The Role of Ayurveda in Women’s Life

Happy Women’s Day!    Today, I wish to do a hearty talk with all my female readers about women’s health from an Ayurvedic perspective.  In India, women have been revered as goddesses for their role in sustaining life.  Acharya Charaka, in his text, honours women as they are responsible for the continuation of life:   स्त्रियस्तु जनयित्री प्रजानाम् “Striyastu janayitri prajānām”   (Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana 8/32)   Meaning: Women are the progenitors of mankind.   In today’s world, where women are juggling multiple roles and responsibilities, prioritizing self-care can be challenging. Whether she is a working woman excelling in every aspect of life or someone who has dedicated herself to her home, a woman needs to be in her best health to truly honour her existence.   Ayurveda understands the physiological, psychological and emotional health needs of women and offers a holistic approach in achieving a balanced state of mind, body, and soul.    Ayurveda and Women’s Health: A Deep Connection   Ayurveda values women at every stage of life including menstruation, preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum care. Here’s how Ayurveda can empower us on our journey to achieve perfect health.   Menstrual health   Menstruation known as ‘Rajaswala’ in Ayurveda is a natural cleansing process for eliminating excess Pitta (heat) and Vishudh Rakta (impure blood) from our body.    Contrary to popular belief, Ayurveda doesn’t claim women as ‘impure’ during Rajaswala kaal. Rather it honors the natural rhythms and cycles that define our body.   Instead of approaching menstruation as something inconvenient and unpleasant, Ayurveda acknowledges it as an essential process that influences our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.   Ayurveda defines the three stages of the menstrual cycle based on our body doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. By recognizing these changes and integrating lifestyle practices around them, we can better manage our menstrual symptoms, hormonal fluctuations, and emotional imbalances.   An Ayurvedic doctor might suggest dietary changes, herbal remedies, and self-care routines for each stage. For instance, in the menstrual phase, where Vata Dosha is at its peak (in middle age women), nourishing foods and gentle exercises such as restorative yoga can ease the cramps and induce relaxation.   Dietary choices: Consuming warm, cooked foods can help achieve Dosha balance during menstruation. Incorporating anti-inflammatory spices like ginger and turmeric can reduce the pain and discomfort during the cycle. Lifestyle practices: Gentle yoga and meditation can ease menstrual cramps and promote emotional well-being. Herbal support: Ayurveda is a storehouse of herbs and natural remedies for supporting menstrual health and regulating cycles. It is important to consult a doctor before consuming any herbs to derive the maximum benefits.    Preconception   Ayurveda is primarily a science of body Doshas. Hence, Ayurvedic preconception care emphasises on cleansing and nourishing the body and mind through diet modifications, herbal supplements and lifestyle changes to achieve Dosha balance. In this way, you can prepare your body to nurture a child.    Nourishing herbs: Ayurveda offers several herbs for female reproductive health, nourishing the uterus, supporting ovulation and maintaining hormonal equilibrium.    Detoxification: Practices like Panchakarma cleanse the body of toxins, potentially improving fertility.   Stress management: Techniques, such as Abhyanga (self-massage) and Shirodhara (oil pouring over the forehead) can reduce stress, which is crucial for reproductive health.     Pregnancy   During pregnancy, Ayurvedic practitioners may suggest gentle prenatal yoga, massages with nourishing oils and herbal formulations for common discomforts such as nausea, fatigue and edema. It is mentioned in our ancient Ayurvedic texts what a Garbhini (pregnant woman) should eat.    “Garbhinyāh prasavotsāhāh snigdhāh sthirā madhurāśinah”  – (Charaka Samhita, Sharirasthana 8/32)   A pregnant woman should consume oily, nourishing, stable, and sweet foods to support fetal development. However, this is a general guide that is classified further based on which month of pregnancy is going on. For instance, ghee, nuts and milk are advised during the fifth month for the bone and brain development of the fetus. On the contrary, light and nourishing foods like Khichdi and soups are advised during the ninth month for easy labor.    Postpartum   Ayurveda also offers a welcoming postpartum experience after childbirth, focusing on rebuilding strength, aiding lactation, and nurturing the emotional state of the new mother.  Gentle massages, herbal baths and nutritious tonics offered in Ayurvedic therapies can facilitate the postpartum healing process. By embracing these principles, women can improve their reproductive health, nourish their bodies, and empower themselves during these transformative stages of life.     Menopause   Menopause (Rajonivritti) is not a disease; it is a natural phenomenon in every woman’s life.    In Ayurveda, it is viewed as a displacement of Doshas, particularly as a “Vata increase” and an imbalance in Pitta and Kapha according to one’s constitution. While menopause is seen as an “end” by most, Ayurveda considers it a new phase of wisdom, strength and self-care.   Ayurveda explains that menopause takes place when a woman’s reproductive fire (Artava Agni) diminishes, and the body stops generating menstrual blood (Artava). The loss of Shukra Dhatu (reproductive tissues) and Ojas (vital energy) results in changes in body and mind.   Menopause occurs in every woman’s life between ages 45 and 55. The general symptoms consist of hot flushes, dryness, discharge from the vaginal area, mood swings, headaches, weight gain and many others.    Menopause is a significant transition, and Ayurveda provides tools to navigate it gracefully:   Diet: Eat warm, cooked food added with good fat to provide strength and nourishment to Dhatus.  Herbal support: Tulsi, Brahmi, licorice and Triphala are great herbs for balancing Doshas and metabolizing excess fat. But, all of these herbs might not work for you. Consult with an Ayurvedic doctor before you take any herbs.  Lifestyle: Incorporate daily walk, Yoga, intermittent fasting and meditation to cleanse and detoxify the inner body.      Ayurveda for Common Women’s Health Issues     Not only this, Ayurveda addresses each aspect of women’s health – be it hormonal imbalance, ovarian cysts or internal infections. Let’s explore how Ayurveda addresses specific health concerns:   Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)   It is an endocrine disorder among females… Continue reading The Role of Ayurveda in Women’s Life

How to Boost Fertility With Ayurveda?

Every year, I have a lot of patients who approach me seeking treatment for infertility. For most of them, Ayurveda is the last option after having tried every other treatment and not finding a result. Many are often surprised that there are no invasive procedures and yet Ayurveda can help them find their way to boost fertility.   About 1 in 6 people around the world experience infertility. Some of the main reasons include stress, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, etc. Ayurvedic conception treatment includes correcting all these factors to boost fertility and to prepare the body for conception.    In this blog, let us delve deeper into how Ayurveda helps boost fertility.   Understanding Fertility in Ayurveda   In Ayurveda, fertility is considered to be the obvious result of a harmonic body and mind. It is integral to our physical, mental and emotional state. According to the ancient scriptures, the body’s Doshas, Agni and Dhatus, when in harmony,  become the reason for improved reproductivity.   Fertility Determiners in Ayurveda   The concepts of Ojas, Shukra Dhatu, and Prakriti are connected with reproductive health. Ojas represents the essence of vitality and immunity within an individual. Shukra Dhatu is the reproductive tissue that is responsible for the formation of sperm in men and ovum in women. Prakriti is the unique body of each person and determines the requirements for reproductive health.    Factors Affecting Fertility   Several factors could affect fertility, such as: Eating habits: Poor nutritional intake, processed food, spicy and junk foods could affect reproductive health too.   Lifestyle and stress: With today’s hectic schedules, higher stress and unhealthy lifestyle adversely affect fertility levels.   Other health conditions: Conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, and low sperm count could affect the fertility levels.   Ayurvedic Approach to Enhancing Fertility   Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to enhancing fertility, focusing on balancing the Doshas, strengthening Agni and nourishing the Dhatus. Here are some key Ayurvedic practices to boost fertility.   Dietary Recommendations   To enhance fertility, one should surely manage their diet. Below, you will find lists of foods that one should either include or exclude from their diet: Eat Sattvic food: Fresh, organic and easily digested products help to balance the Doshas and enhance Agni. This group includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and dairy products.   Avoid Ama-producing food: One should avoid processed products, too much sugar, caffeine and alcohol as they take time to digest. Undigested food, consequently, turns into Ama (toxins). As a result, the accumulation of Ama weakens the Agni and, in turn, causes diseases.   Avoid excessive salty and spicy foods: Such foods can aggravate your Pitta Dosha, causing Dosha imbalance that in turn affects your fertility.   Foods to enhance fertility: You can have almonds, walnuts, ghee, milk, sesame seeds, and dates, but in moderation.   Kapha and Pitta: Encourage the use of light food in Kapha-type patients and refreshing tastes for Pitta.   Vata: Avoid raw, dried food. Use good fats, like ghee.   These are some general suggestions.    Ayurveda does not follow a one size fits all approach. Every person is unique. So the diet for each person differs, primarily based on their Prakriti, Dosha imbalances, health conditions and more. You can consult an Ayurvedic doctor to determine your Prakriti and Dosha imbalances and to help you plan a diet that aligns with your preferences.        Herbal Medicines for Fertility   In my conception treatment, herbal medicines are given to the couple to treat any underlying health conditions, improve their strength and immunity and also to enhance their reproductive health.  The medicines are prescribed based on the couple’s Prakriti, Dosha imbalancers and health conditions. I do not prescribe any medicines that have strong herbs like Shatavari, Ashwagandha, or Shilajit; moreover, I also avoid those with heavy metals as ingredients. Their continuous usage can have side effects.    Panchakarma therapy   This detoxification therapy rejuvenates the body by flushing out toxins and besides balancing the Doshas. It helps heal from any underlying health conditions and furthermore resets the body and mind, making it capable for conception.     Panchakarma has 5 cleansing procedures – Vamana, Virechana,Nasya, Kashaya Vasti and Sneha Vasti.  These therapies cleanse the body, improve digestion and also, promote health and longevity.   Lifestyle Modifications   Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is equally important to enhance your fertility.   Manage stress: Practices like yoga, meditation, and pranayama (breathing exercises) can help reduce stress and improve mental clarity, which are crucial for fertility.   Regular exercise: Engage in regular physical activity; consequently, this helps to maintain a healthy weight and improve circulation, which, in turn, supports reproductive health.   Sleep quality: Ensure you get adequate, restful sleep to support overall well-being and hormonal balance.   Avoid bad habits: Smoking and consuming alcohol can have an adverse effect on your fertility. So, it’s better to quit. Ayurveda says that having a healthy mind is really important for being able to reproduce whether it’s male or female. Doing things like being mindful, writing in a journal, and spending time outside in nature can make your mind feel calm and less stressed.  These activities increase mental strength and hence reproductivity.  Following a daily routine or Dinacharya will also bring discipline and consistency in your life.    Importance of Balanced Doshas   Balanced Doshas are crucial for reproductive health. Each individual has a unique Prakriti, which is their natural constitution of the three Doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Imbalances in these Doshas can affect fertility.    Vata imbalance: Can lead to irregular menstrual cycles and anxiety, affecting conception.   Pitta imbalance: Can cause inflammation and hormonal imbalances, impacting fertility.   Kapha imbalance: Can result in weight gain and sluggish metabolism, hindering reproductive health.   By identifying and correcting Dosha imbalances through diet, lifestyle changes, and Ayurvedic treatments, you can, therefore, enhance fertility and, consequently, increase the chances of conception.   Practical Tips for Enhancing Fertility   Here are some practical tips that… Continue reading How to Boost Fertility With Ayurveda?

Embracing Menopause with Ayurveda

Menopause is a natural phase of a woman’s life, signalling the end of her reproductive years. In Ayurveda, it is viewed as a significant transition that requires careful attention to maintain overall health and well-being. It’s a natural occurrence for healthy women as we grow older.   According to estimates from the World Health Organization (WHO), there are over 1.2 billion women aged 50 and above worldwide, many of whom are likely to be experiencing or have experienced menopause.   In Ayurveda, the process of ageing in women is known as Rajonivritti. Growing older is an inevitable part of life that cannot be avoided. During this phase, the levels of estrogen decrease and ovulation does not occur. This imbalance causes women to experience issues such as irregular menstrual cycles, vaginal dryness and difficulties conceiving.    By understanding menopause from an Ayurvedic perspective, women can embrace this transformative journey with grace and vitality. This blog will explore what every woman should know about menopause, including its symptoms, signs, and Ayurvedic approaches to support women’s health during this transition.   Understanding the signs of menopause in Ayurveda   In Ayurveda, menopause is considered a natural stage of life characterised by the gradual decline of the Pitta Dosha, which governs metabolism, digestion and hormonal balance.   As a woman approaches menopause, the body undergoes various physiological changes, leading to symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings and irregular menstruation.   Ayurveda recognizes that each woman’s experience is unique and emphasises the importance of personalised care and holistic approaches to support women’s health during this transition.   Menopause Symptoms   Ayurveda recognizes several common symptoms of menopause. They include:   Hot flashes: Sudden sensations of heat and sweating, often accompanied by skin flushing.   Mood swings: Fluctuations in mood, including irritability, anxiety, and depression.   Irregular menstruation: Changes in the menstrual cycle, including shorter or longer periods, heavier or lighter bleeding, or skipped periods.   Vaginal dryness: Reduced lubrication in the vagina, leading to discomfort or pain during intercourse.     Insomnia: Difficulty falling or staying asleep, often due to hormonal changes or night sweats.   Fatigue: Persistent feelings of tiredness or exhaustion despite adequate rest.   Digestive issues: Changes in digestion and metabolism, including bloating, indigestion, and weight gain.   Signs of Menopause as per Ayurveda   From an Ayurvedic perspective, signs that indicate a woman is entering menopause include:   Decreased reproductive function:  Changes in hormone levels, consequently, lead to a decline in fertility; therefore, menstruation ceases.   Imbalance of  Doshas: Menopause is associated with a decrease in Pitta dosha and an increase in Vata Dosha, leading to symptoms such as dryness, coldness, and instability.   Accumulation of Ama: As the body undergoes metabolic changes, Ama (toxins) can accumulate, leading to symptoms such as bloating, indigestion and fatigue.   Effects of Menopause   Ayurveda recognizes that menopause can have a profound impact on a woman’s physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.    Imbalance of Doshas: Menopause can disrupt the delicate balance of the doshas, leading to symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and digestive issues.   Decline in reproductive health: As menstruation ceases, women may experience changes in libido, vaginal dryness, and reduced fertility.   Bone and joint health concerns: Decreased estrogen levels during menopause can affect bone density and high osteoporosis and joint pain.   Emotional and psychological changes: Hormonal fluctuations during menopause can contribute to mood swings, anxiety, and depression.   Digestive disturbances: Menopause can disrupt digestion and metabolism, leading to symptoms such as bloating, indigestion, and weight gain.   Ayurvedic Approaches to Menopause   Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to supporting women’s health during menopause, balancing the Doshas, detoxifying the body, and promoting overall well-being.   Follow a Pitta-pacifying diet: Emphasize cooling, hydrating foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and herbal teas. Avoid spicy, oily, and processed foods, which aggravate Pitta Dosha and worsen the symptoms.   Practice stress management: Engage in daily relaxation practices such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises to reduce stress and promote emotional balance.   Stay physically active: Regular exercise, such as walking, swimming, or yoga, can help improve circulation, digestion, and mood.   Practice self-care: Prioritize self-care with massage, aromatherapy, and herbal baths to nourish the body, calm the mind, and promote relaxation.   Detoxify your body: Ayurvedic practices such as Panchakarma or detox therapies, can remove toxins and restore balance to the Doshas.   Seek support: Connect with a qualified Ayurvedic doctor who can provide personalized guidance and support tailored to your needs.   Conclusion   Menopause is a natural and transformative phase of a woman’s life that deserves attention, care, and support. By understanding menopause from an Ayurvedic perspective and incorporating holistic approaches to support women’s health, women can embrace this transition with grace, vitality, and resilience. By nurturing the body, calming the mind, and nourishing the spirit, women can navigate menopause with confidence and ease, embracing this new chapter of life with joy and empowerment.   If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.