Why Cold Showers is Harmful for You ?

Every time I post about warm baths, people ask me if cold showers and cold plunges are good. And for the answer, I would say that it is not an Ayurvedic practice.     Here is why.    Your internal environment is warm, i.e., your body needs warmth for digestion, circulation and all metabolic processes.    Just imagine how during winters, because the external environment is cold, your body tries to keep the internal environment warm. Similarly, when you do cold plunges, your body will have to work hard to preserve that warmth.    Do you really want your body to work so hard?  No!       Effect of cold showers on your body      When you plunge yourself in cold water, you are only aggravating the Vata and increasing the cold. This can mean aches, pains, muscle stiffness, dryness, low metabolism, impaired digestion and imbalanced hormones!    Cold plunges and showers can be stressful on the body, especially if done regularly or for extended periods. This can lead to an increase in the stress hormone cortisol, which can negatively impact the immune system, digestion, and mental health. In Ayurveda, stress is considered a major contributor to disease. So, it is important to avoid anything that causes unnecessary stress on the body.    Cold temperatures can negatively impact the neurological system and this can result in a number of physical and mental health problems. The neurological system is in charge of everything, including respiration, digestion, and sleep. Anxiety, sleeplessness, digestive problems and even chronic pain can result from a disturbed neural system.    Warm showers, on the contrary, are Vata subsiding and are best recommended in Ayurveda. As an Ayurvedic doctor, I’d recommend always listening to your body. After all, what it needs is warmth.     Who can do cold plunges/showers?   If you are someone who is habituated to taking bath in cold water, you can continue doing so. This is because it has become “Satmya” for you (favourable by habit). It won’t cause any disturbance in the body.        If you are struggling with any health issues, you can book a consultation with us or give us a message via WhatsApp at +91 79074 89839. We have the Best Ayurvedic Doctors in Trivandrum who is always glad to helps you . If you have any queries, contact us. . You can also visit

Vata Dosha – 5 Signs which shows your body needs help

Vata Dosha comprises elements of air and space and is responsible for movement, communication and creativity. When it is in balance, it promotes mental clarity, agility and vitality. However, when it becomes excessive or imbalanced, it can cause a range of physical and mental symptoms.  Here are five signs that your Vata is high and your body needs help according to Ayurveda.     Dry skin and hair  Vata Dosha governs the moisture balance in the body. When it is high, it can cause dryness in the skin, lips and hair. You may notice flakiness, roughness and itching in your skin, as well as split ends and brittle hair. To balance Vata, Ayurveda suggests using warm oils, such as sesame or coconut oil, to moisturize the skin and hair. Avoid using harsh soaps and shampoos, as they can strip away natural oils and aggravate Vata Dosha.     Irregular digestion  Vata Dosha is responsible for the movement of food through the digestive tract. When it is high, it can lead to irregular bowel movements, bloating, gas and constipation. You may also experience abdominal pain and discomfort after eating. For balancing, Ayurveda recommends eating warm, cooked foods that are easy to digest, such as soups, stews and cooked vegetables. Avoid cold, raw and processed foods, as they can aggravate you Vata.     Anxiety and nervousness  Vata Dosha is associated with the nervous system and the mind. When it is high, it can lead to anxiety, nervousness and racing thoughts. You may feel overwhelmed, scattered and unable to focus. To balance Vata, Ayurveda recommends practicing grounding and calming activities, such as walking in nature, taking warm baths and using aromatherapy oils, such as lavender or sandalwood.     Cold intolerance  If you have low tolerance to cold, that may be the result of high Vata. For balancing it protect yourself from cold, reduce long showers. You have to avoid cold showers completely. Use only warm water for the body. Wear a footwear on cold surfaces, keep your feet always warm, use socks in the night and cover yourself well when exposed to cold breeze, winds or even A/c.     Joint pain and stiffness  Vata Dosha governs the movement of the body, including the joints. When it is high, it can cause joint pain, stiffness and cracking sounds. You may also experience muscle tension and spasms. To have a perfect balance, it is better to do some gentle stretching exercises, such as yoga or tai chi, as well as using warm compresses and massage oils to soothe the joints and muscles.  High Vata Dosha can manifest in a variety of physical and mental symptoms. To balance it, Ayurveda suggests adopting a warm, nourishing and grounding lifestyle, including a diet rich in warm, cooked foods, regular exercise, relaxation techniques and self-care practices that promote relaxation and inner calm.     You can consult an Ayurvedic practitioner for advice regarding diet and lifestyle that helps balance your Vata. or give us a message via WhatsApp at +91 79074 89839. We have the Best Ayurvedic Doctors in Trivandrum who is always glad to helps you . If you have any queries, contact us. You can also   visit

Health Signs in Ayurveda

Side view of serene woman sitting on sandy beach against blue sky outdoors

In this period of vast amount of online information available on health and healthy living, people find themselves lost in this rat race to health and too overwhelmed to begin their journey towards a healthy living. Ayurveda believes primarily in digestion to improve your overall health. Ayurveda can help you in achieving good health and according to Ayurveda, the following are the  Signs of good health   Vata, Pitta, and Kapha in perfect balance  Efficient working of all tissue systems (blood, bone, muscles, etc.) Good digestion and elimination Clarity of sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, etc.) Pleasant, happy mind and soul In order to achieve these aspects of good health, Ayurveda recommends you to start by getting into a routine. Ayurveda suggests a simple morning routine that includes the following steps: Step 1: Wake up early in the morning (ideally before sunrise or with sunrise) as this is the natural Vatakala that helps your body to push your bowel movements down. Step 2: Brush your teeth with Ayurvedically compliant toothpaste as most toothpaste available in the market has a sweet taste and Ayurveda does not recommend this. Ayurveda recommends toothpastes to taste like Katu (Spicy), Tikta (Bitter) and Kashaya (Astringent taste). Step 3: Tongue scrapping using copper or steel tongue scrapper, however, refrain from using plastic ones. Step 4: Oil pulling (holding oil in your mouth). Ayurveda recommends organic black sesame oil or hot water or even milk but strongly discourages the usage of coconut oil. Step 5: Drink warm water or water infused with herbs. Step 6: Abhyanga (oil massage) for at least 4 to 5 minutes. Standing out in the Sun during Abhyanga can help improve Vitamin D levels in your body. After Abhyanga, you should move your joints; light physical activity like Yoga is advised for your physical well-being. Step 7: Warm or room temperature shower. You should make sure not to let warm water fall on your head or scalp as this will lead to hair loss and hair fall. Step 8: A warm, nourishing, freshly cooked breakfast. Creating a simple morning routine will enable you to take the first step towards good health. And if you’re struggling with any health issues, book a consultation with us or give us a message via WhatsApp at +91 79074 89839. We’ll help bring you back to good health.   You can also Visit