

5 Mistakes You Should Avoid for Healthy Eyes

The eyes are one of the most important sense organs. You get to perceive the visual information of everything around you through your sight. The eyes are the seat of Pitta (heat) and a Pitta imbalance can result in eye problems. Therefore, it is important to protect your eyes from different eye diseases, such as… Continue reading 5 Mistakes You Should Avoid for Healthy Eyes

Tip for dry and tired eyes

Do you have tired or dry eyes? Blinking¬†is¬†a¬†natural¬†physiological¬†process¬†that¬†our¬†bodies¬†use¬†to¬†lubricate¬†the¬†eyes.¬†We¬†frequently¬†forget¬†to¬†blink¬†when¬†we¬†look¬†at¬†a¬†computer¬†screen¬†or¬†a¬†phone¬†for¬†an¬†extended¬†period¬†of¬†time.¬†So,¬†because¬†blinking¬†is¬†the¬†natural¬†process¬†of¬†lubricating¬†the¬†eyes,¬†consciously¬†blink¬†while¬†using¬†the¬†laptop¬†or the¬†mobile¬†to¬†ensure¬†the¬†eyes¬†are¬†well¬†lubricated,¬†to¬†prevent¬†them¬†from¬†drying¬†out¬†and¬†also¬†to¬†prevent¬†the¬†tiredness¬†of¬†the¬†eyes. Doctor Rekha is a 4th generation Ayurvedic Medicine Doctor (BAMS) living in between Dubai and India who has patients from around the globe who believes that the wisdom of Ayurveda can help everyone lead a happy, heathy and disease-free life. You can join our Health Programs for mind and body detox. And… Continue reading Tip for dry and tired eyes