Roasted Makhana (lotus seeds or fox nuts) is crunchy, delicious and also healthy and is, therefore, one of the most loved Ayurveda snacks. The seed is full of nutritional benefits and is known as Ankhalodya in Sanskrit. Makhana is used in spiritual practices; moreover, the seed resembles a lotus. Additionally, you can find the plant and the fruit in ponds. Consuming roasted makhanas with ghee, with a little bit of turmeric and cumin, is by far the most loved Ayurvedic snack by all my patients and me!! It urges a sweet taste conversion after digestion. Ayurvedic benefits It has highly Pitta and Vata subsiding properties and is, hence, suitable for people with acidity, acid reflux, heartburn, and skin disorders. It improves strength, vigour, and hand immunity. Being highly absorbent, it is helpful in diarrhoea. Diarrhoea Diarrhoea, referred to as Atisar in Ayurveda, is caused by improper food, impure water, toxins, mental stress, and Agnimandya, which exacerbate Vata. Aggravated Vata causes fluid in the intestine from body tissues to mix with stool, causing loose, watery motions or diarrhoea. Due to its Grahi (absorbent) property, Makhana can aid in nutrient absorption and diarrhoea control. Insomnia Consuming makhana can alleviate Anidra – a condition characterized by insomnia. Afterall, makhana is a Vata-balancing herb with a heavy Guru (heavy) nature. Osteoarthritis Ayurveda explains that osteoarthritis, also known as Sandhivata, results from increased Vata Dosha, causing pain, swelling, and joint immobility. With its Vata-balancing property, Makhana relieves osteoarthritis symptoms such as joint pain and swelling. If you are overweight, eat in moderation! You must avoid eating makhana if you have Kapha Dosha bodies and often experience bloating and constipation. It regulates hormones, improves fertility, and increases vigour in men. However, excessive consumption can cause bloating and constipation. Makhana is also beneficial for those with excess Pitta and excess Vata. I love some makhanas at 4 pm with my Licorice-cinnamon tea! If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us. You can also visit us at our hospital.
Makhana – Most loved snacks in Ayurveda