

Why premature death happens to people?

Kala Mrityu, or premature death, is explained by Caraka. Causes of premature death are: Excessive mental and physical strain Over-eating Irregular meals Bad posture Exposure to germs, poison, fire, wind, and accidents Starvation Not treating diseases on time Doctor Rekha is a 4th generation Ayurvedic Medicine Doctor (BAMS) living in between Dubai and India who… Continue reading Why premature death happens to people?

7 Reasons why you get skin diseases

Kushta Skin diseases are called ‘Kushta’ in Sanskrit. Charaka mentions the main causes of Kushta in Caraka Samhita Nidona Sthana. #1 Eating hot & cold foods together in 1 meal. #2 Overuse of honey, fish, radish, etc. when you have low digestion. #3 Eating incompatible foods. #4 Exerting excessively physically, more than your strength. #5… Continue reading 7 Reasons why you get skin diseases

Why premature death happens to people?

Kala Mrityu, or premature death, is explained by Caraka. Causes of premature death are: Excessive mental and physical strain Over-eating Irregular meals Bad posture Exposure to germs, poison, fire, wind, and accidents Starvation Not treating diseases on time Doctor Rekha is a 4th generation Ayurvedic Medicine Doctor (BAMS) living in between Dubai and India who… Continue reading Why premature death happens to people?