Ashtachurna – An Ayurvedic Recipe for Digestion

Have you been facing indigestion, bloating, or sluggish metabolism? Ashtachurna might be the solution to your problems.    For centuries, this Ayurvedic mix has been used to promote healthy digestion and aid in balancing the Dosha — or the body’s internal energies.    So, let us explore this traditional remedy discussing its benefits, constituents, and proper way to take it in your day-to-day life.   What is Ashtachurna?     ‘Ashta’ refers to eight and ‘Churna’ means a powdered mixture in Sanskrit. Ashta Churna is an Ayurvedic blend derived from eight highly effective spices to enhance digestion, detoxification, appetite, and even respiratory health.  All the ingredients of this mix have unique benefits. They help in balancing Tridosha (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha Dosha) and cure digestive disorders from bloating to constipation.      Ingredients in Ashtachurna and Their Benefits     Let’s take a peek into the ingredients that make Ashtachurna such a splendid and effective blend:     Dry Ginger Ayurveda considers dry ginger a superhero. It helps balance Vata Dosha, and is therefore, a great remedy for bloating.    Black pepper (Piper nigrum)   In Ayurveda, this spice is known as Maricha. It boosts metabolism and supports the absorption of nutrients in the body. Black Pepper is a great detoxifying agent; so it works well to balance Kapha and Vata Dosha too.     Long pepper (Pippali)   Apart from being a close relative of black pepper, Pippali is considered another wonder herb that has digestive and respiratory benefits. Not only does it help in clearing mucus, but also has benefits for digestive health and your respiratory system.     Cumin seeds (Cuminum cyminum)   Cumin seeds, or Jeeraka, as we call them in Ayurveda, enhance digestion and aid in reducing gas and bloating. They also promote healing enzymes, helping to digest and absorb nutrients more effectively.     Black cumin seeds   Black cumin seeds help in body detoxification, as well as digestion stimulation. They likewise have a moderate diuretic action, helping to remove toxins through urine.     Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi)   Ajwain, also known as carom seeds, helps cure gas and indigestion. Their natural oils calm the stomach lining, making them ideal for balancing Vata and Kapha.     Asaofetida (Ferula asafoetida) Known as Hing in Ayurveda, Asafoetida is used as an instant cure for bloating and indigestion. The strong aroma and hot nature of this spice stimulate digestion, which is particularly useful for balancing the Vata Dosha.     Rock salt (Sendha Namak)   This salt balances the stomach acid levels in the body and supports digestive health. Unlike table salt, rock salt is unprocessed and, hence rich in all the natural minerals that help with digestion and metabolism.     Ashtachurna for Digestion     Here’s how Ashtachurna aids in improving your digestion and boosting your Agni (digestive fire):     Boosts appetite Ashtachurna is an Ayurvedic herbal powder that acts as a natural appetizer. Moreover, it can work wonders for those who suffer from a lack of appetite, whether it be children or adults. This mixture of spices awakens the digestive fire with gentle stimulation which is an expression of healthy metabolism and digestion.     Relieves indigestion and gas   This spice blend helps to alleviate indigestion and gas. It contains powerful ingredients such as Ginger, Ajwain and Asafoetida that provide instant relief from bloating and flatulence.     Aids in metabolism and weight loss   When consumed efficiently, it can show good results in controlling one’s weight as well. This prevents Ama or toxins from developing in the body, by optimizing the metabolism and the process of food breakdown.      Improves gut health   In Ayurvedic theory, a healthy gut is the basis of overall wellness. Ashtachurna helps balance Tridosha (as explained above) which in turn helps maintain an ideal digestive system where the digestion process is smooth, nutrients are absorbed well and waste is excreted regularly. Consistent use of Ashtachurna can, therefore, help reduce digestive discomfort and, in addition, support a healthier gut microbiome.    Detoxifies the body   Ingredients of Ashtachurna, especially black cumin and black pepper, support the natural detoxification process by promoting the excretion of waste and toxins from the gastrointestinal tract. If you are trying to flush your system, this is a perfect spice to add to your diet.     Respiratory health  What is even more interesting is that Ashtachurna does not stop at digestion alone. It is great for respiratory health due to ingredients such as long pepper and black pepper. They assist in removing extra mucus, which can alleviate cough and congestion symptoms, especially during cold months.   Ashtachurna Recipe    Ashtachurna is always a part of my travel kit.  Instead of buying  from a brand, you can easily make Ashtachurna at home!   This is a recipe from Ashtanga Hridayam, mentioned in the treatment of digestive disorders.   Ingredients:     Equal parts of Dry ginger Black pepper Long pepper Carom seeds Rock salt Cumin seeds Black cumin seeds Asafoetida   Method of preparation:   Gently pound and dry roast the ingredients separately, powder them, sieve and mix. The Ashtachurna is ready!     How to consume Astachurna?   You can consume Ashtachurna by adding a teaspoon of it in lukewarm water or buttermilk.   Another way to consume it is by adding a half to one teaspoon of the powder with a bowl of rice during lunch.       Side Effects of Ashtachurna    Ashtachurna is usually safe to use on a daily basis, but you have to use it in the right way.    For high Pitta people, it can aggravate irritation in the stomach lining if consumed in excess quantities.   Also, the powder should not be taken by pregnant women and anyone with an ulcer unless prescribed by a doctor.     Personal Insights and Tips   Ashtachurna is among the best go-to remedies for many digestive issues. Specifically, it works wonders on the digestive system;… Continue reading Ashtachurna – An Ayurvedic Recipe for Digestion

Tulsi Cough Drop for Kids – An Ayurvedic Recipe

Tulsi or Holy Basil is a powerful Ayurvedic herb that offers a wide range of health benefits. It is especially great for productive cough with lots of mucous in kids.     If you’re looking for a natural, gentle way to soothe your child’s cough, this is the perfect solution.    How to Use Tulsi?   You can have it in these forms:    Tulsi Cough Drops: A simple and easy way for kids to enjoy Tulsi. These drops taste good and are suitable for both dry and wet coughs.    Tulsi Tea: Ayurvedic Tulsi tea for cough relief is a great alternative for older children.  A few fresh Basil leaves boiled in water, indeed, make for soothing tea! Furthermore, add a bit of honey for a comforting beverage that can effectively soothe coughs and sore throats.   Tulsi Syrup: Boiling Tulsi leaves until the water reduces by half gives you concentrated Tulsi syrup. Adding honey and ginger syrup, makes it a potent cough remedy that not only soothes the throat but also relieves symptoms of cough and sore throat.    They are all easy to make. But when it comes to kids, I would recommend giving this cough drops.    Tulsi cough drop recipe   During my childhood, I don’t have any memory of going to a hospital to treat a fever or a cold. My father, who was an Ayurvedic doctor never allowed that.    Instead, he’d treat my illness with herbal drinks and cough drops with herbs like Tulsi and Ajwain leaves. It always worked!    You can make this cough drop easily, for example, with ingredients commonly found in the kitchen.   Ingredients:  Tulsi leaves juice from 2-3 leaves   Honey – 2 tsp  Organic turmeric powder – quarter pinch  Half a pinch long pepper  Black pepper/Long pepper – quarter pinch     How   to   prepare:  Mix the ingredients to prepare the cough drop.      You can give 5 ml of this to your child, 2-3 times a day. However, discontinue its use after 2 weeks as all the ingredients are hot (Ushna) in nature.     The ideal type for this recipe is Krishna Tulsi. If you don’t get it, you can use normal one. But it is far less effective.       Tulsi for Cold and Cough Relief in Kids   When children are up with a cold, parents are often reluctant to give them over-the-counter medicines, considering their side effects. This is where it comes in as a natural aid.    In India, Tulsi is not just a herb; it’s considered a sacred plant.    But beyond the spiritual significance, Tulsi’s amazing medicinal properties make it a go-to remedy for common respiratory issues, especially for children.    Instead of just suppressing the symptoms, it helps treat the issue.     The active compounds in it, such as eugenol and camphene, help open airways, reduce inflammation and fight off infections, all while being gentle on your child’s system.    Benefits for Cough and Cold in Ayurveda   Most homes in India have at least one Tulsi plant. I have also planted some in my balcony.     This powerful herb is a whole package with loads of benefits for your overall health.  It has been used for centuries to enhance overall well-being.   It plays a significant role in treating basic respiratory conditions, such as coughs and colds.    Here are some key benefits:     A Natural Cough Suppressant: As an anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antimicrobial agent, Tulsi is a perfect natural cough suppressant. It soothes the throat and reduces the intensity of the cough.     Immune-Boosting Properties: It strengthens the immune system and helps prevent infections, offering long-lasting relief.     Respiratory Problems: It reduces mucus and also, it acts as a natural decongestant that helps clear chest congestion, thereby making breathing easier.    Relief from Sore Throat: Tulsi tea or Ayurvedic cough drops can relieve a sore throat, which often accompanies colds and flu.      Read this blog to learn more health benefits of Tulsi.    Have you ever experienced the power of Tulsi? Tell us in the comments!     If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.

Herbal Tea: Ayurvedic Benefits and Recipes

In Ayurveda, herbal tea is not just a comforting drink. They also offer many health benefits.   The herbs and spices used in these teas are specifically chosen for their medicinal properties and their capacity to balance the Doshas.   These natural remedies have been used for centuries for overall wellness, making them an integral part of Ayurvedic practices.   Benefits of Herbal Tea   Herbal teas, in addition to their delightful flavors, offer an array of health benefits. Specifically, they:   Reduce stress The body can better handle stress because of the adaptogenic qualities of herbs, like Aparajita. Improve digestion: Pepper and asafoetida, among other ingredients, not only promote healthy digestion but also reduce gas and discomfort. Detoxify: Herbs like neem and turmeric, for instance, help the body rid itself of toxins and, moreover, purify the blood. Improve Immunity: The infection-fighting properties of herbs, such as Ajwain, not only help boost immunity but also enhance overall health. Promote sleep: Teas made with herbs like chamomile and Blue Pea flower soothe the mind, thus improving your sleep quality.   While herbal teas offer many health benefits, it is important to remember that all of these herbs mentioned here may not be suitable for you. It’s always better to consult a qualified Ayurvedic doctor before you consume any herbs.   More Ayurvedic Benefits of Herbal Teas     Hydration with a purpose   Most of us are well aware that we need to drink more water. But some people find drinking plain water boring. If you’re one of them, try herbal teas occasionally for a change. They provide flavour and hydration. As opposed to caffeinated drinks which dehydrate, herbal teas replenish the fluids and nourish your body. Being caffeine-free, they are a  healthier alternative to traditional teas and coffee.   Balancing the elements   According to Ayurveda, a Dosha imbalance leads to diseases in the body. Herbal teas can act as gentle healers, bringing back the balance. If your body is feeling too hot because of excess Pitta, cooling herbs such as coriander can help balance that heat. If you are a little sluggish from too much Kapha, choose a warming ginger-cinnamon tea to wake you up in an organic way.   Aiding emotional well-being   Ever noticed how a cup of tea feels like a warm hug? Ayurveda explains this so beautifully. There are some herbs which affect our emotions directly. For instance, Brahmi tea clears the head and relieves brain fog; chamomile tea helps fight anxiety. That’s why having tea isn’t simply about sipping on something warm, it’s a way of caring for yourself from the inside out.     Ayurvedic Herbal Tea Recipes     Here are some recipes of herbal teas that serve different purposes. Furthermore, they can provide various health benefits and enhance your overall well-being.   Anti-Anxiety Herbal Tea   This tea is cooling in nature; moreover, it helps with better sleep, reduces anxiety, calms and relaxes the mind, and improves memory. It also works great for people with hypertension (high blood pressure) and hypothyroidism.   Ingredients:   Fresh blue pea flowers Ajwain leaves Water   How to prepare:   Take fresh blue pea flowers and remove the stalks Add them to boiling (hot) water and let them steep Add ajwain leaves for flavor and digestion Drink after dinner   You can also prepare the tea by adding the flowers and ajwain leaves in water and boiling it.   As an Ayurvedic doctor, this tea is part of my daily nighttime routine. It helps me relax after a hectic day!   Herbal tea for digestion (Bharittha Tea)   Bharittha tea, on the other hand, is perfect to drink after having a heavy meal. It alleviates gas, bloating, and indigestion.   The tea also improves the digestive fire or Agni, scrapes off (Lekhana) the excess fat from food, and subsides Vata and Kapha Doshas.   This Bharittha tea recipe is from the Ayurvedic text – Yogaratnakara. Moreover, it highlights the importance of holistic health.   Ingredients:   Water Lemon Pepper Himalayan Pink Salt Asafoetida   How to Prepare:   Boil a glass of water Add a squeeze of lemon to the water Add some pepper, asafoetida, and Himalayan pink salt And your tea is ready   Caution: Avoid this tea if you suffer from acidity, acid reflux, or heartburn.   Licorice tea   This tea is my absolute favourite.   It has helped me a lot; moreover, it is a great replacement for morning coffee.   This is the best thing to drink every morning (in all seasons) for your skin, hair, digestion, and overall health.   Licorice acts as a natural coolant for the stomach and helps reduce inflammation in the throat. This tea also boosts your energy levels naturally.   Ingredients:   Licorice root Water   How to Prepare:   Add 1-inch piece of licorice root to 2 glasses of water and reduce to 1 glass.     Caution: Licorice is not recommended for you if you suffer from hypertension; moreover, if you have a family history of the condition, it is also advised to avoid it. Also, take it for a maximum period of 3 months and stop for a while.   More Ayurvedic Teas for Specific Concerns     Tea for seasonal allergies: Boil tulsi leaves, black pepper, and a pinch of rock salt in water. It clears nasal congestion and strengthens immunity. Tea for weight management: Cumin, coriander, and fennel seeds steeped in hot water can support digestion and help manage weight. Tea for glowing skin: A mix of rose petals, fennel, and licorice can promote clear, radiant skin by balancing Pitta. Tea for menstrual cramps: A soothing blend of ginger, ajwain, and jaggery helps reduce period pain naturally.   Herbal teas are more than just drinks. They are a way to nourish your body, calm your mind, and connect with ancient Ayurvedic wisdom.   When you ditch your regular tea and coffee for herbal teas, you’re giving your body something better – natural goodness,… Continue reading Herbal Tea: Ayurvedic Benefits and Recipes

Summer Allergies Remedies in Ayurveda

Warm weather and outdoor activities are associated with seasons, but summer allergies can cause pain and suffering. As particle levels rise, runny noses, itchy eyes and sneezing are frequent complaints.  Ayurveda provides completely organic, natural methods to treat and reduce allergy symptoms. According to Ayurveda, allergies are caused by an imbalance in the Vata, Pitta and Kapha Doshas. Heat and inflammation are typical symptoms of the Pitta Dosha, which becomes worse by summer allergies.  Common allergy symptoms are due to the exposure to allergens like pollen grains caused by this imbalance. In this blog, let us discuss how to get rid of summer allergies and the role of Ayurveda in its cure.   Ayurveda for Allergies   Ayurveda emphasizes recovering the body’s equilibrium through food modifications, way-of-life adjustments and herbal remedies for treating allergies.  Here’s a thorough look at how allergies are treated in Ayurveda: Finding the Imbalance: The initial stage of Ayurvedic therapy is identifying the imbalanced Dosha and the symptoms that result from it. Detoxification: Toxins (Ama) accumulated in the body can  increase allergy symptoms. Detoxification therapy helps flush out the toxins.  Increasing Immunity: Increasing immunity via food and herbal remedies makes the body more resistant to allergies. Dietary and lifestyle modifications: Modifying one’s daily schedule and food can relax an inflamed Dosha and reduce allergy symptoms. Are you looking for more valuable insights? Head onto our blog section!   Ayurvedic Remedies for Summer Allergies   Here are some remedies for summer allergies recommended by Ayurveda:    Neem   The antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties of neem helps reduce allergic responses by detoxifying the body and purifying the blood. Neem oil can be used either topically or taken as a dietary supplement in the form of capsules.   Tulsi   Tulsi, often called Holy Basil, is a useful Ayurvedic treatment for allergies and respiratory problems. It helps fight allergies and is great for improving your immunity. A significant reduction in allergy symptoms can, therefore, be obtained by consuming tulsi tea or, alternatively, by utilizing tulsi drops.   Turmeric   Curcumin, the active component of turmeric, possesses potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities; therefore, it may offer significant health benefits.  Reducing allergic responses can be achieved by including turmeric in your cooking or having it with heated milk (golden milk).     Ginger   A strong anti-inflammatory plant that helps reduce allergy symptoms is Ginger (Zingiber officinale). Have ginger tea, or alternatively, incorporate fresh ginger into your food, in order to help relieve allergy symptoms.   Also Read: Ayurvedic Superfoods to Eat Daily   Though these remedies can help you, overuse of some of them can have serious side effects. So, it’s best to seek the guidance of a qualified Ayurvedic doctor before using them.    Ayurvedic Treatment for Allergies   Ayurveda recommends the following treatments for allergies:   Nasya Therapy   Nasya therapy is a method of treating nasal passages with plant oils. This therapy not only aids in reducing inflammation, but also helps in cleaning up congestion in the nose, and enhancing respiratory health. Anu Taila – a traditional Ayurvedic oil is great for Nasya to relieve allergy problems.   Neti Pot   Neti pot treatment is used to do nose irrigation. By clearing mucus and allergens from the nostrils, this method helps avoid sinus infections and offers instant relief.   Panchakarma   An extensive Ayurvedic detoxification process called panchakarma uses five therapies to rid the body of toxins (Ama). This procedure assists Dosha balance and improves the body’s reaction to allergies.   Ayurvedic Tips for Allergies   Here are some Ayurvedic tips that can help: Refrain from acidic, hot, and spicy meals since they could aggravate Pitta Dosha. Include cold meals such as leafy greens, cucumbers, and melons. Stay hydrated by having lots of water and herbal beverages.   Ayurvedic Solutions for Long-Term Relief   Incorporate these Ayurvedic practices into your daily routine to preserve general health and develop resilience, for long-term relief from summer allergies:   Abhyanga (Self-Massage)   Daily Abhyanga will help balance the Pitta Dosha and furthermore, it’ll calm the skin. In addition to body calming, this technique improves lymphatic drainage and circulation which are critical for the immune system and detoxification. Warm up the oil and then apply and massage it on your body for at least 15 to 20 minutes. You can then take a shower.   Enough Sleep   Do not compromise on your sleeping hours as it is essential for the proper working of your immune system. Establish, therefore, a peaceful evening ritual to encourage, in turn, sound, restful sleep.  Try to avoid screens and stimulating activities at least one hour before bed. Drinking a cup of warm milk  with a bit of ginger and turmeric helps balance your Pitta Dosha and helps you to sleep.   Stress Management   Since stress may exacerbate allergic responses, practice mindfulness, yoga, or meditation to reduce stress.  Regularly performing yoga poses like Child’s Pose (Balasana), Legs Up the Wall Pose (Viparita Karani), and Corpse Pose (Savasana) might help lower stress levels and promote mental clarity. Include breathing techniques like Shavasana and Brahmari (Humming Bee Breath) to encourage calmness and, consequently, focus.   Seasonal Detoxification   Regularly eliminate your body of poisons collected over time by practicing detoxification. Panchakarma is an extensive Ayurvedic cleansing treatment to help your body reset and enhance general health with seasonal changes. Easy at-home detoxification techniques like having a warm cup of water with honey and lemon in the morning and eating small, easily digested meals can be helpful.   Boost Immunity with Herbs   Consume immune-stimulating herbs, like Amla (Indian gooseberry) and Guduchi. Amla is rich in vitamin C; it aids tissue regeneration and strengthens the immune system.Guduchi/Tinospora Cordifolia is, indeed, a powerful immune-stimulating supplement. Furthermore, it is available in both pill and powder form   You don’t have to let summer allergies stop you from enjoying the season. Ayurveda’s comprehensive approach can help you treat and prevent them naturally and with long-term Ayurvedic solutions for summer allergies. … Continue reading Summer Allergies Remedies in Ayurveda

Health Benefits of Tulsi

Tulsi (also referred to as “Holy Basil”) is highly valued in Indian culture and Ayurvedic treatment. This holy plant, which is commonly seen in Indian homes, is admired for both its deep spiritual meaning. There are numerous health benefits of Tulsi are mentioned in Ayurveda. Tulsi has been used for generations to treat various conditions, from minor colds to long-term illnesses, due to its powerful medicinal properties. In Ayurveda, practitioners frequently refer to it as “the outstanding one,” highlighting its exceptional capacity to support complete health and balance the body’s systems.  Beyond its medicinal properties, Tulsi is a common ingredient in spiritual rituals that symbolizes peace and purity.  In this article, we explore the several ways Tulsi may improve the quality of life, including how it can strengthen immunity, reduce stress levels, promote respiratory health and more.     The Ayurvedic Significance  of Tulsi     In ayurveda, people consider tulsi a powerful antioxidant and a natural treatment for many problems.  As a Rasayana, this adaptive plant can support an individual’s development toward life and energy.  People have long used tulsi to support possible mental and physical health, increase stress tolerance, and strengthen the immune system.  Because of its numerous medicinal uses, it’s a mainstay of Ayurvedic medicine, where it is used to treat a wide range of conditions, from digestive problems to respiratory illnesses.  It also assists in maintaining & improving your overall health. By helping the body respond to different stimulations, Tulsi’s adaptogenic properties support harmony and balance in both the body and the mind.      Health Benefits of Tulsi     Here are the key health benefits of Tulsi:   Increases Resistance   The immune system-boosting properties of Tulsi are among its most well-known advantages. Being abundant in antioxidants and essential oils, Tulsi helps the body fight against illnesses.  Due to its immune-modulating qualities, it works well as a preventative measure against respiratory infections, such as the flu and common colds. Drinking Tulsi tea daily or including its leaves in your food will significantly improve your immune system.    Reduces Anxiety and Stress   Tulsi is well known for having adaptogenic qualities, which support mental equilibrium and assist the body in adjusting to stress. The plant promotes calmness and relaxation by reducing levels of cortisol, which are connected to stress. Taking Tulsi tea can help with anxiety management and mental health enhancement in general.    Encourages Healthy Respiration   Traditionally, people use tulsi to treat respiratory problems like sinus infections, pneumonia, and asthma. Its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and stimulant qualities make breathing easier and clear the respiratory system. Tulsi is a fantastic treatment for preserving respiratory health because of its capacity to reduce inflammation and fight infections.    Encourages Heart Health   The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities of Tulsi also support heart health. It reduces blood pressure, cholesterol levels and the risk of cardiovascular problems. Regular Tulsi consumption can support cardiovascular and mental health, and help maintain healthy cholesterol levels in the blood.    Enhancing Digestion   By increasing the digestive system’s effectiveness, Tulsi promotes digestive health. It minimizes the symptoms of typical digestive problems such as cramps, bloating and diarrhea. The carminative qualities of the plant promote easier digestion by reducing flatulence.    Anti-Aging Qualities   Tulsi’s high antioxidant content fights against the signs of aging. By eliminating damaging free radicals from the body, antioxidants reduce oxidative stress and support healthy skin that looks young. Frequent use of Tulsi can help preserve the skin’s softness and eliminate the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles.      How to include Tulsi in your Everyday Routine?   You can have Tulsi in different forms:   Tea   Making Tulsi tea is one of the easiest methods to take advantage of the plant’s health advantages. For approximately 10 minutes, boil a few Tulsi leaves, either fresh or dried.  You can add some honey or lemon for taste. After removing the leaves, drink the tea.  Regularly consuming Tulsi tea might provide a daily dosage of its healing benefits.    Leaf   On an empty stomach, chewing fresh Tulsi leaves might boost your health. It not only makes your breath smell better, but it also gives your body a concentrated dosage of its medicinal uses.   Supplements   There are several ways to consume Tulsi, including extracts, powders and capsules. If you want to include Tulsi in your routine but can’t find fresh leaves, these pills might be a simple option.    Ingredient in Cooking   You may include Tulsi leaves in a lot of different recipes. You can add them to salads for a distinctive flavor and they can reap added health benefits by elevating the taste levels of soups, stews, and sauces..  Even while Tulsi is typically safe to eat, there are a few things to keep in mind:  Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Before taking Tulsi, women planning a pregnancy or breastfeeding should consult their doctor. Blood Sugar Levels: Because Tulsi can drop blood sugar levels, those with hypoglycemia or diabetes should check their levels regularly. Blood Clotting: Because Tulsi thins blood, anyone using anticoagulant drugs must use precautions and speak with their doctor. With a long history in Ayurveda, the benefits of Tulsi is advatageous for your mental and physical well-being. Because of its adaptability, you may consume it using different ways by making it simple to include in your everyday routine. This precious herb can significantly enhance your journey towards well-being.   Also Read: Medicinal Properties of Coriander (Dhanyaka)     If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.

9 Essential Ayurvedic Herbs

Ayurvedic herbs and Panchakarma are the most popular Ayurveda stereotypes. There are many treatment methods in Ayurveda beyond Panchakarma. However, the role of ayurvedic herbs in healing is undeniable. The Samhitas have mentions of a wide variety of herbs that help cure different health conditions. Each of them has their own medicinal qualities and healing potential.    In this blog, let us look into the top 9 essential Ayurvedic herbs.       Top 9 Ayurvedic Herbs     Here are some of the best herbs that Ayurveda recommends:     Turmeric     Turmeric is known as the golden spice due to the presence of the active component, Curcumin that gives it the yellow colour. The presence of Curcumin makes turmeric a great remedy for long-term health issues, despite like arthritis and diabetes. The strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of turmeric provides relief from joint pain, improves digestion and boosts immunity.      Tulsi     Known as “Queen of Herbs,” Tulsi has immune-modulating, adaptogenic and antibacterial properties. This herb helps boost your energy, lower stress and indeed  promote respiratory health.  Despite its benefits, it is not safe to overconsume Tulsi, especially if you have bleeding problems or low blood sugar levels.    Triphala     Triphala is a popular Ayurvedic formulation with three fruits (Amalaki, Bhibitaki and Haritaki) as its ingredients. It is majorly used externally, especially in Ayurvedic products, like shampoos.   Brahmi     Brahmi is popular as a brain booster herb. In Addition, It has cognitive-enhancing properties and is known to promote mental clarity and memory.   However, consult with a  qualified doctor before having this herb, especially if you have hypothyroidism or mental health issues.    Neem     Neem is referred to as “village pharmacy” for its antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. The herb serves an array of purposes from helping to maintain general well-being to supporting immunity and even improving dental and skin health.   It is best to avoid using neem during pregnancy. Also, make sure to get medical advice before applying neem oil topically as it may cause irritation to some.    Ginger     Ginger is a powerful ingredient in cooking as well as a medicinal herb. It is great for digestion and also, reduces nausea and inflammation. Having ginger helps relax tense muscles, promotes cardiovascular health and reduces menstrual cramps.   However, it is safe to have it in moderation as high dosages may irritate the stomach.    Also Read: Medicinal Plants in Ayurveda for Balancing Kapha   Licorice     Licorice is my absolute favourite. The herb tastes sweet and has calming properties. It also helps balance adrenal glands, provides relief from throat discomfort and improves respiratory health. Also, it helps reduce menopausal symptoms, and is great for gastrointestinal healing and managing stress.   It is safe to use licorice under a doctor’s supervision because of  prolonged usage or excessive dosages may cause hypertension or electrolyte imbalances.      Guduchi     Guduchi or Giloy helps in detoxification, improves immunity and offers longevity. It also helps reduce inflammation and infections, and improves overall well-being.   However, avoid having Guduchi during pregnancy.     Amla     Amla is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C that makes it a great immunity booster. It also helps to regenerate the body, encourages healthy, glowing skin and hair and enhances digestion.  Including the above-mentioned Ayurvedic herbs in your daily routine helps improve your general health. However, it is always safe to consult an Ayurvedic doctor before having any new herb.     If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.

Ativisha Health Benefits

Ayurveda is a traditional system of medicine that incorporates the offerings of nature to help people heal. Ancient Ayurvedic texts have mentions of an array of herbs that help treat different health conditions. Ativisha is one of them.    The plant is known for its amazing medicinal properties and is especially used to treat diseases in children. According to Charaka, Ativisha is the best among all herbs for its digestive, anti-flatulent, absorbent and Dosha balancing properties.   Ativisha  – The Power Herb   Ativisha (scientific name -Aconitum heterophyllum) is a herb native to the Himalayan area. The roots of this plant have been used for a broad range of medicinal purposes, which makes them highly valuable. Ativisha has a hot and pungent taste and is  dry, light and penetrating in nature. The ability to balance the Tridosha and improve overall health is another essential characteristic of this power herb. As an Ayurvedic practitioner, I have seen a positive effect of this herb on my patients. I remember one child who had suffered from digestive problems and the constant increase of temperature several times a month. The conventional treatment did not bring results. However, after I began to use the herb, the issue was diminished. From this experience, I learned, once again, that every single philosophy holds some truth, and the power of nature may be undisputable.   Ayurvedic Perspective on Ativisha    In Ayurveda, Ativisha is classified as: Rasa (Taste): Bitter (Tikta) and Pungent (Katu) Guna (Qualities): Light (Laghu) and Dry (Ruksha) Virya (Potency): Cold (Shita) Vipaka (Post-Digestive Effect): Pungent (Katu) These properties make the herb effective in balancing Vata and Kapha Doshas while pacifying Pitta Dosha to a lesser extent.   Health Benefits of Ativisha   Here are a variety of health benefits that Ativish offers:    Digestive Health   Digestive issues are common, but they can significantly affect your quality of life. Ativisha is known for its ability to stimulate Agni, the digestive fire, which is essential for proper digestion and assimilation of food. By enhancing Agni, Ativisha helps in the breakdown of food, absorption of nutrients, and elimination of waste. It is particularly beneficial for individuals with weak digestion, loss of appetite, and abdominal discomfort.   Also read: Agni- Ayurvedic Secret to Health and Vitality   Fever Management   Ayurveda widely uses Ativisha for its antipyretic properties. It helps in reducing fever by lowering the body temperature. It is often included in formulations for treating fevers, especially in children. Its antimicrobial properties help in fighting the underlying infections that cause fever, thereby providing relief and promoting recovery.   Respiratory Health   Respiratory conditions, such as cough, cold and asthma can be debilitating. Ativisha’s expectorant properties help in clearing the respiratory tract, making it easier to breathe. It reduces inflammation in the airways and, consequently, helps expel phlegm, thereby providing relief from symptoms.  Regular use of Ativisha can improve respiratory health and prevent recurrent respiratory infections.   Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Properties   Inflammation and pain are common symptoms in various health conditions, including arthritis and muscle pain. Ativisha has potent anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties; consequently, it helps reduce inflammation and, furthermore, alleviates pain. It, therefore, helps relieve joint and muscle pain and improves mobility.   Gastrointestinal Health   Diarrhoea and dysentery are common gastrointestinal issues that can lead to dehydration and weakness. Ativisha is highly effective in treating these conditions. It helps in controlling loose stools; furthermore, it also aids in reducing the frequency of bowel movements. Its antimicrobial properties combat the pathogens responsible for gastrointestinal infections, promoting faster recovery and improving gut health.   Paediatric Care   Children are often more susceptible to infections and digestive issues. Therefore, Ativisha is a safe and effective remedy for various childhood ailments. It helps in managing colic, fever, cough and diarrhoea in children. Besides, its gentle action ensures that it does not cause any adverse effects, making it suitable for paediatric use.   Boosting Immunity   A strong immune system is crucial for maintaining good health. Moreover, Ativisha has immunomodulatory properties that help in boosting the immune system. Regular use of the herb can enhance the body’s ability to fight infections and diseases, promoting overall health and well-being   Practical Uses of Ativisha   Some of the practical uses of Ativisha include the following:   Decoction: Boil the roots of Ativisha in water and consume the decoction. This helps improve digestion and reduce fever.   Powder: Consume it in powdered form with honey to treat respiratory problems and digestion.    Infusion: The infusion of Ativisha can treat diarrhea and can also improve immunity.   Uses in Ayurvedic Formulations   Ativisha is a part of many Ayurvedic formulations.    Churna: Ativisha, in its powdered form, can be mixed with other herbs to be consumed directly or mixed with honey or water.   Kwath: It is prepared by boiling the roots of Ativisha in water. Kwath helps, in addition, to cure the issues of digestion, fever, cough and cold, and, furthermore, other respiratory problems.    Taila: Applying Ativishaoil helps get rid of pain and inflammation in  joints and muscles.   Precautions and Safety   Though it has numerous health benefits, you must use Ativisha with caution. The herb is quite potent; therefore, it is best not to use it frequently. It is important to consult with an Ayurvedic doctor, primarily in the case of children and pregnant females. Moreover, it should be consumed in the prescribed amount and form to avoid any possibility of side effects.     If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.

Goat Milk Good for your health?

There are many discussions going on about whether the goat milk is good for your health or not. And one of the varieties of milk that is part of the debate is goat milk .   In this blog, let us find the answer to the question from the Ayurvedic perspective.   Properties of goat milk   Picture a goat in your mind—it is lean, always active, drinks lots of water and loves eating grass. Surprisingly, its milk also has similar properties. According to Ayurveda, consuming goat milk can help maintain a lean physique, enhance activity levels, boost strength, alleviate Kapha, and prove beneficial for conditions related to dryness and weakness   Ashtanga Hridayam Suthrasthana – an ancient Ayurvedic text mentions the following about goat milk.   Atyambupana vyayama katu tiktaashanair laghu।  ajam shosha jwara swasa rakta pitta atisarajit।।     This milk is beneficial for those who engage in excessive physical activity and consume a lot of water. It has a pungent or bitter taste, making it light and easily digestible. It is beneficial for conditions like emaciation, fever, and shortness of breath It also helps pacify conditions related to bleeding disorders (Rakta Pitta) and is effective in alleviating diarrhoea.   Goat milk for kids   Diluted goat milk with a lot of water is a good replacement for breast milk for babies. It also helps subside loose motions in babies and kids. But make sure that the milk is genuine.   As we navigate through the infinite number of debates surrounding milk consumption, the Ayurvedic perspective sheds light on the goodness of goat milk. It is a nourishing alternative even for babies. Our cultural practices, rooted in the wisdom of Ayurveda, continue to shape our dietary choices.   Whenever a baby is born in my family, the first thing people look for is a good source of goat milk. If you ask my grandmother, she will say  it  has lots of  health benefits for kids. But she may not know the reason.   That is how Ayurveda has been interwoven in our culture. It is high time we are appreciative of our culture and Ayurveda. Let us go back to our roots. Are you with me? Do you have similar doubts regarding your child’s diet? Then join our child care program today! We’ll help you. You can join our  Health Programs  for mind and body detox.   If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.