Alopecia areata (AA) is a medical condition where people lose hair in patches. In Ayurveda, we call it as “Indralupta”. Common presentations of Alopecia Areata Notice the exclamation mark hairs – a typical feature of Alopecia Areata Causes of Alopecia Areata according to modern science “The aetiology of AA is unknown, even though most evidence is consistent with an autoimmune disease to which both genetic predisposition and environmental factors contribute” Source: Pubmed Causes of Alopecia Areata according to Ayurveda 1. Pitta accumulation affecting hair follicles 2. Obstruction of hair roots due to Kapha & Rakta (blood tissue) imbalance restricting growth of hair 3. Over consumption of inflammatory foods, salty foods and alkaline foods (eg. Apple cider vinegar) 4. Stress 5. Long unaddressed impaired digestion 6. Krimi (parasites) Ayurvedic Treatment of Alopecia Areata 1. Correcting the causes 2. Removing Ama (toxins accumulation) 3. An anti-inflammatory, cooling diet 4. Internal medicines and routines like using hair oils, Nasya, scrubbing, shiropichu etc – specific to the dosha and dhatu (tissues) vitiation of the patient. Treatment outcome and duration The duration of Ayurvedic treatment to get back lost hair is anywhere between 4 months to 6 months with 95% no recurrence. Doctor Rekha is a 4th generation Ayurvedic Medicine Doctor (BAMS) living in between Dubai and India who has patients from around the globe who believes that the wisdom of Ayurveda can help everyone lead a happy, heathy and disease-free life. You can join our Health Programs for mind and body detox. And If you are struggling with any health issues like this, you can book a consultation with us or give us a message via WhatsApp at +91 79074 89839. If you have any queries, contact us. You can also follow me on Instagram.