader tip; furthermore, they are arranged in pairs on opposite sides of the stem. The flowers are small and white, each with four to five petals that are of the same shape. It can thrive in slightly saline water as well, and cuttings often propagate plants.   After discussing all the characteristics of Brahmi, let’s move on to understand its medical effects on kids.  Is Brahmi good for children? Brahmi is one of the very potent Ayurvedic medicines or supplements that you can give to your kids to improve their memory, intellect, and brain power or retain power. The best time to consume it is the night after you have dinner. Just one teaspoon or less than a teaspoon is fine.   If the baby is having more heat issues and digestive issues, try to reduce the dosage to a quarter teaspoon every night, but don’t give it for more than two months.    Personally, I am not in favour of medicines and supplements for kids. I strongly believe in the power of food as medicine. If your baby eats light digestive food and has good Agni, they don’t require supplements as the body will be able to absorb nutrients well from the food itself.   There was so much discussion recently about Swarnaprashana. But I don’t recommend as there are stringent protocols, dosages and purification processes to be followed to make it safe for babies – giving gold to babies is no joke. Imagine, therefore, how much the tender liver, kidneys, etc., need to work to detoxify it.  Never give it without consultation from an Ayurvedic doctor. Brahmi Ghrita is a much, much, much safer herbal medicine for boosting brain functions in kids. This is way better than giving metal-based heavy drugs (even if it has gold) to kids.    Make sure you give half a glass of warm milk or warm water after you give Brahmi ghee!   You can buy Brahmi Ghrita from any of the Kerala-based brands like Vaidyaratnam, Sitaram or Kerala Ayurveda. If you are outside India, you may, for instance, find it on Distacart.   People have utilized Brahmi, a powerful plant, for many years to enhance brain function and memory retention. It can also boost the immune system, reduce children’s anxiety and stress, and improve their ability to concentrate. Including Brahmi in your child’s meals can promote better health and well-being.   If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.

Medicines in Ayurveda and Allopathy – Is It Okay to Take Together

  “Can I take Ayurvedic and Allopathic medicines together?”   This is the frequent question asked by my patients, and the answer is NO. Ayurveda and Allopathy are two entirely different systems of medicines.    Ayurveda    As an Ayurvedic doctor, my line of treatment mainly includes diagnosing and treating the root cause of health conditions. The treatment involves dietary and lifestyle changes and mild Ayurvedic medicines and Panchakarma detoxification, if necessary.    The main intent of my treatment is to correct the digestive fire (Agni) of the patient. This is because according to Ayurveda, an imbalanced Agni is the root cause of all diseases (Rogasarve api mande agnou).   When I say Agni or gut health, I am taking care of your liver health which is crucial for digestion. The liver has two main functions- one is fat metabolism, and the other is detoxification. When you are putting yourself on so many medications, the liver has to try hard to detoxify them while not helping with the core treatment principle. This is why it is essential not to take too many or strong medications when you’re trying to heal from one condition.    If you thought all Ayurvedic medicines are good, you’re wrong. Ayurvedic medicines containing heavy metals and strong herbs, like Ashwagandha or  Shatavari can only have adverse effects on your health.    That is why 80% of my treatment involves food and the rest 20% involves medicines. If at all I have to recommend Ayurvedic medicines to a patient, I usually provide them with the mild ones I and my team make at our unit that contain only locally sourced mild herbs.   This can help your system and your own body to heal by itself by giving it the ideal environment for it to perform better. But it will take a few months.     Allopathy   Allopathy focuses on taking care of the symptoms of a health condition through medication. Hence, the mode of treatment is at a faster pace. The health condition may return in the long run if only its symptoms are suppressed.   Why you shouldn’t mix Allopathy and Ayurveda   There are differences between Ayurveda and Allopathy in terms of medication production, therapy administration, and health approach. Every medical practice, including Allopathy and Ayurveda, has benefits and drawbacks. So, having both Ayurvedic and Allopathic medicines together does not seem ideal.   There are many Ayurvedic medications, including tablets of Sudarsana, Anu Thailam, Histantin, and other formulations, that can serve as safe and efficient substitutes for their Allopathic equivalents. Therefore, it is better to focus on one medical system at a time.     If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.

Dark Neck & Underarm Creams

Are you looking for the best cream for treating dark neck and underarms? The answer is there isn’t any! You could attribute the darkness on your neck to several causes. Hyperpigmentation occurs when certain areas of the skin become darker in colour. If the doctor discovers that hormones are not the cause of the skin colour changes, excessive sun exposure and poor hygiene could be potential factors.  Hyperpigmentation, the velvety patches on the folds and creases of the skin like neck, armpits, groin, etc. is called Acanthosis Nigricans (AN).    What could be the possible reasons for Acanthosis Nigricans ?   Diabetes Acanthosis Nigricans commonly signifies that your body is generating an excess of insulin that it cannot utilize efficiently. Increasing amounts of insulin can lead to a dark patch on the skin. This is called insulin resistance.   PCOS Women with PCOS frequently develop dark spots in areas of the body where there is rubbing or friction, such as the neck, underarms, and inner thighs.   Obesity (most common) Acanthosis Nigricans is associated with obesity and affects the skin. Over half of adults who are double their ideal body weight suffer from this condition.   Hypothyroidism Hypothyroidism can alter the condition of your skin, hair, and nails. It may also result in skin issues like vitiligo, melasma, alopecia areata, and xanthelasma palpebrarum. Additionally, these conditions can lead to further complications, and consequently, individuals may experience a range of symptoms.   Prolonged use of birth control pills Prolonged use of contraceptive pills can result in the formation of hyperpigmentation in areas like the armpits and skin folds.    Continuous use of steroids like Prednisolone, etc. The individual experienced the development of thickened, darkened skin in the groin, armpits, and neck following eight years of steroid treatment for dermatomyositis.   No creams or peels can cure Acanthosis Nigricans  completely. They can only lighten it a little temporarily; however, they can never cure it! Therefore, despite their efforts, the underlying issue remains unresolved.  Only internal treatment can cure Acanthosis Nigricans.   What to do when you notice you have Acanthosis Nigricans ?   First, do a complete bloodwork/hormonal picture; then, consult an Ayurvedic doctor; and finally, find and treat the root cause.  If you have PCOS or diabetes, treat it. And if you are obese, lose weight.   If any doctor tells you he/she can cure Acanthosis Nigricans completely with skin treatments, and you believe it, then be ready to lose all your money.   If you’re looking for the best cream for treating dark neck and underarms, you’ll be disappointed. The condition is Acanthosis Nigricans, which might be related to some underlying health issues that you already have. If you notice AN, consider consulting a doctor and comprehend the root cause because every problem has its own set of solutions.    Doctor Rekha is a 4th generation Ayurvedic Medicine Doctor (BAMS) and also one of the best ayurvedic doctor in trivandrum city, living in between Dubai and India who has patients from around the globe who believes that the wisdom of Ayurveda can help everyone lead a happy, heathy and disease-free life.   If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.

Conceive with Care : The Ayurvedic Essentials to Get Pregnant

Embarking on the journey to conceive is an extraordinary and hopeful chapter in many people’s lives.  According to Ayurveda, there are, in fact, 4 essentials (Garbhasambhava Samagri) for conception.  Whether you are just starting or have been on this path for a while, understanding these essentials can make the journey smoother.    The essentials to Conceive   Ayurveda lists out few essentials that are necessary for conception.     Fertile period (Garbhasaya Ritu)  From the 14th to the 16th day of menstruation, after bleeding stops, this period is, in fact, called Ritu Kala.  This is fertile phase of your monthly cycle and is therefore, very crucial.  It is the right time for conception.  The uterus (Kshetra)  A healthy, disease-free uterus is ideal for conception; furthermore, the uterus is home for the growing embryo. If there is any disease of the uterus, treat it before conception.    Nourishment (Ambu)  When food digests, Rasa Dhathu is formed. Its main function is Preenana or nourishment.  A growing foetus, consequently, receives nourishment from the mother’s Rasa Dhathu.  Hence mother’s nutrition is extremely important.     The gametes (Beeja)  Beeja means seeds. Specifically, it denotes the sperm (Shukla) and, on the other hand, the ovum (Artava).  It is said that, ultimately, the quality of the seedling depends on, in fact, the quality of the seeds.  The best way to improve the quality of Beeja is by following a healthy lifestyle and diet.    Tips to boost sperm health    Here are 5 simple ways by which you can boost sperm health:     Keep your laptops away from your lap  Keep your phones away from your pocket  Include cooling foods in your diet  Strictly avoid incompatible foods  Reduce stress and exercise more    Best foods for sexual health   You can also try the following foods to improve your libido and sexual health:  Pomegranate  Barley soup  Dates  Black gram soup with ghee and rock sugar  Moringa    If you are finding it difficult to conceive, remember, in fact, Ayurveda has  the  answers you seek for infertility. You can consult an Ayurvedic doctor for guidance.     Furthermore, Ayurvedic treatment does not involve any painful procedures or strong medications.  It’s all about preparing your body by correcting the imbalances and administering Ayurvedic herbal combinations and formulations that enable natural conception.      Doctor Rekha is a 4th generation Ayurvedic Medicine Doctor (BAMS) and also one of the best ayurvedic doctor in trivandrum city, living in between Dubai and India who has patients from around the globe who believes that the wisdom of Ayurveda can help everyone lead a happy, heathy and disease-free life.   If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.

Pulse Diagnosis in Ayurveda: Myth or Medical Marvel ?

Pulse Diagnosis /  Nadi Pariksha     Ayurvedic medicine has used a traditional and holistic approach to improve a person’s health and well-being while also considering their mental, physical, and spiritual aspects for centuries.  The practitioners use various diagnostic methods to check the imbalances of mind, body and spirit leading to diseases. One of those diagnostic methods is Nadi Pariksha or pulse diagnosis.    It is widely believed that Nadi Pariksha is one of the mandatory parts of Ayurvedic treatment. But, it is not true. For ages, people have tricked us into believing that nadi pariksha or ayurvedic pulse diagnosis is compulsory for ayurvedic treatment.   The absolute truth behind Nadi Pariksha as a diagnosis tool   None of the ancient Ayurvedic texts – Caraka Samhita, Ashtanga Hridaya or Susruta Samhita has any major reference about pulse diagnosis. Then how can Nadi Pariksha be the mandatory part of diagnosis?   There is no doubt that the most comprehensive, authentic and recognised course to study Ayurvedic Medicine is BAMS. However, in those 6 years I spent studying to become an Ayurvedic doctor, there was not even a single subject on Nadi Pariksha except for a few words here and there. Why is it given little or no importance if it is the most a major diagnostic tool?   I studied Nadi Pariksha from my father while assisting his patients. He had told me that it was just one of the diagnostic tools and not the only tool.     Is Nadi Pariksha’s diagnosis so crucial in the treatment process?   Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis is a recent advancement in Ayurveda and is not based on the 3 original scriptures. It is just ONE of the diagnostic tools, not the only one of the most important.    I don’t do Nadi Pariksha even in my face-to-face consultations. I don’t find it necessary to identify a person’s Prakriti by Nadi Pariksha. With all humility- thanks to the universe and my gurus – within the first few minutes of seeing and talking to a patient,  his Prakriti becomes obvious. It is not a magical power, but it just comes from practice. For years, it has been believed that Nadi Pariksha is a mandatory diagnosis method to understand the disease, but the truth is it is just ONE of the diagnostic tools, not the only one of the most important methods of diagnosis techniques.  Unfortunately, today, people use nadi pariksha more as a marketing tool to attract others to Ayurveda.     Doctor Rekha is a 4th generation Ayurvedic Medicine Doctor (BAMS) and also one of the best ayurvedic doctor in trivandrum city, living in between Dubai and India who has patients from around the globe who believes that the wisdom of Ayurveda can help everyone lead a happy, heathy and disease-free life.   If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.

Hair Growth Elixirs: Unveiling Ayurvedic Secrets for Luscious Locks

Are you tired of searching for the perfect supplement for hair growth? Look no further! The only supplement you need is Amla or Indian gooseberry. Amla is a powerhouse of nutrients and antioxidants, offering a natural solution to enhance hair growth, improve texture, reduce hair fall and even slow down premature greying.   Benefits of Amla   Amla is rich in vital vitamins like A and C to minerals like iron and calcium. These nutrients work together to strengthen hair follicles, promote healthy growth and impart a natural shine. The antioxidants in Amla play an important role in protecting your hair from damage. It prevents hair breakage and helps reduce premature ageing. Regular consumption of Amla can help retain your hair’s natural colour. The benefits offered by Amla are not just limited to your hair. It is also an anti-ageing herb that works wonders on your skin, keeping it supple and youthful. Amla also helps to improve your vision and your overall health. Amla is also good for all Doshas, especially Pitta Dosha. Even if the taste of Amla is sour, it has a post-digestive sweet taste that subsides Pitta, making it suitable for everyone. So, whether you’re Vata, Pitta, or Kapha dominant, Amla has something to offer for everyone. Ayurveda considers Amla not just as a food, but also as a medicine for its amazing health benefits. Its dual role as both nourishment and remedy makes it unique. Incorporating Amla into your daily routine does not just mean better hair; it also means better overall health.   How to incorporate Amla into your daily diet?   You can add Amla to your diet in the following ways: If you have access to fresh Amla, consider incorporating it into your morning routine. You can have it as it is or as a strained juice shot mixed with pepper (optional), not more than 30 ml in the morning. If you do not have access to fresh Amla, you can have a teaspoon of organic Amla powder mixed with ghee along with the first bolus of rice during lunch. Amla’s versatility makes it accessible to all, irrespective of your Dosha. Its benefits not only help your hair grow but also nourish them from the inside out. Amla is the perfect hair growth supplement that Ayurveda recommends. Want to improve your hair health? Join my skin and hair care program and see your hair transform! You can join our  Health Programs for mind and body detox.    If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.

Goat Milk Good for your health?

There are many discussions going on about whether the goat milk is good for your health or not. And one of the varieties of milk that is part of the debate is goat milk .   In this blog, let us find the answer to the question from the Ayurvedic perspective.   Properties of goat milk   Picture a goat in your mind—it is lean, always active, drinks lots of water and loves eating grass. Surprisingly, its milk also has similar properties. According to Ayurveda, consuming goat milk can help maintain a lean physique, enhance activity levels, boost strength, alleviate Kapha, and prove beneficial for conditions related to dryness and weakness   Ashtanga Hridayam Suthrasthana – an ancient Ayurvedic text mentions the following about goat milk.   Atyambupana vyayama katu tiktaashanair laghu।  ajam shosha jwara swasa rakta pitta atisarajit।।     This milk is beneficial for those who engage in excessive physical activity and consume a lot of water. It has a pungent or bitter taste, making it light and easily digestible. It is beneficial for conditions like emaciation, fever, and shortness of breath It also helps pacify conditions related to bleeding disorders (Rakta Pitta) and is effective in alleviating diarrhoea.   Goat milk for kids   Diluted goat milk with a lot of water is a good replacement for breast milk for babies. It also helps subside loose motions in babies and kids. But make sure that the milk is genuine.   As we navigate through the infinite number of debates surrounding milk consumption, the Ayurvedic perspective sheds light on the goodness of goat milk. It is a nourishing alternative even for babies. Our cultural practices, rooted in the wisdom of Ayurveda, continue to shape our dietary choices.   Whenever a baby is born in my family, the first thing people look for is a good source of goat milk. If you ask my grandmother, she will say  it  has lots of  health benefits for kids. But she may not know the reason.   That is how Ayurveda has been interwoven in our culture. It is high time we are appreciative of our culture and Ayurveda. Let us go back to our roots. Are you with me? Do you have similar doubts regarding your child’s diet? Then join our child care program today! We’ll help you. You can join our  Health Programs  for mind and body detox.   If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.

Holistic Healing in Ayurveda – The Ancient Science of Total Health

Ayurveda is often described as a “holistic” system of medicine.       But what does it mean for a medical system to be holistic, and why is Ayurveda considered one?      Here’s the answer.      Ayurveda teaches us to look at things from a macro level. Conversely, focusing too narrowly may often lead us to wrong conclusions.    Imagine asking a person who has never seen an elephant, for instance, to describe how an elephant looks by showing its trunk.  He might say that the elephant looks like a thick snake.     This is what happens when you don’t view things on a broader scale.      Treating the symptoms is of little use when you do not treat the whole person. This is why, in Ayurveda, we treat the whole person and not isolated symptoms.  Ayurveda looks at the whole person; in addition, it considers the link between their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.      Furthermore, Ayurveda recognizes that the human body and mind are connected to the environment and, in addition, the universe.” The system of medicine defines health as not merely the absence of disease, but a state of harmony and balance in the body, mind, and spirit.       Factors that influence the holistic state of well-being      To achieve this holistic state of well-being, Ayurveda, therefore, considers various factors that, in turn, influence an individual’s health.      Doshas   There are three Doshas (biophysical energies) – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha that are present in everyone but in varying proportions.  Understanding one’s unique dosha constitution and imbalances is, therefore, essential for diagnosis and treatment.       Diet and nutrition   In Ayurveda, food is seen as medicine. What we eat affects not only our physical health but also our mental and emotional well-being. A diet tailored to an individual’s body type (Prakriti), health conditions, and other factors, therefore, helps a person heal.     Lifestyle and daily routines   Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of daily routines and lifestyle choices. From sleep patterns to exercise, Ayurveda offers guidelines to maintain balance. By aligning daily activities with natural rhythms and considering one’s constitution, Ayurveda promotes overall health and well-being.       Medicines Ayurveda utilizes a vast array of herbs and natural remedies to treat various health conditions. In addition, practitioners recommend herbal preparations based on an individual’s Dosha and specific imbalances.     Yoga and meditation   Yoga and meditation have a huge role to play in promoting physical health; on the other hand, they also significantly contribute to mental health. These practices, therefore, help in reducing stress, improving flexibility, and aligning the body and mind; consequently, these elements are essential for holistic well-being.      Ayurveda acknowledges that individuals are unique and that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to health and well-being.  If a person is suffering from health conditions, Ayurvedic treatment, therefore, involves diagnosing and treating the root cause. Furthermore, based on the diagnosis, all the above-mentioned factors are consequently considered to help the person heal.    That is why Ayurveda is called a “holistic” system of medicine.   Want to heal with Ayurveda? Book a consultation with me today!   If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.

Liver Health Revolution: The Only Supplement You’ll Ever Need

Liver Health is crucial for maintaining overall well-being. I have seen social media influencers incorporating a “hand-full” of supplements, in different colours and sizes, in their morning routine. Whenever I see that, I always think of how their liver might be crying for help with all that!    In the past, people used medicines and supplements for diseases. Nowadays “health” is so marketed that everyone thinks they need all of these supplements to stay healthy!!!    In reality, health thrives in simplicity. The more you complicate “health”, the more you are disturbing the natural balance of the body. Take what is absolutely necessary and stop unnecessary supplements, be it herbal, Ayurvedic or artificial. You are only as healthy as your liver health.    What is your liver’s main job?    Your liver is like a superhero in your body. In fact, it detoxifies everything—from regular food to junk food, supplements, medicines, and even your feelings. Moreover, your liver has a very responsible and hectic job.   Therefore, your liver yearns for nothing, but a break.     What can you do for your liver health?    Now, how can you support your liver? The answer is simple and ancient – fasting!  Fasting is like nature’s reset button.  Furthermore, giving ample rest to the liver by fasting helps it to replenish, repair, and  function optimally.   Benefits of fasting for your liver health    Fasting is the best supplement for liver and it is priceless.    Rest and repair  Fasting lets your liver rest and repair itself, keeping it in top shape.    Detoxification  Without new food coming in, your liver can therefore, focus on detoxifying your body, getting rid of toxins, and, ultimately, keeping you healthy.   Blood sugar control  Fasting helps regulate blood sugar levels, making things easier for your liver and improving your overall metabolism.    Weight management  Fasting encourages your body to use stored fat for energy, taking some load off your liver.     Do not overdo it    While fasting is fantastic for liver health, it is crucial to find the right balance. Pay attention to your body and consult an Ayurvedic doctor, especially if you are suffering from health conditions. Too much or too long fasting can be harmful, so find a rhythm that works for you.    So, the next time you think about adding another supplement to your routine, remember, the best one for your liver is free – fasting. Listen to your body and give your liver the support it craves.  You can join our   Health Programs  for mind and body detox.   If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.

Healthy People Traits According to Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, health is not merely the absence of disease; it is a harmonious state of balance in mind, body and spirit.  And, in fact, highly healthy people possess a certain set of traits that, consequently, help them lead a disease-free life.   Sushrutha Samhita – one of the ancient Ayurvedic texts describes health as:      Sama dosha sama agnischa samadhathu mala kriyaaha।   Prasanna atma mana indriyaha swastha iti abhidheeyate।।      It means:     Health is a state where in the Tridoshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) are in equilibrium, digestive fire (Agni) is in a balanced state, body tissues (Dhathu) and waste (Mala) work in normal state, all physiological processes are in harmony and the soul (Atma), mind (Manas) and sense organs (Indriya) are in a state of total satisfaction (Prasanna) and content.    It is hard to say if your health meets all criteria as defined above at first glance. But you can determine it by the kind of lifestyle, diet and routine you follow.       Traits that define highly healthy people as per Ayurveda       Ayurveda teaches us that true health is not just the absence of disease, but a state of vibrant harmony in every aspect of life. The ancient Ayurvedic text Caraka Samhita mentions 6 traits that help people lead a highly healthy life.    According to Ayurveda, a healthy person:     Is a creature of routine  They follow a routine, in terms of the rhythm of the universe.   Eats a wholesome diet  A healthy person is not only mindful of their digestion, but also of what they put into their body.   Looks before they leap  They do not give a sudden equal or opposite reaction to every action. Instead, they approach every situation with patience and thought.      believes that etachment>attachment  Sensual pleasures do not excite them. Furthermore, they believe in loving without attachment.”   Does what they say  Their thoughts, speech, and actions all agree with each other and  consequently, tell the same story.      Has mastered their mind  They have good control over their mind through meditation, consequently, they live a life of austerity.   It is interesting to note that the mind is of equal or more importance than the body to live a disease-free life.      Highly healthy individuals embrace the above-mentioned traits, nurturing self-awareness, eating mindfully, maintaining daily routines, and integrate Ayurvedic practices. By doing so, you unlock the secrets to lasting well-being, as envisioned by Ayurveda.     All the above-mentioned traits can be developed if you pay attention and are not unattainable. You just need the will to do it.      If you ask me, I am also still working on these traits every day! I’m sure, with some effort one day we will all reach there! Are you also a work-in-progress?  Want to heal from your health conditions and lead a disease-free life?   If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.