Ayurvedic Tips for Dry Skin

Having dry skin is often a nightmare. Your skin loses its shine and vigour and sometimes, no remedy seems to work! But here’s the thing – Ayurveda has a treasure trove of solutions to help you bid goodbye to dry skin for good.    Why Does Your Skin Turn Dry?   Before we jump into remedies, let’s understand why your skin turns dry.  Most dry skin diseases are chronic and fall under the category of Kushta. According to Ayurveda, the primary imbalance causing dryness is the Vata Dosha, which governs movement and dryness in the body.  When Vata is aggravated, it sucks the moisture right out of your skin. Add to this cold weather during winters, harsh soaps and dehydration, and you end up with flaky, itchy skin. However, if it is associated with itching, it could be a result of Kapha imbalance. And if it is associated with redness, it is a result of Pitta imbalance.   Another reason for dry skin that Ayurveda can’t let you ignore is your gut health. According to Ayurveda, poor gut health is the main cause of all diseases and that includes dry skin.    Natural Remedies for Dry Skin   The principal treatment for dry skin is nourishment. Here are some remedies that can help:   Ayurvedic oil massage for dry skin   The first and most effective remedy for dry skin is Abhyanga or self-massage with oil. The best oil that you can use for dry skin is organic black sesame oil. It is deeply nourishing and helps to lock in moisture.  Avoid using coconut oil as it is drying in nature. If you still doubt, apply coconut oil to your skin and you’ll see that your skin is more dry the next day. You can do Abhyanga within the comforts of your home.        Gut Health for Good Skin   According to Ayurveda, external moisturizers only provide temporary relief, often leaving your skin drier in the long run. Instead, to truly hydrate and nourish your skin, you need to treat your gut and balance your Dosha from within.  Vata, the primary cause of dry skin, is located in the large intestine in our body.  Ayurveda also says that the large intestine is linked to our brain. So if you have a Vata mind getting so many thoughts, it will also result in constipation and hence more dryness. So, the best thing you can do here is to avoid constipation. Make sure to have daily bowel movements to keep your gut healthy. If you feel constipated, work on your gut first before switching to any skincare method. Or, else it will not work! Also, consult a qualified Ayurvedic doctor to keep your Doshas and gut health in balance.   Ayurvedic moisturizer for dry skin   Shata Dhouta Ghrita (SDG) or ghee cream is the ultimate moisturizer you need, especially during winters. It is made by washing pure cow’s ghee a hundred times with water. SDG penetrates deep into the skin layers, soothing dryness, reducing inflammation, and leaving your skin soft and radiant. Whether it’s for dry patches, sensitive skin, or even fine lines, this age-old remedy works wonders.  The good news is you can make this cream at home using only two ingredients- pure cow ghee and water.       Ayurvedic Tips for Soft and Supple Skin   Here are some bonus tips to keep your skin nourished and healthy:    Have warm showers: Avoid hot showers. They strip your skin of natural oils. Add a few drops of sesame oil to the warm water and take a bath.  Avoid harsh cleansers: Avoid harsh soaps and switch to herbal powders to wash off excess oil on your body while showering. Moisturize damp skin: Apply oil on your body when your skin is slightly damp to lock in moisture. Oils nourish your skin more effectively than any cream-based moisturizer. Humidify your home: Use a humidifier to combat dryness in the air. Homemade face packs: If you have extreme dryness on your face, you can also use homemade face packs with avocado, honey, banana and turmeric.    Ayurvedic Medicines for Dryness   There are two medicines that I prescribe to my patients dealing with dry skin. All medicines I prescribe are individualized. It means that these are based on the patient’s Prakriti, Doshas, and other health concerns.  Both of these are in ghee form. When you consume any medicine in ghee form, make sure that your digestion is proper. Once your digestive fire is at the optimum level, you are ready to consume the ghee-based medicines.    Here are these two medications:   Mahathikthakam Ghritam Panchatiktam Ghritam   If you have good digestion and do not have any digestive disorders like gas, bloating, heartburn, constipation, and loose motions, you can consume these after dinner followed by a warm glass of water.  If you have digestive issues or a Kapha-aggravated body with diabetes, PCOS, obesity, fibroids, etc; the ghee may be heavy for you.  So, It is important to consult an Ayurvedic doctor to fix these conditions before you start with these medications.  So, are you ready to give Ayurveda a shot?   If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.

Gallbladder Stones Treatment in Ayurveda

Have you ever been told any of these things about gallbladder stones?   As of now, these stones are quite small. You can wait. Your stones can be cured only by surgical intervention. It is harmless to remove your gall bladder.   If yes, hit the pause button and listen to me first!   Your gallbladder is not some extra part of your body that you can easily discard. Ayurvedically speaking, the gallbladder is an extension of your liver and plays a vital role in your gut health, or Agni, as we call it in Ayurveda.    It’s known as “Pittashaya” – the seat of Pitta. This means it has a direct impact on your digestive system and overall metabolic health.   Yet, so many people are misled into thinking that removing the gallbladder is a quick and easy fix. They’re told that “you can live perfectly healthy without it.” But believe me, that’s really not the case.     The Hidden Truth About Gallbladder Removal     Modern medicine typically asks to wait until the gallstones get bigger and then remove the gallbladder completely. This approach is not only reactive but also problematic.    The liver is the most important digestive organ. When your gallbladder is removed, your liver will have to do extra work to compensate and keep your Agni balanced. In short, your digestive health will never be the same again.  90% of the patients who come to me after having their gallbladder removed have digestive health issues.     Why You Should Consider Ayurveda First     If the doctor diagnoses you with gallstones, do not allow them to grow too large to manage.  Ayurveda provides a safe and effective alternative. The focus is on balancing the entire digestive system rather than simply getting rid of the stones.   Gallstones often form due to imbalances in Pitta and Kapha Doshas. By addressing these imbalances through diet, lifestyle changes, and herbal remedies, you can dissolve the stones and prevent new ones from forming.   Ayurvedic Approach to Gallbladder Stones   Ayurveda’s approach to treat gall stones, like any other, involves correcting the root causes first. This prevents the condition from recurring.    Dietary changes   Food is your first medicine in Ayurveda. A diet that aggravates Pitta – spicy, oily, and processed foods – is often the root cause of gallstone formation. By switching to a Pitta-pacifying diet, you can create a healthier environment in your body.   Have cooling foods like cucumber, coriander and coconut water. Stay away from rich, fried and heavy foods. Consume whole grains and seasonal vegetables.   Herbal remedies   Ayurveda uses mild, non-heating, and non-drying herbs to dissolve gallstones naturally. Some commonly used herbs include:   Kulattha (Horse gram): Known for its ability to break down stones. Punarnava: Reduce inflammation and clear obstructions in the channels. Triphala: A mild but effective detoxifier for ensur­ing timely bowel movements. However, none of these herbs should be consumed without the proper guidance and recommendation of a qualified Ayurvedic doctor.    Daily routines   Following a disciplined daily routine can significantly improve your digestion and overall health:   Drink warm water with a squeeze of lemon every morning. Practice yoga poses like Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) and Pavanamuktasana (Wind-Relieving Pose) to improve digestion and bile flow. Avoid heavy meals late at night, as your digestive fire is weakest during this time. Oil massages (Abhyanga) and sweating therapies (Swedana) assist in detoxifying the body and improving bile flow. These therapies help to activate the Srotas (microchannels) to help release the toxins out of the body.   The Power of Early Intervention   Doctors advise most people to wait until their stones grow larger before considering any action. But why wait for things to get worse? As soon as you’re diagnosed with gallstones, it’s time to take action.  A three-month Ayurvedic program, tailored to your unique body type and Dosha imbalances, can effectively treat gallstones in their early stages. Here’s what a typical Ayurvedic program looks like: A personalized diet plan that balances Pitta and Kapha. Herbal formulations designed to dissolve stones and prevent recurrence. Lifestyle changes that support optimal digestion and liver health.   What If You’ve Already Had Surgery?   If they have already removed your gallbladder, don’t worry.  Ayurveda can still help you. However, you’ll need to be extra cautious about your diet and lifestyle. Eliminating Pitta-aggravating foods becomes even more critical. You’ll also benefit from herbs that support liver function and digestion.   Some tips for post-surgery care:   Avoid spicy, acidic, and heavy-to-digest foods. Focus on foods that are easy on the stomach, like steamed vegetables and soups. Include liver-supporting herbs like Guduchi and Amla in your daily routine.   Re-aligning With Nature   Ayurveda is not about any quick fix or miracle cure. It’s about attuning your body to the rhythm of nature and fixing the root cause of your health issues. When it comes to gallstones, this means restoring balance of your digestive system, improving bile flow, and preventing the formation of new stones.   Following this will not only break down gallstones but also energize your health. You’ll learn that with the right guidance, you can lead a full, healthy life without switching to extreme surgical procedures.   Remember,    Your gallbladder is integral to your digestive health. You can live without it, but it will have repercussions.    With Ayurveda, you have the opportunity to heal your body naturally and holistically. So, the next time someone tells you that surgery is the only solution, remember: You have options. Seek the guidance of an experienced Ayurvedic doctor and take control of your health today. Ready to explore the Ayurvedic way of treating gallstones? Start now. Your body will thank you later!   If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are… Continue reading Gallbladder Stones Treatment in Ayurveda

Ayurveda’s Take on Alcohol

For many, celebrations are incomplete without alcohol. But have you ever wondered what Ayurveda says about it?   Interestingly, Ayurveda doesn’t completely forbid alcohol. Instead, it stresses moderation and mindful consumption.     Is Alcohol Allowed in Ayurvedic Practices?     Yes, there is mention of alcohol within the medicinal context in Ayurveda.    Ayurvedic preparations like Draksharishta contain self-generated alcohol. These are made using natural fermentation techniques and contain healing herbs for health benefits.    However, recreational use of this should be approached with caution.     Effect of Alcohol on Doshas     Pitta Dosha: Alcohol has heating, sharp and penetrating properties. Too much of it aggravates Pitta-related conditions like acidity, liver inflammation and skin rashes.   Vata Dosha: Alcohol has a drying effect too, and this can aggravate Vata Dosha causing anxiety, restlessness, and digestive issues. Its drying nature can disturb mental clarity, cause dehydration, and can also lead to joint pain or bloating.   Kapha Dosha: High indulgence can overburden Kapha Dosha, resulting in excess mucus secretion, lethargy, weight gain and sluggishness.   To counterbalance these effects, Ayurveda emphasizes moderation and pairing with the right foods.     Is Drinking Alcohol Allowed in Ayurvedic Diet?     Alcohol is not forbidden in Ayurveda, but it is not advised as part of an Ayurvedic lifestyle. If you drink, take the following into account: Do not drink on an empty stomach To calm Pitta, consume cooling and sweet foods the next day Drink twice the water to stay hydrated     Ayurvedic Remedies for Alcohol Detoxification     For the consumers, detox is a must for the negative effects to not take a toll on you. Ayurveda recommends: Dry fruits: To get rid of the hangover, soak some dry fruits the night before and eat them in the morning. Figs, dates or black raisins are great for reducing Pitta and fighting dehydration.   Draksharishta: Consume 15 ml of this Ayurvedic tonic mixed with an equal amount of water after meals. It helps the health of the liver and digestion.   Head massage: At my clinic, I prepare a night routine oil with pure sandalwood in it. Use this oil for a head massage followed by a cold shower.      Alcohol and Digestive Fire (Agni)     Ayurveda places great importance on Agni – the digestive fire. Alcohol, when consumed in large amounts can dampen your Agni, resulting in indigestion, flatulence and toxin build up (Ama). To support your Agni: Eat light, easily digestible meals after drinking   Avoid mixing alcohol with fried or heavy foods   Drink herbal teas with ginger or fennel to strengthen digestion.     An Ayurvedic Perspective on Alcohol     “Madhye tu matra gunatmanam, ati doshakaram nrunam.” [Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana Chapter 24, Verse 30]   Translation: “Alcohol in moderation is beneficial, but in excess, it becomes harmful.”   The key is Yukti – using appropriate judgment. As per Ayurvedic texts, alcohol can act as both nectar and poison. The impact depends on the dose, person and situation.   It is, therefore, used in Ayurveda as a solvent in formulations like Asavas and Arishtas.  These are herbal preparations created through natural fermentation and are used for specific ailments.    Ayurveda sees alcohol addiction as an imbalance in the mind and body. Through detoxification treatments such as Panchakarma, both liver health and mental health can be restored.   Too much alcohol disrupts the balance of Doshas, impairs Agni and causes a toxin build-up. Ayurveda emphasizes Madhyama Matra – the middle path of moderation. Small amounts of alcohol, consumed mindfully, may be acceptable, but overindulgence is harmful.   Instead of the conventional alcoholic drinks, you can opt for Ayurvedic drinks such as Herbal Teas or Draksha Rasa (grape juice). They not only satisfy the palate but also provide nourishment and balance.   Fermented drinks like Takra (buttermilk) and herbal infusions are better alternatives. These drinks are light on the system, assist in digestion and support Dosha balance.     A Quick Reality Check     So, before you raise a glass at your next gathering, remember that alcohol is not essential to celebration. Ayurveda inspires us to live a life with balance and mindfulness.    If you decide to drink, do so responsibly, and always pair it with self-care practices to minimize harm. Or better yet, explore Ayurvedic alternatives that nourish both body and soul.   Alcohol can be a part of life, but it doesn’t have to be the whole thing. Choose balance, moderation, and care for your body because health is the ultimate wealth!   If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.

Winter Wellness with Ayurveda

Winter is a magical season –  a time when nature slows down, inviting us to rest and rejuvenate. It’s also a season that challenges our body, especially our skin and digestion, due to the cold and dry weather.  Ayurveda offers a treasure trove of remedies and practices to help us stay healthy, balanced and radiant during the colder months. In this blog, we’ll explore practical Ayurvedic tips for winter wellness.     Ayurvedic Approach to Skin Health in Winter     During winter, Vata and Kapha are aggravated and cause dry skin. According to Ayurveda, all chronic dryness-related issues fall under Kushta (skin disorders). Vata imbalance: Causes dryness. Kapha imbalance: Leads to itching. Rakta (blood) imbalance: Causes redness and irritation. However, the primary imbalance is always Vata in all kinds of dryness issues and the only treatment for this is nourishment both from inside and outside.   Dry Skin vs Gut Health: The Connection   Dry skin isn’t just about harsh weather but also an internal imbalance. According to Ayurveda, poor gut health is a major culprit for dry skin. Here are some solutions: Keep your bowels regular: Vata resides in the large intestine. Irregular bowel movements can worsen Vata imbalance, leading to dryness. Constipation, often triggered by overthinking and stress, is a common culprit. Calm your mind: Since the gut and brain are closely linked, grounding practices like yoga and mindfulness can help. Timing for fruits: Eat fruits during the warmer hours of the day (11 a.m. to 5 p.m.) to aid digestion. Good fats and spices:                                                                                                          Incorporate good fats into your diet, like ghee, nuts, and seeds, to keep your skin and body lubricated. Also add warming spices like ginger and cinnamon to boost your digestive fire.   Are Hydrating Creams Helpful?   Do the so-called hydrating creams with hyaluronic acid and many other fancy ingredients that burn a hole in your pocket really hydrate? The answer is a big no! Think about how your skin feels after swimming or showering – it’s often drier than before. Why? Because water is drying.  Water doesn’t moisturize; rather, it depletes natural oils from your skin. Water-based products, though marketed as hydrating, can actually dry your skin. The opposite of dryness is oiliness, not wetness. So, the best way to keep your skin hydrated is by applying oil.  The best oil for combating dryness is organic black sesame oil. Now you might be arguing – Why not coconut oil? Many modern doctors advise using coconut oil on the body but trust me it will dry you out further.  Unlike coconut oil, which is naturally drying, black sesame oil deeply nourishes and balances Vata Dosha – the primary culprit for dryness. But external oiling is just one part of the equation. Internal hydration is even more critical. While topical treatments might provide temporary relief, true hydration begins from within.    The Magic of Shat Dhaut Ghrita (SDG)   Shat Dhaut Ghrita means “100 times washed ghee.” This Ayurvedic remedy transforms ghee into a silky, neutral-pH cream that penetrates deeply into the skin. You may be wondering why I recommend using a hundred times washed ghee for skin conditions. Why not use plain cow ghee?  To understand this, first, let me explain the process of Samskara to you. So, when you convert one substance into another, it is called Samskara in Ayurveda.  When we do Samskara of ghee by washing it 100 times, the particle size of ghee is also reduced. Hence, something that was granular, thick and heavy is now changed to smooth, silky and easily penetrable into the skin. Now your skin is able to absorb this ghee much more easily and quickly.  SDG makes your skin properly nourished because of the active particles going deeper into the skin.  SDG is the ultimate moisturizer for winter skin care. It is great for chapped lips, cracked feet, sunburn and household burns.  The best part is you can easily make SDG at home.    Use SDG after showering for the ultimate winter skincare experience.   Don’t Diet in Winter!   As soon as holidays get over and the new year begins, everyone makes resolutions to lose weight. However, Ayurveda says that winter isn’t the time for restrictive dieting.    Your digestive fire is strongest in winter During winter, the outside environment is cold. So your body produces more heat to keep it warm internally. This process is similar to homeostasis which ignites your Agni (digestive fire), allowing you to digest heavier foods.  During winters, you automatically feel a craving for rich, creamy and spicy food. This is your body’s internal mechanism or intelligence telling you to eat all these because the body is craving for it.  There is no harm in eating the heavy stuff made with Urad dal and wheat during this time which are contraindicated during the other seasons.  However, portion control is key – always leave some room in your stomach to avoid overwhelming your digestion. Build immunity and strength Winter is ideal for physical activity, strength training and sex. This is also the best time to enhance stamina and immunity for the year ahead.  In summer, the heat weakens Agni and reduces the body’s strength. Foods consumed in winter help sustain the body’s energy and immunity during this time.   Nourishment Through Diet   Your diet is the cornerstone of winter wellness. Ayurveda emphasizes eating warming, nourishing foods to balance Vata and support digestion. Here are some diet tips for winter: Start your day with ojas tea This tea, enriched with licorice, nourishes all seven Dhatus (tissues) and boosts vitality. Sip warm water and herbal teas Boil water with dry ginger and sip it throughout the… Continue reading Winter Wellness with Ayurveda

All About Eye Health – the Ayurvedic Perspective

Ayurveda extends its healing touch to almost every part of our being – this also includes our eyesight. When it comes to caring for our eyes, physical needs and energies that influence eye health – Ayurveda covers it all. For example, Netra Basti/Tarpana, are age-old Ayurvedic therapies that promote eye health.     Ayurvedic Perspective on Eye Health     Before exploring the therapies, we should first understand what Ayurveda thinks of eye care.According to the principles of Ayurveda, occular health is intricately linked to the balance of Doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha altogether). It is also connected to the proper functioning of Dhatus (tissues), and the clarity of channels (Strotas) within.    Any imbalances in these elemental forces can lead to eye disorders – whether it’s dryness, excessive straining or something more serious like cataracts and glaucoma.     Key Principles of Ayurvedic Eye Care     Ayurveda has listed out various principles for Ayurvedic eye care.     Panchakarma for Eye Detoxification   Ayurveda has prescribed panchakarma therapies for eye care. Some popular ones are Netra Basti and Netra Tarpana. Netra Basti, called an eye oil bath, relieves various eye-related issues.    In this therapy, a small dough dam is built around the eyes. The dough is made using a mix of flour/black gram paste. Then, warm medicated oil (preferably organic black sesame oil) is poured into the dam. The warmth of the oil enhances blood circulation and issues like dryness and fatigue/strain get fixed.     Netra Tarpana is also almost the same, but instead of medicated oil, medicated ghee (clarified butter) is used. The ghee is also warmed like oil, and this therapy works best for individuals suffering from degenerative eye disorders.   Herbal Care   Ayurveda gives much importance to herbs. Ayurvedic herbs like Triphala, Amla (Indian Gooseberry) and saffron are popular for their rejuvenating properties. People have been using these herbs altogether to support eye health for years.   For example, Triphala eye washes and Amla-based eye tonics are used to improve vision, reduce inflammation and prevent age-old degeneration.    Padabhyanga   One great way to maintain the eye health with Ayurveda is by doing Padabhyanga, i.e., massaging the feet with organic black sesame oil every night before bed.   Dosha Balancing for Proper Vision   When your Doshas are not in balance, it has an effect on your overall health and that includes the health of your eyes. One has to follow Ayurvedic lifestyle practices to maintain Doshas, like daily routines (Dinacharya), and stress management techniques. Cooling foods, gentle eye exercises and relaxation techniques pacify your Aggravated Doshas and help with eye strains.    Agni Optimisation   Also known as digestive fire, Ayurveda emphasizes the role of Agni in occular health. An  impaired digestion leads to the accumulation of Ama (toxins) which often affects vision.    Once the digestive function has improved through dietary adjustments, herbal remedies, and lifestyle changes including nutrient absorption for supporting healthy vision.   Other Ayurvedic Remedies for Eye Care   In addition to the above-mentioned practices, Ayurveda has laid out specific remedies for eye care.   Anulom Vilom (Alternate Nostril Breathing)   How even is this related to eyes? Well, Anulom Vilom is a popular Pranayama technique that helps balance the flow of Prana (life force energy). And this flow of Prana in the body includes eyes as well. Try regularly practising this breathing technique as it enhances oxygenation and eye circulation.   Ayurvedic Eye Exercises   Next comes simple eye exercises. Try focusing on distant objects, and rotating your eyes in all directions. These exercises can relax the eye muscles. It also improves flexibility and gives relief from strain.   Ayurvedic Remedies for Dry Eyes   Coming to specific concerns, Ayurveda also offers remedies for dry eyes. Apply rose water or aloe vera gel to soothe dry eyes. You can also incorporate ghee (clarified butter) and healthy fats into your diet. The reason is that fats support lubrication and help moisture retention.   Ayurvedic Remedies for Vision Improvement   Ayurveda has many offers for vision improvement. It recommends consuming nutrient-rich foods like carrots, spinach, almonds  and Indian gooseberry (Amla)  for improved vision and eliminating degenerative eye conditions.   Ayurvedic Treatment for Glaucoma   Next comes Glaucoma. There are multiple Ayurvedic treatments available for this condition. These treatments focus on reducing intraocular pressure and improving blood circulation to the eyes. The therapies include herbal formulations like Guggulu and Punarnava.    Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations for Healthy Eyes   Maintaining healthy eyes involves adopting a balanced diet and lifestyle practices that support eye health. Here are some recommendations:   Nutrient-Rich Diet   After therapy and remedies come recommendations. Ayurveda always focuses on taking foods rich in vitamins A and C, omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants into your diet. Eat as many leafy greens, carrots, citrus fruits, nuts, seeds and fatty fish as required. As this food not only nourishes your body, but even protects the eyes. And the most important point to remember is to follow a diet that aligns with your Prakriti (body type). You can consult an Ayurvedic doctor to figure out your Prakriti and to recommend an Ayurvedic diet accordingly.    Hydration   Our life schedule can sometimes get tiring. But that should not stop you from drinking enough  water. At least three litres of water daily will maintain hydration in your body. It will prevent dryness, a factor that contributes to eye discomfort and fatigue.   Protective Eyewear   During summers, swear by your sunglasses or protective eyewear. Ayurveda may not have talked about sunglasses, but Ayurveda has talked about sun protection. The eyes are the seat of Pitta, the fire element. Hence it is important to keep the eyes protected against any kind of warm practices, including warm compresses and looking directly at the sun. In the olden times, people used to carry umbrellas in the summer for sun protection. These days it has become “old fashioned” and we carry them only during rain.… Continue reading All About Eye Health – the Ayurvedic Perspective

Contact Dermatitis Treatment in Ayurveda

Though not transmittable, contact dermatitis is a skin condition that causes great deal of pain and discomfort. If left untreated for an extended period, it has the potential to result in lasting scars and harm to the skin. To address the issue, one must select an effective treatment rooted in Ayurvedic traditions.    What is contact dermatitis?   Contact dermatitis is a common skin condition that affects millions worldwide. It happens when your skin is exposed to something that it reacts negatively to. This may be a substance that triggers an allergic reaction or discomfort. It can manifest as redness, itching, swelling, and sometimes even blistering, often resulting from direct contact with certain substances.    Types  of  Contact  Dermatitis   It is a type of skin inflammation caused by direct contact with irritants or allergens, and it has two main types: Irritant contact dermatitis: This occurs when the skin comes into contact with a substance that damages or irritates it. For instance, common culprits include detergents, soaps, acids, and solvents. Allergic contact dermatitis: This occurs when the skin has an allergic reaction to a specific substance, such as certain metals (e.g., nickel), cosmetics, plants (e.g., poison ivy), or medications. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, irritant contact dermatitis accounts for up to 80% of cases, while allergic contact dermatitis accounts for the remaining 20%. Its symptoms can vary in intensity; moreover, they may include redness, itching, swelling, dryness, and even blistering.  Managing this skin disease effectively requires identifying and avoiding triggers while soothing the irritated skin.   Ayurvedic Perspective on Contact Dermatitis   Ayurveda views skin diseases like contact dermatitis as a manifestation of imbalances within the body, particularly involving the Doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. According to Ayurvedic principles, an imbalance in these Doshas can disrupt the body’s natural harmony and lead to various health issues, including skin conditions. Vata: When Vata Dosha is aggravated, it can cause dryness, roughness, and itching of the skin, making it more susceptible to irritants. Pitta: Aggravated Pitta Dosha can result in inflammation, heat, and sensitivity, exacerbating symptoms like redness and swelling in contact dermatitis. Kapha: Imbalances in Kapha Dosha may lead to excessive oiliness and skin congestion, worsening symptoms such as itching and irritation. According to Ayurveda, it is also known as Udarda, can result from exposure to potent chemicals, soaps, cleaning agents, or prolonged water exposure.    Ayurvedic Treatments for Contact Dermatitis   Ayurvedic treatment for contact dermatitis aims to rebalance the Doshas, cleanse the body of toxins, and promote skin healing. Here are some Ayurvedic remedies and practices that may help alleviate symptoms and prevent recurrences:   Dietary Adjustments Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet to maintain overall health and well-being. Individuals with contact dermatitis may benefit from consuming cooling and soothing foods to pacify aggravated Pitta Dosha. This includes fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and herbal teas. Avoiding spicy, oily, and processed foods can also help prevent further irritation.   Herbal Remedies Ayurvedic herbs possess potent anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, and skin-soothing properties that can aid in managing  it.  Some commonly used herbs, for example, include neem, turmeric, aloe vera, and licorice.  These herbs can be applied topically as creams, ointments, or poultices to reduce inflammation and promote healing.   Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Massage) Regular self-massage, known as Abhyanga can help nourish and moisturize the skin while calming the nervous system. Massaging the affected areas with gentle, circular motions can improve circulation, reduce itching, and promote the elimination of toxins from the body.   Lifestyle Modifications Healthy lifestyle habits can be crucial in managing contact dermatitis. Avoiding exposure to known irritants and allergens, wearing protective clothing, practising good hygiene, and managing stress through yoga and meditation can help prevent flare-ups and promote skin healing.   Ayurvedic Formulations Ayurvedic practitioners may prescribe specific formulations tailored to an individual’s unique constitution and imbalances. These formulations, contain herbs, minerals, and natural ingredients to address the underlying causes; in addition, they aim to restore skin health.   Utilizing home remedies  Home remedies are crucial in managing and addressing contact dermatitis. Home remedies involve using readily available items like plants and food for treatment. These can be beneficial, cost-effective choices that are free from chemicals. Many DIY remedies can improve the skin and prevent it from drying, benefiting those with contact dermatitis. There are specific items in your household that can provide a cooling sensation to your skin and alleviate discomfort from sore or swollen skin. The symptoms can be effectively managed using Ayurvedic treatments and natural home remedies. Ayurveda effectively controls its symptoms and, in addition, educates individuals on how to prevent its recurrence and promote skin well-being.   Final takeaway   Contact dermatitis, a troublesome skin condition, can find relief and healing through Ayurvedic treatment.  Individuals can manage symptoms effectively and prevent recurrences by addressing imbalances in the Doshas, detoxifying the body and adopting natural remedies and lifestyle practices. However, consulting a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner for personalized guidance and treatment recommendations tailored to your specific needs is essential. With dedication and patience, you can restore balance to your skin and experience lasting relief from contact dermatitis.   If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.

Constipation Remedies in Ayurveda

“Doctor, I am doing everything, but I am not losing weight”.  “I have constant headache for no reason, don’t know why?”.  “I tried everything for my acne, but nothing works.” These are some common complaints I come across during consultations. One question I ask them all is “DO YOU HAVE CONSTIPATION?“     What is constipation?     When you have constipation, you pass less than three bowel movements in a week. You also have lumpy hard stools and have to strain to pass stools. Also, you have a constant feeling of incomplete emptying after passing stools.   Our stool constitutes waste, not just from our food, but also from physiological processes that include stercobilin, bacteria, dead cells, etc. If you are not defecating every day, a part of these is reabsorbed, which causes toxin buildup in our body.   According to Ayurveda, all diseases are caused due to an imbalance in digestion (Agni). Ayurveda quotes the same reason for constipation.   Even a single day of not passing bowel movements is not advised for gut health. For good health, good Agni, good skin and good hair, never let a single day pass without defecating.   Remedies for constipation     Ayurveda suggests a few remedies for constipation.       Lifestyle hacks     Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated.  Exercise regularly for good Agni as well as relief from constipation. Your stress levels can affect your digestion. So, always try to keep stress under control. Prolonged use of over-the-counter laxatives can eventually dry up your intestinal mucosa. So stay away from them.       Food     Have 5- 6 soaked prunes first thing in the morning. Also, drink the water in which you soaked it. Consuming soaked black raisins also helps with constipation. Reduce the consumption of drying foods, like raw salads, chicken, etc. Add cooked vegetables to your diet religiously. Dry ginger is a mild laxative. Drink a glass of warm dry ginger water in the morning. Include good fats, such as ghee, in your diet. Warm milk with half a teaspoon of ghee or castor oil and consume. For kids, give them a glass of almond milk with a teaspoon of ghee added to it to drink before they go to bed.     Ayurvedic herbs   According to Ayurveda, there are three types of biophysical energies in our body ‚Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Ayurveda suggests remedies for constipation, based on body type.   If you have heat in your body (Pitta body), consume 2 teaspoons of Avipatti Churna before going to bed. If your body is dry (Vata), you can try 1 tablespoon of castor oil before bed. If your body is Kapha type with a tendency to put on weight, you can try 1 tablespoon of Triphala with warm water before going to bed. However, do not overconsume Triphala.   The Ayurvedic medicines mentioned are for temporary relief only. You may need to correct your digestion with the food that suits your body type to ensure you say bye to constipation forever.   If your constipation symptoms are chronic and beyond your control, consult an Ayurvedic doctor and fix it as soon as possible.   You can join our Health Programs for mind and body detox.  If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital. You can also follow me on Instagram.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  … Continue reading Constipation Remedies in Ayurveda

My Hair Mask Secrets

For hair growth and shiny hair, this is my go-to hair mask with a secret Ayurvedic ingredient!     Here is how to make it:   Soak 3 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds overnight and make a paste with a little water. Add a whole egg (you can also use flaxseeds as replacement, but egg is egg) Add 1 table spoon yoghurt Add half tablespoon hair oil of your choice (optional, if your hair is very dry)   Then add the secret ingredient!   Part your hair into smaller sections, first apply along the roots, over the scalp and then on the length of the hair.   Wondering what’s my secret ingredient? It’s licorice powder, and only 10g will do. Licorice is extremely good for hair growth, hair shine and also works an amazing cleanser for the scalp! Try this hair mask and let me know.. If you want to improve your hair health, you can take our skin and hair care program. You can also join our other Health Programs for mind and body detox.  If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.