Eyes Tired and Dry? Top Remedies to Rejuvenate !

Do  you  have  tired  or  dry  eyes?     Dry eyes is a condition where you aren’t producing enough tears, consequently, this can lead to discomfort and irritation. It feels uncomfortable. If you’ve dry eyes, it may burn or sting.   Blinking is a natural psychological process that our bodies use to lubricate the eyes. We frequently forget to blink when we look at a computer screen or a phone for an extended period of time. So, because blinking is the natural process of lubricating, consciously blink while using the laptop or the mobile to ensure the eyes are well lubricated, to prevent them from dying out and to prevent the tiredness. It may not be the only reason, it occurs while riding a bike , travelling on an aeroplane, etc.   Symptoms A scratchy / burning sensation Difficulty wit riding/ driving. Redeye Watery eyes A feelings of something inside eye   Doctor Rekha is a 4th generation Ayurvedic Medicine Doctor (BAMS) living in between Dubai and India who has patients from around the globe who believes that the wisdom of Ayurveda can help everyone lead a happy, heathy and disease-free life. If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.You can also follow me on Instagram.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Iron Level Boosting – 4 Ways in Ayurveda

Iron is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in the body’s overall health. It is crucial for the formation of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to our cells, as well as for maintaining energy levels and supporting the immune system. Low iron levels can lead to anemia, leaving you feeling tired and weak.    Iron deficiency occurs when your body does not have enough iron to meet its needs. This deficiency can arise from various factors, such as insufficient dietary intake, poor iron absorption, blood loss and certain medical conditions.     Boost Your Iron Levels in Ayurvedic Way     In Ayurveda, low haemoglobin levels is called Pandu. The literal meaning of Pandu in Sanskrit is pale whitish discolouration. Pandu is a disease caused due to vitiation of ‘Rakta Dhatu’ (blood tissue) in the body.   The best way to avoid the condition is to improve its levels. Here are some natural tips to boost your iron levels as per Caraka Samhita:       Amla    Incorporating a shot of amla or amla powder into your daily diet is extremely beneficial. Having a teaspoon of amla with ghee before lunch can help.         Dry ginger   Including dry ginger into your diet in one form or another can also help.         Black raisins   Consuming soaked black resins is an excellent way to get iron into your diet.           Draksharishta   You can find Draksharishta in almost any Ayurvedic store as another wonderful Ayurvedic formulation. Have 15 ml Draksharishta post dinner to improve your iron levels. However, it is not recommended if you have diabetes or digestive disorders.     Bonus tips   Here are some additional tips that may help: Reduce sour and salty foods Stay away from alcohol Exercise regularly Reduce Vidahi foods, like apple cider vinegar, potatoes, coffee, tomatoes, etc. It is vital for your well-being. Incorporating these Ayurvedic tips into your daily routine can be a gentle and effective way to boost your iron levels naturally while promoting overall well-being.   If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

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