

How to Manage Type 2 Diabetes with Ayurveda?

Diabetes is a chronic medical condition characterized by high levels of sugar or glucose in the blood. This occurs when the body either doesn’t produce enough insulin or can’t effectively use the insulin it produces. According to World Health Organisation (WHO), about 422 million people from around the world suffer from diabetes. And the numbers… Continue reading How to Manage Type 2 Diabetes with Ayurveda?

How to Boost Immunity with Ayurveda?

I had a patient who came to the hospital complaining of perennial fatigue and lethargy. Her main complaints were aches and pains and she also tended to catch a cough or cold very easily. She had a Covid attack a year back and since then, her immunity had taken a beating. The patient fell ill… Continue reading How to Boost Immunity with Ayurveda?

Viruddha Ahara – 5 combinations with milk you must avoid

Ayurveda emphasises on the unique nutritional benefits of milk. Properly digesting milk contributes to maintaining a healthy body and emotional balance while also aiding in the equilibrium of Doshas. It is considered one of the most essential foods for enhancing Ojus (vitality).    A quick brief into what Ojus is. It is a unique substance… Continue reading Viruddha Ahara – 5 combinations with milk you must avoid