

How to Boost Fertility with Ayurveda?

Every year, I have a lot of patients who approach me seeking treatment for infertility. For most of them, Ayurveda is the last option after having tried every other treatment and not finding a result. Many are often surprised that there are no invasive procedures and yet Ayurveda can help them find their way to… Continue reading How to Boost Fertility with Ayurveda?

Ways to Maintain Skin Health With Ayurveda

In the quest for beauty and vitality, our skin often serves as the canvas upon which our inner vitality is reflected. Yet, in the hustle and bustle of modern life, our skin health can become imbalanced, manifesting various issues such as acne, dryness, or inflammation.  In the realm of holistic healing, Ayurveda offers profound insights… Continue reading Ways to Maintain Skin Health With Ayurveda

My top 3 secrets to boost memory

In Ayurveda, memory is considered as one of the functions of the Buddhi or the intellect, which is directly connected to the Prana or the life force energy. It is important to have a good memory to carry on with your daily activities. And that is why people are usually in search of ways to… Continue reading My top 3 secrets to boost memory

5 Ayurvedic Tips for Varicose Veins

In Ayurveda, varicose veins are referred to as “Siraja Granthi” are caused by an imbalance in the three Doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha.  There are plenty of Ayurvedic tips for varicose veins.   In this blog, I’d like to share few tips that might be of help if you are suffering from varicose veins.  … Continue reading 5 Ayurvedic Tips for Varicose Veins

Ayurvedic Ways to Get Rid of Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation – the condition in which semen leaves the body sooner than wanted during sex is a common sexual health concern faced by men. It happens to 1 in 3 men at some point. Causes of premature ejaculation Premature ejaculation can occur at any age. Ageing may not be the cause of premature ejaculation,… Continue reading Ayurvedic Ways to Get Rid of Premature Ejaculation