Summer Allergies Remedies in Ayurveda

Warm weather and outdoor activities are associated with seasons, but summer allergies can cause pain and suffering. As particle levels rise, runny noses, itchy eyes and sneezing are frequent complaints.  Ayurveda provides completely organic, natural methods to treat and reduce allergy symptoms. According to Ayurveda, allergies are caused by an imbalance in the Vata, Pitta and Kapha Doshas. Heat and inflammation are typical symptoms of the Pitta Dosha, which becomes worse by summer allergies.  Common allergy symptoms are due to the exposure to allergens like pollen grains caused by this imbalance. In this blog, let us discuss how to get rid of summer allergies and the role of Ayurveda in its cure.   Ayurveda for Allergies   Ayurveda emphasizes recovering the body’s equilibrium through food modifications, way-of-life adjustments and herbal remedies for treating allergies.  Here’s a thorough look at how allergies are treated in Ayurveda: Finding the Imbalance: The initial stage of Ayurvedic therapy is identifying the imbalanced Dosha and the symptoms that result from it. Detoxification: Toxins (Ama) accumulated in the body can  increase allergy symptoms. Detoxification therapy helps flush out the toxins.  Increasing Immunity: Increasing immunity via food and herbal remedies makes the body more resistant to allergies. Dietary and lifestyle modifications: Modifying one’s daily schedule and food can relax an inflamed Dosha and reduce allergy symptoms. Are you looking for more valuable insights? Head onto our blog section!   Ayurvedic Remedies for Summer Allergies   Here are some remedies for summer allergies recommended by Ayurveda:    Neem   The antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties of neems helps reduce allergic responses by detoxifying the body and purifying the blood. Neem oil can be used topically or taken as a dietary supplement in the form of capsules.   Tulsi   Tulsi, often called Holy Basil, is a useful Ayurvedic treatment for allergies and respiratory problems. It helps fight allergies and is great for improving your immunity. A significant reduction in allergy symptoms can be obtained by consuming tulsi tea or utilizing tulsi drops.   Turmeric   Curcumin, the active component of turmeric, possesses potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities. Reducing allergic responses can be achieved by including turmeric in your cooking or having it with heated milk (golden milk).   Ashwagandha   Withania somnifera, often known as Ashwagandha, is an adaptogenic plant that boosts immunity and aids the body in managing stress. You can also have it in supplement form to improve general resistance to allergies.   Ginger   A strong anti-inflammatory plant that helps reduce allergy symptoms is Ginger (Zingiber officinale). Have ginger tea or incorporate fresh ginger into your food to help relieve allergy symptoms.   Though these remedies can help you, overuse of some of them can have serious side effects. So, it’s best to seek the guidance of a qualified Ayurvedic doctor before using them.    Ayurvedic Treatment for Allergies   Ayurveda recommends the following treatments for allergies:   Nasya Therapy   Nasya therapy is a method of treating nasal passages with plant oils. This therapy aids in reducing inflammation, cleaning up congestion in the nose, and enhancing respiratory health. Anu Taila – a traditional Ayurvedic oil is great for Nasya to relieve allergy problems.   Neti Pot   Neti pot treatment is used to do nose irrigation. By clearing mucus and allergens from the nostrils, this method helps avoid sinus infections and offers instant relief.   Panchakarma   An extensive Ayurvedic detoxification process called panchakarma uses five therapies to rid the body of toxins (Ama). This procedure assists Dosha balance and improves the body’s reaction to allergies.   Ayurvedic Tips for Allergies   Here are some Ayurvedic tips that can help: Refrain from acidic, hot, and spicy meals since they could aggravate Pitta Dosha. Include cold meals such as leafy greens, cucumbers, and melons. Stay hydrated by having lots of water and herbal beverages.   Ayurvedic Solutions for Long-Term Relief   Incorporate these Ayurvedic practices into your daily routine to preserve general health and develop resilience, for long-term relief from summer allergies:   Abhyanga (Self-Massage)   Daily Abhyanga will help balance the Pitta Dosha and calm the skin. In addition to body calming, this technique improves lymphatic drainage and circulation which are critical for the immune system and detoxification. Warm up the oil and then apply and massage it on your body for at least 15 to 20 minutes. You can then take a shower.   Enough Sleep   Do not compromise on your sleeping hours as it is essential for the proper working of your immune system. Establish a peaceful evening ritual to encourage sound, restful sleep. Try to avoid screens and stimulating activities at least one hour before bed. Drinking a cup of warm milk with a bit of ginger and turmeric helps balance your Pitta Dosha and helps you to sleep.   Stress Management   Since stress may exacerbate allergic responses, practice mindfulness, yoga, or meditation to reduce stress. Regularly performing yoga poses like Child’s Pose (Balasana), Legs Up the Wall Pose (Viparita Karani), and Corpse Pose (Savasana) might help lower stress levels and promote mental clarity. Include breathing techniques like Shavasana and Brahmari (Humming Bee Breath) to encourage calmness and focus.   Seasonal Detoxification   Regularly eliminate your body of poisons collected over time by practicing detoxification. Panchakarma is an extensive Ayurvedic cleansing treatment to help your body reset and enhance general health with seasonal changes. Easy at-home detoxification techniques like having a warm cup of water with honey and lemon in the morning and eating small, easily digested meals can be helpful.   Boost Immunity with Herbs   Consume immune-stimulating herbs, like Amla (Indian gooseberry) and Guduchi. Amla is rich in vitamin C; it aids tissue regeneration and strengthens the immune system. Guduchi/Tinospora Cordifolia is a powerful immune-stimulating supplement available in pill or powder form.    You don’t have to let summer allergies stop you from enjoying the season. Ayurveda’s comprehensive approach can help you treat and prevent them naturally and with long-term Ayurvedic solutions for summer allergies.  You may… Continue reading Summer Allergies Remedies in Ayurveda