What is Mindful Eating?

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, the simple act of eating has become a mindless routine for many of us. We often grab a quick bite on the go, scarcely pausing to savour the flavors or consider the nutritional value of what we consume. However, Ayurveda recognizes food as not only nourishment for the body but also for healing and hence, emphasises on mindful eating, As an Ayurvedic doctor, 80% of my treatment involves food as medicine. The diet plan I make for each of my patients is not just about how it aligns with their Prakriti, Dosha dominance and health conditions. It is also about mindfulness. Mindful eating requires you to think about the food you consume and make healthy decisions based on what your body needs and how fulfilled you feel after eating. People need to be more mindful of their dietary choices, as over 50 % of the global population is overweight.  In this blog, we delve into the art of mindful eating with Ayurveda, exploring how it can lead to healthier eating habits, improved gut health, and enhanced digestion.   Understanding  Mindful  Eating  with  Ayurveda   Central to Ayurvedic philosophy is the belief that the mind, body and spirit are interconnected. Therefore, maintaining balance among these elements is essential for overall well-being. Mindful eating is an integral aspect of Ayurveda. It emphasises the importance of being present and fully engaged in the process of nourishing oneself.  Ayurveda and mindful eating underscore the importance of savouring food for overall mental and digestive well-being. According to Ayurveda, food is essential for nourishing the holistic well-being of the mind, body and spirit, not just for mere survival. Being consciously aware of what you consume and relishing the flavours and scents of your meal is essential to mindful eating.    Healthy Eating Habits: The Ayurvedic Perspective   According to Ayurveda, aligning our diet with our Prakriti is key to maintaining balance and promoting optimal health. For instance, those with a predominant Vata constitution may benefit from warm, grounding foods that help to alleviate Vata’s cold and airy qualities. Pitta types, on the other hand, may thrive on cooling, hydrating foods that balance Pitta’s fiery nature. Kapha individuals may find support in lighter, stimulating foods to counterbalance Kapha’s heavy and stagnant tendencies. By understanding our constitution and selecting foods that harmonise with it, we can cultivate healthier eating habits that promote balance and vitality.   Ayurvedic Food for Gut Health   In Ayurveda, the digestive fire or Agni is considered the cornerstone of health. Your Agni should be balanced for efficient digestion and assimilation of nutrients. A low Agni or poor gut health is the root cause of all diseases. It can lead to digestive discomfort, nutrient deficiencies and the accumulation of toxins (Ama) in the body. An Ayurvedic diet offers a treasure trove of foods and spices that support digestive health. Warm, cooked foods are generally preferred over raw or cold foods. They are easier to digest and help stoke the digestive fire. Incorporating spices such as ginger, cumin, coriander, and turmeric can further enhance digestion and reduce digestive woes. Additionally, Ayurveda emphasises the importance of mindful eating practices, such as chewing food thoroughly, eating in a calm and relaxed environment, and avoiding distractions while eating. These simple yet profound practices can help improve gut health and optimise digestion.   The Role of Mindfulness in Digestion   In today’s fast-paced world, many of us eat on autopilot, scarcely registering the tastes, textures, and aromas of our meals. However, Ayurveda teaches us that digestion begins the moment food enters our mouths, as the act of chewing stimulates the release of digestive enzymes and prepares the body for assimilation. Mindful eating encourages us to slow down and savour each bite, paying attention to the sensory experience of eating. By cultivating mindfulness at the table, we can enhance our body’s ability to digest and metabolise nutrients effectively. And the best part is you have control over your food portions that you consume.   Practical Tips for Mindful Eating with Ayurveda   Begin each meal with a moment of gratitude, acknowledging the sources of your food and the efforts that went into its preparation. Take a few deep breaths before eating to centre yourself and shift into a state of relaxation. Chew each mouthful thoroughly, aiming for at least 20-30 chews per bite to aid digestion. Eat in a calm, distraction-free environment, free from electronic devices or other distractions. Listen to your body’s hunger and satiety cues, eating until you feel comfortably satisfied rather than overly full.   Cultivating Awareness of Food Effects   According to Ayurveda, the food we ingest plays a significant role in influencing our mind and body. Understanding the potential effects of different foods on your health is essential. Mindful eating involves being fully aware of how the food you consume impacts your body’s energy levels, emotional state, and overall well-being. Understanding the impact of various foods on your body can help you make informed decisions about your diet. This can assist in maintaining equilibrium between your body and mind, increasing energy levels. It also aligns with the principles of Ayurveda, which emphasise individualised nutrition and holistic well-being.   Practising Gratitude and Connection   Ayurveda and mindful eating promote acknowledging and appreciating the nourishment food provides and maintaining a connection to it for vitality and wellness. Feeling appreciative of the food we possess and recognizing our interconnectedness fosters a sense of reverence and appreciation for nature’s blessings.  Practising healthy eating habits involves being conscious and respectful of the food we consume, as well as participating in meal preparation and sharing meals with others. This improves our sense of being linked and content.   Conclusion   In a world filled with fad diets and conflicting nutritional advice, Ayurveda offers a refreshing perspective on food and eating. By embracing mindful eating practices, we can cultivate healthier eating habits, improve gut health, and enhance digestion. Let us remember that the… Continue reading What is Mindful Eating?

Uses of Triphala in Ayurveda

Triphala is a combination of three fruits or herbs known as Haritaki, Bibhitaki, and Amalaki. Ayurveda refers to it as Tridoshic Rasayana – a medicine that is used to harmonize the Kapha, Vata and Pitta Doshas. There are many uses of Triphala, owing to the large number of benefits it offers!       Benefits   of   Triphala       Triphala has a lot of antioxidants like vitamin C that can help you stay healthy. Consuming Triphala supplements on an empty stomach before bedtime is beneficial as it assists in cleansing your internal system. It is one of the most widely used Ayurvedic medicines in the world. It is available over the counter, which means you don’t need to see a doctor or get a prescription to have this medicine.     Is  Triphala  good   for  everyday  use ?     Let’s discuss more about it.   Throughout ancient times, Triphala has been utilized in traditional Ayurvedic medicine as a multipurpose remedy for conditions ranging from stomach aches to tooth caries. Additionally, it is thought to enhance general health and longevity. It is classified as a polyherbal remedy since it contains a variety of therapeutic plants. Ayurvedic medicine, a traditional approach emphasizing health promotion and disease prevention, extensively uses polyherbal preparations. Synergistic herb combinations are thought to have more therapeutic efficacy and be a more potent treatment than any one herb used alone. Triphala is the most marketed, most prescribed (a default item in Ayurvedic prescriptions), and often advised to take every day!   Is Triphala suitable for everyday use?   Yes, it works excellent externally – as a face wash, as a hair wash, as an eye wash, and even as a vaginal wash!    Triphala is better used internally rather than externally. But is it suitable for internal use every day? No.   Continuous use of Triphala leads to – Loosening of tissues and muscles of the large intestine. – habit forming. Once you start, you won’t be able to pass bowel movements without it. – Drying up of the mucosal layer lining the large intestine.   What is the best alternative for Triphala?   If you have taken my course or my 3-month gut health program, you already know how much I love GH oil to control Vata that causes constipation. If you cannot get it, just take 2-3 ml of plain castor oil before bed. Follow up with hot water or mix with hot water. The opposite of dryness is oiliness. Using oil for constipation is far better than using any dry powders, be it Triphala, Nityam, Kayam churna, isabgol, or psyllium husk – all of which may satisfy you momentarily due to the fibre in it, but later, it leaves your tract drier so that you will need to take the same the next day to pass bowels. Triphala is a medicine. If you choose to take it internally, it must be taken with the right vehicle (milk, warm water, cold water, etc. based on condition), in the right season, and the correct quantity under a doctor’s supervision. Otherwise, don’t bother at all! Unfortunately, these days, most commercially manufactured Triphala are not made as per the proportions mentioned in the Samhitas to reduce cost!    Four unique uses of Triphala   There are four uses of Triphala.   Triphala as a hair wash for dry, itchy scalp and dandruff   Triphala is a natural remedy in Ayurveda that helps balance the Doshas in the body. It also helps keep our insides healthy, which then makes our hair and scalp healthy on the outside.   Triphala powder is beneficial for hair health as it helps to combat fungus and bacteria. It works against germs, prevents your head from itching, and reduces flaking. Triphala can also alleviate inflammation on your scalp triggered by the use of inappropriate hair products or environmental shifts. It also helps hair to grow by making follicles and roots stronger.   Amla found in Triphala aids in maintaining the natural pH balance of the scalp and promotes healthy hair. Triphala hair tonics can also help with dandruff and other skin issues. Weak and moisture-deficient, curly, and brittle hair is prone to breakage. Triphala assists in maintaining hair hydration and guarding against harm. This will leave your hair feeling soft, glossy and in excellent condition.   Triphala as a face wash for acne-prone skin   According to Ayurveda, the aggravation of Kapha leads to increased sebum production and clogging of pores. This results in the formation of both white and blackheads. An aggravation of Pitta, causes red papules (bumps) and inflammation with pus.   When it comes to treating acne and blemishes, there are various approaches that individuals can take. One natural remedy that has gained attention for its potential benefits is Triphala.   Inflammation is one of the key factors contributing to acne is inflammation. Triphala contains potent anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce redness and swelling associated with acne breakouts. By calming the skin and reducing inflammation, Triphala can provide relief from the discomfort often experienced with acne. Additionally, Triphala possesses antibacterial properties that may aid in fighting the bacteria responsible for causing acne. This can help prevent new blemishes from forming and promote clearer skin over time.   While individual results may vary, incorporating Triphala into a skincare routine alongside other recommended treatments may offer a holistic approach to managing acne and blemishes. Triphala gives good results in case of skin problems like acne or pimples. Its usage helps to reduce acne or pimples because of its Pitta-Kapha balancing properties.   Triphala as a vaginal douche   Pruritus vulvae is the medical term for itching in the vagina. The term “pruritus vulvae” refers to itchiness in the vicinity of the vagina. The vulva refers to the external skin surrounding the vaginal opening. Pruritus vulvae are characterized by persistent itching that can cause emotional distress. The itching may worsen in the evening and could lead to difficulty falling asleep.   Approximately 10%… Continue reading Uses of Triphala in Ayurveda