

Brown Rice vs. White Rice: Which is Better for Daily Consumption?

Rice is medicine in Ayurveda. Also known as Anna, rice is the first food mentioned in Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda, rice is the lightest food to digest and has a sweet taste. It is a nourishing food, which is cooling in nature. Rice can also be with vegetables, pulses and nuts to make it healthier… Continue reading Brown Rice vs. White Rice: Which is Better for Daily Consumption?

How to cook rice the right way?

I get asked this question a lot by my non-Indian patients. Here is the traditional Ayurvedic way of cooking rice. Rice is a medicine in Ayurveda. It is the lightest food for digestion and also the first food mentioned in Ayurveda. But, how to cook rice? Here’s a step by step for y’all. Step 1:… Continue reading How to cook rice the right way?