

Ayurvedic Ways to Get Rid of Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation – the condition in which semen leaves the body sooner than wanted during sex is a common sexual health concern faced by men. It happens to 1 in 3 men at some point.   Causes of premature ejaculation Premature ejaculation can occur at any age. Ageing may not be the reason, but the ageing process can affect it. Anxiety, depression, stress or other emotional/psychological factors can also be a reason. Men suffering from erectile dysfunction can also have premature ejaculation. Hormonal or chemical imbalance and oversensitive penis are other causes. Ayurvedic Management According to Ayurveda, premature ejaculation is called Sukragatavata. Our body is constituted of three biophysical energies, Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Vata has five subtypes out of which Apana Vata governs the lower part of one’s body, which includes all parts of lower abdomen and pelvic cavity and also controls sexual arousal and ejaculation. An imbalance in Apana Vata causes premature ejaculation, a condition that manifests in both mental and physical complications. It is possible to manage it through Ayurveda. Here are some lifestyle tips you can try to get rid of the condition. If you do not find relief even after trying these lifestyle hacks, please consult an Ayurvedic doctor. And if you’re struggling with any health issues like this, book a consultation with us or if you have any queries, contact us. We’ll help bring you back to your optimal health.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

5 Best Foods for Sexual Health

According to Ayurveda, sex is one of the three main pillars of health after food and sleep. Apart from playing an important role in solidifying the relationship between two individuals, sex is also important for your overall health and wellness. However, low sexual health is one of the most common health issues many people face today. People who recovered from COVID-19 seem to have low sexual health and libido as one of the aftereffects. Food habits, lifestyle, stress and other associated factors can also affect your sexual health. Discussing about sexual health or visiting a doctor is often considered shameful though it is as important as your physical and mental health. So most probably, you will look forward to having supplements to boost libido. However, Ayurveda gives you a better choice. Instead of running behind supplements, try having food that enhances digestion (Agni) so that your body will be able to absorb all the nutrients from the food itself. You can try these foods to help improve libido and sexual health.   Pomegranate Consuming pomegranate on a daily basis helps improve libido and the quality of reproductive fluids. It is a great food option for women who are trying to conceive because consuming pomegranate helps thicken the uterine lining and improves blood flow to the uterus. Polyphenols present in the fruit also relax blood vessels and improve blood flow to the brain and heart.   Barley Soup Ayurveda suggests barley soup to be one of the best dinner options for the fact that it is packed with nutrients and is easy to digest. Another health benefit it offers is that the soup helps boost blood circulation to genital organs and also helps in better erection in men. Barley has nitric oxide and arginine – the compounds that help improve erection.   Dates Dates are a natural food that helps improve male sexual health and fertility. Consuming dates helps improve sperm quality and count. As it is a natural stimulant, dates help cure sexual health related issues.   Black gram soup with ghee and rock sugar Caraka Samhita, the ancient Sanskrit text on Ayurveda suggests a medicinal recipe of black gram soup made with ghee and rock sugar to help improve libido. Black gram helps improve sperm count and motility. However, this food is not recommended for people with excessive heat in their body (high pitta people).   Moringa Moringa is packed with nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, proteins and amino acids to name a few and offers many benefits, with regard to sexual health. Ayurveda mentions moringa as Shukrakrit Param, as it is the best food for improving sperm and ovum quality. Consuming moringa leaves and drumsticks improve your fertility and better your chances of conceiving. When it comes to nurturing your sexual health, the key is to make smart choices in your diet. Incorporating the above-mentioned  foods for sexual health recommended by Ayurveda help improve your libido.  You can join my six-month conception program or men’s health program for the treatment of issues related to sexual health and fertility by booking a consultation with me.