

How I Became an Ayurvedic Doctor – My Ayurveda Journey

  My Ayurveda journey is something I get asked about the most. Hence, I’m sharing it in this blog.  I consider myself fortunate to have been born into an Ayurvedic family. My father, grandfather, his father and his grandfather were all Ayurvedic doctors. However, my mother was a government employee, adding a different dimension to… Continue reading How I Became an Ayurvedic Doctor – My Ayurveda Journey

Chronic Disease Management

Ayurvedic Treatment of PCOS Ayurveda considers PCOS as “artava dushti” which translates to menstrual abnormality. This happens due to vitiation of Vata, Pitta & Kapha. However, the highs and lows of vitiation varies from patient to patient. Treatment protocol 1 – Vihara (Lifestyle) Sleep is the most important parameter to corrected as sleep irregularities are… Continue reading Chronic Disease Management