Ayurvedic Tips for Dry Skin

Having dry skin is often a nightmare. Your skin loses its shine and vigour and sometimes, no remedy seems to work! But here’s the thing – Ayurveda has a treasure trove of solutions to help you bid goodbye to dry skin for good.    Why Does Your Skin Turn Dry?   Before we jump into remedies, let’s understand why your skin turns dry.  Most dry skin diseases are chronic and fall under the category of Kushta. According to Ayurveda, the primary imbalance causing dryness is the Vata Dosha, which governs movement and dryness in the body.  When Vata is aggravated, it sucks the moisture right out of your skin. Add to this cold weather during winters, harsh soaps and dehydration, and you end up with flaky, itchy skin. However, if it is associated with itching, it could be a result of Kapha imbalance. And if it is associated with redness, it is a result of Pitta imbalance.   Another reason for dry skin that Ayurveda can’t let you ignore is your gut health. According to Ayurveda, poor gut health is the main cause of all diseases and that includes dry skin.    Natural Remedies for Dry Skin   The principal treatment for dry skin is nourishment. Here are some remedies that can help:   Ayurvedic oil massage for dry skin   The first and most effective remedy for dry skin is Abhyanga or self-massage with oil. The best oil that you can use for dry skin is organic black sesame oil. It is deeply nourishing and helps to lock in moisture.  Avoid using coconut oil as it is drying in nature. If you still doubt, apply coconut oil to your skin and you’ll see that your skin is more dry the next day. You can do Abhyanga within the comforts of your home.        Gut Health for Good Skin   According to Ayurveda, external moisturizers only provide temporary relief, often leaving your skin drier in the long run. Instead, to truly hydrate and nourish your skin, you need to treat your gut and balance your Dosha from within.  Vata, the primary cause of dry skin, is located in the large intestine in our body.  Ayurveda also says that the large intestine is linked to our brain. So if you have a Vata mind getting so many thoughts, it will also result in constipation and hence more dryness. So, the best thing you can do here is to avoid constipation. Make sure to have daily bowel movements to keep your gut healthy. If you feel constipated, work on your gut first before switching to any skincare method. Or, else it will not work! Also, consult a qualified Ayurvedic doctor to keep your Doshas and gut health in balance.   Ayurvedic moisturizer for dry skin   Shata Dhouta Ghrita (SDG) or ghee cream is the ultimate moisturizer you need, especially during winters. It is made by washing pure cow’s ghee a hundred times with water. SDG penetrates deep into the skin layers, soothing dryness, reducing inflammation, and leaving your skin soft and radiant. Whether it’s for dry patches, sensitive skin, or even fine lines, this age-old remedy works wonders.  The good news is you can make this cream at home using only two ingredients- pure cow ghee and water.       Ayurvedic Tips for Soft and Supple Skin   Here are some bonus tips to keep your skin nourished and healthy:    Have warm showers: Avoid hot showers. They strip your skin of natural oils. Add a few drops of sesame oil to the warm water and take a bath.  Avoid harsh cleansers: Avoid harsh soaps and switch to herbal powders to wash off excess oil on your body while showering. Moisturize damp skin: Apply oil on your body when your skin is slightly damp to lock in moisture. Oils nourish your skin more effectively than any cream-based moisturizer. Humidify your home: Use a humidifier to combat dryness in the air. Homemade face packs: If you have extreme dryness on your face, you can also use homemade face packs with avocado, honey, banana and turmeric.    Ayurvedic Medicines for Dryness   There are two medicines that I prescribe to my patients dealing with dry skin. All medicines I prescribe are individualized. It means that these are based on the patient’s Prakriti, Doshas, and other health concerns.  Both of these are in ghee form. When you consume any medicine in ghee form, make sure that your digestion is proper. Once your digestive fire is at the optimum level, you are ready to consume the ghee-based medicines.    Here are these two medications:   Mahathikthakam Ghritam Panchatiktam Ghritam   If you have good digestion and do not have any digestive disorders like gas, bloating, heartburn, constipation, and loose motions, you can consume these after dinner followed by a warm glass of water.  If you have digestive issues or a Kapha-aggravated body with diabetes, PCOS, obesity, fibroids, etc; the ghee may be heavy for you.  So, It is important to consult an Ayurvedic doctor to fix these conditions before you start with these medications.  So, are you ready to give Ayurveda a shot?   If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.

Tips for long hair: 6 things I do to grow my hair long

I’m often asked about the secret tips for my long hair.     Firstly, I’d like to thank my genetics, as it decides how long your hair will grow, no matter how much you try. However, that’s not the whole story!    In this blog, I’ll share six tips that I follow to achieve my long hair goals.    Tips for long hair    Here they are.   Nourishing from the inside out   The first thing I do is focus on my diet. I opt for easily digestible foods to maintain good digestion and elimination.    What we eat can significantly impact hair health. Choosing easily digestible foods is a great start. A well-functioning digestive system ensures your body can absorb essential nutrients for healthy hair growth.    Handling with care   I always try to be gentle while handling my hair, especially while drying it after washing and detangling.    Treating your hair gently is crucial, especially when it’s wet, as it is more delicate and prone to damage. Avoid aggressively rubbing your hair to dry it. Instead, use a soft towel and gently blot out the excess water.    Trimming the ends   I make sure to trim the ends of my hair once a month without fail. This helps remove split ends and promotes healthier, faster hair growth.    Keeping the scalp clean   I wash my hair 2-3 times a week. Daily washing can strip your hair of its natural oils, leading to dryness and breakage.    It is essential to maintain a clean scalp; consequently, this allows your hair follicles to breathe, thereby promoting better growth.    Using hair oil and hair scrub   Another thing I do to maintain my hair health is using hair oil and hair scrub before every wash.     Before washing my hair, I always apply Dr. Rekha Ayurvedic Hair Oil, which contains all-natural ingredients that nourish the scalp and boost hair growth. I also use Dr. Rekha Ayurvedic Hair Scrub to exfoliate my scalp. The ingredients in the scrub help maintain hair and scalp health, control hair fall, exfoliate the scalp, and rejuvenate hair, scalp, and skin.    Braiding hair before sleep   If you are from India, you might be familiar with your mother asking you to braid your hair before you sleep. Braiding not only prevents tangling but also minimizes damage caused by rubbing against your pillowcase.    Remember to make loose braids, as tying your hair tightly can affect your hair health.    Remember, patience is key when working toward your long hair goals. Results won’t happen overnight, but with consistent care and attention, you’ll be on your way to achieving your dream hair length.  Want to improve your hair health? Join our skin and hair care health program.    If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.

Neck Pain No More: Practical Solutions for Text Neck

Do you always have neck pain when your head is forward, neck slumped and shoulders slouched and rounded as you scroll through your phone?  If yes, this is the text neck position.    Text neck position is, in fact, the result of spending long hours hunched over your screens.  When you tilt your heads forward to look at your devices, you put extra stress on your neck muscles and spine. Which causes neck pain.   And if this continues, you will soon say “hi” to aches and  pains around your neck and shoulders. In the long run, it can even cause tightness and compression of the neck muscles, ligaments and tendons.      Further, it can even change the curvature of your spine.     Now that you are aware, there are a few things that you can do to fix this.      Tips to fix text neck position    Here are three things that have worked for me.    Raise the phone    Do not tilt your head forward and maintain your shoulders in a neutral position- not slouched. Try to keep your phone at eye level as much as you can. I know it is difficult. But that is the most ideal position. It is also very important to keep your ears in line with your shoulders.    Counter-pose exercise    If you have done Yogasanas you may know that for every pose, there is a counter pose to balance it. Here is one such counter-pose exercise to fix your text neck position:    Breathe   Bring your head further back a little   Open your mouth   Slowly close your mouth bringing your lower jaw to your upper jaw   You can now, as a result, feel a slight stretch on the front of your neck.   Repeat this exercise a few times.    Routine for quick relief    Try this routine to provide instant relief to a tired neck after hours of using the phone:   Interlace your fingers   Grip the back of the neck with it   Press the neck and look up and then down   Do this 3-4 times    This works, trust me!     Bonus tip: Yogasanas like dhanurasana, padahastasana, and adho mukha shwanansana can also help fix the text neck position.    Text neck position is a modern problem that can affect anyone who spends a lot of time on their smartphone or other digital devices. But by using the above-mentioned tips, you can protect your necks and enjoy your digital world without pain and discomfort.     Remember, a little prevention can go a long way in ensuring our long-term health and well-being. So, let us keep our heads up and our necks in good shape!  You can join our  Health Programs  for mind and body detox.   If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.

Eyes Tired and Dry? Top Remedies to Rejuvenate !

Do  you  have  tired  or  dry  eyes?     Dry eyes is a condition where you aren’t producing enough tears, consequently, this can lead to discomfort and irritation. It feels uncomfortable. If you’ve dry eyes, it may burn or sting.   Blinking is a natural psychological process that our bodies use to lubricate the eyes. We frequently forget to blink when we look at a computer screen or a phone for an extended period of time. So, because blinking is the natural process of lubricating, consciously blink while using the laptop or the mobile to ensure the eyes are well lubricated, to prevent them from dying out and to prevent the tiredness. It may not be the only reason, it occurs while riding a bike , travelling on an aeroplane, etc.   Symptoms A scratchy / burning sensation Difficulty wit riding/ driving. Redeye Watery eyes A feelings of something inside eye   Doctor Rekha is a 4th generation Ayurvedic Medicine Doctor (BAMS) living in between Dubai and India who has patients from around the globe who believes that the wisdom of Ayurveda can help everyone lead a happy, heathy and disease-free life. If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.You can also follow me on Instagram.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Iron Level Boosting – 4 Ways in Ayurveda

Iron is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in the body’s overall health. It is crucial for the formation of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to our cells, as well as for maintaining energy levels and supporting the immune system. Low iron levels can lead to anemia, leaving you feeling tired and weak.    Iron deficiency occurs when your body does not have enough iron to meet its needs. This deficiency can arise from various factors, such as insufficient dietary intake, poor iron absorption, blood loss and certain medical conditions.     Boost Your Iron Levels in Ayurvedic Way     In Ayurveda, low haemoglobin levels is called Pandu. The literal meaning of Pandu in Sanskrit is pale whitish discolouration. Pandu is a disease caused due to vitiation of ‘Rakta Dhatu’ (blood tissue) in the body.   The best way to avoid the condition is to improve its levels. Here are some natural tips to boost your iron levels as per Caraka Samhita:       Amla    Incorporating a shot of amla or amla powder into your daily diet is extremely beneficial. Having a teaspoon of amla with ghee before lunch can help.         Dry ginger   Including dry ginger into your diet in one form or another can also help.         Black raisins   Consuming soaked black resins is an excellent way to get iron into your diet.           Draksharishta   You can find Draksharishta in almost any Ayurvedic store as another wonderful Ayurvedic formulation. Have 15 ml Draksharishta post dinner to improve your iron levels. However, it is not recommended if you have diabetes or digestive disorders.     Bonus tips   Here are some additional tips that may help: Reduce sour and salty foods Stay away from alcohol Exercise regularly Reduce Vidahi foods, like apple cider vinegar, potatoes, coffee, tomatoes, etc. It is vital for your well-being. Incorporating these Ayurvedic tips into your daily routine can be a gentle and effective way to boost your iron levels naturally while promoting overall well-being.   If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.