Why premature death happens to people?

Kala Mrityu, or premature death, is explained by Caraka. Causes of premature death are:   Excessive mental and physical strain:   Mental Strain: Mental Strain incorporate several conditions related to stress-anxiety, depression,                              chronic stress, and burnout. The modern pace of life, combined with high expectations and very little rest              time, is able to push individuals to the limit of mental exhaustion. Long-term exposure to these stressors              causes not only disturbances in the psychological arena but also physically, leading to a host of health                  problems.   Physical Stress: Conversely, physical stress involves overexertion via work, insufficient time for rest, and disregard for the needs of the human body. Human beings most often maintain their bodies beyond the normal limit, through intense physical work, lack of proper sleep, or starvation of the body from nutritional needs. Such unending physical duress diminishes the ability of the body to replenish strength, giving way to chronic diseases that impel death in man’s life.   Over-eating   Over eating generally is regarded as a harmless indulgence, a momentary pleasure in our fast-moving lives. However, such apparently innocuous behavior actually can have grave health consequences and even cause early deaths.            Linking Overeating to Premature Death.   Obesity: Heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers are directly contributed to by obesity and the intake of excess calories, resulting in additional weight gain.   Cardiovascular Diseases: Overeating in general–essentially highly saturated foods containing fats, sugars, and salt–increases blood pressure, high cholesterol, and raises heart disease.   Type 2 Diabetes: Overeating may cause insulin resistance, considered one of the precursors of Type 2 diabetes and a major cause of early death.          How Overeating Affects Your Body ?   Metabolic Stress: Loading a great amount of food, especially of the wrong type, on the body results in stress on the metabolism, which culminates into fat gain and often accumulation around the organs.   Inflammation: Chronic overeating can result in inflammatory processes playing a causative role in diseases such as cancer and heart disease.   Insulin Resistance : The body can develop insulin resistance by consistently taking in more calories than required. Therein lies a greater risk of developing diabetes and all its complications.            Irregular meals   Regular meals serve more than a biological function to eliminate the pangs of hunger but provide a temporal guide to cue an internal physiological process known as the circadian rhythm that regulates digestion, metabolism, and endocrine activities. This rhythm may be disrupted by irregular meals, resulting in an upward spiral effect on poor health.               Irregular Meals and Their Impact on the Body   Metabolic Imbalances: The disturbance in the normal pattern promotes extreme highs and lows of blood sugar, which can lead to insulin resistance-a precursor to type 2 diabetes. It increases the chances of cardiovascular diseases.   Weight Gain and Obesity:  It triggers overeating later in the day because of skipping one’s meal or eating at odd hours, which could involve food that is not healthy. These in turn can give rise to weight gain and obesity.   Digestive Issues: The digestive system works on routine, and it works at its best when meals come in just as regularly. Otherwise, acid reflux and indigestion may lead to chronic digestive disorders, which in some cases may develop into IBS.    Mental Health Impact: There is an association between poor eating habits and heightened levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. Poor mental health usually make one adopt lifestyle behaviors that enhance the chances of early mortality.     Bad posture     We have always been told that good posture is important-when we sit at a desk, when we wait in line, when we lie in bed. Bad posture, however, can encompass more than just back pain and discomfort. New research suggests that having poor posture may lead to more serious health consequences than previously thought, including premature death.   Posture is the way one holds their body while sitting, standing, or moving. Good posture aligns the spine, muscles, and ligaments correctly so that the human body performs optimally. On the other hand, bad postures may lead to all sorts of physical issues, including musculoskeletal problems, reduced lung function, and even compromised heart health.   Bad posture is not only a cosmetic problem but also can pose many serious threats to health if not taken care of. Being cognizant of the risk and proactive at working out your posture may make a great leap toward minimizing the possibility of chronic health problems that may shorten a person’s span of life. Small changes in daily habits, remember, sometimes have profound effects on long-term health.   Exposure to germs, poison, fire, wind, and accidents     In our daily life, we are surrounded by so many hazards that are likely to cause early deaths, unless they are handled properly or avoided. These germs and accidents-both invisible and sudden-might be lying in wait in places where we mightn’t notice their presence.   The Germs     Germs, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi, are everywhere and usually harmless. However, some types of pathogens can give very serious infections, and if untreated, the result will be untimely death. In the case of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has shown clearly how a viral infection can become a pandemic in global health.   The Poison     Poisonous exposures both accidental and deliberate, are among the leading causes of preventable deaths in the world. Modes of poisoning involve ingestion, inhalation, and respiration of different kinds of toxic chemicals, common house products, and certain plants.   The Fire     Fire is an essential tool but can be a killer force. Accidental fire can result in extreme burns, inhalation… Continue reading Why premature death happens to people?