Rheumatoid Arthritis in Ayurveda: Balancing Dos and Don’ts

As an ayurvedic doctor, I’ve dedicated my career to helping individuals navigate the complexities of diseases starting from gut issues, weight management, PCOS, type 2 Diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) disease, etc., and adopting a healthy lifestyle with healthy food habits and regimes. Each day, I am humbled by the opportunity to make a difference in my patients’ lives—to offer medical expertise, compassion, empathy, and unwavering support on their journey to wellness. During this whole journey, I came across some patients suffering from RA, which is a chronic autoimmune disease that primarily affects the joints. The symptoms include inflammation, pain, stiffness, and sometimes deformity of the joints. According to the Arthritis Foundation, about 1.3 million people worldwide are affected by RA, with women being more commonly affected than men. While conventional medicine offers various treatments to manage RA symptoms, many individuals seek alternative therapies like Ayurveda for relief and holistic management. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the dos and don’ts of managing rheumatoid arthritis with Ayurveda, covering everything from symptoms and types to treatment options and lifestyle adjustments.      Understanding  Rheumatoid  Arthritis     Rheumatoid arthritis is different from the more common osteoarthritis. While osteoarthritis is caused by wear and tear on the joints over time, RA is an autoimmune disorder where the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks its tissues, primarily affecting the synovium (the lining of the joints). This leads to inflammation, pain, and eventual damage to the joints and other organs. In Ayurveda, rheumatoid arthritis is referred to as Amavata. Pain and swelling in the joints can be attributed to an issue with the Vata and Ama. The Amavata treatment involves gentle care and natural detoxification of the body. Different therapies are suggested based on the severity of your illness and the specific issues with your body. The treatments consist of fasting, improving digestion, and eliminating undigested food. Other forms of treatment include the application of oils, the use of heat, and the elimination of bodily waste.   Signs and symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis   The signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis can vary from person to person. But the general symptoms include: Joint pain and swelling, typically symmetrical (affecting both sides of the body) Stiffness, especially in the morning or after periods of inactivity Fatigue Fever Weight loss Rheumatoid nodules (firm lumps under the skin) Joint deformity over time   Different types of Rheumatoid Arthritis   There are three main types of rheumatoid arthritis. Seropositive RA: This type is characterized by the presence of rheumatoid factor (RF) and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP) antibodies in the blood. Seronegative RA: These antibodies are not present in this type, making diagnosis more challenging. Juvenile RA: This occurs in children under the age of 16 and can be either similar to adult RA or present with different symptoms.   Ayurvedic Approach to Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment   Ayurveda, offers a holistic approach to managing rheumatoid arthritis. Ayurvedic treatment for rheumatoid arthritis focuses on restoring balance to the body’s Doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha), improving digestion, reducing inflammation and strengthening the immune system.   Early Signs of rheumatoid arthritis and Diagnosis   Recognizing the early signs of rheumatoid arthritis is crucial for early intervention and management. Some early signs include joint pain, stiffness, and swelling, especially in the morning or after periods of inactivity. If you experience these symptoms, consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.   Ayurvedic Diagnosis   In Ayurveda, rheumatoid arthritis is classified under “Amavata,” which translates to toxic arthritis. Diagnosis in Ayurveda involves assessing the individual’s constitution (Prakriti), current imbalances (Vikriti), and the nature of the disease manifestation.   Ayurvedic Treatment Modalities   Ayurvedic treatments for rheumatoid arthritis aim to reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, and improve joint function. Some key modalities include:   Herbal Remedies Ayurvedic herbs like guggul, turmeric and ginger have anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce joint pain and stiffness.   Panchakarma This detoxification therapy involves various cleansing procedures to remove toxins from the body and restore balance.   Dietary Modifications An anti-inflammatory diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can help reduce inflammation and support overall health.   Lifestyle Changes Yoga, meditation and gentle exercise can improve flexibility, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being.   Ayurvedic Therapies External therapies like oil massage (Abhyanga), herbal steam (Swedana), and poultice application (Pinda Sweda) can provide joint pain relief and stiffness.   Do’s and Don’ts   If you are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. here are some dos and don’ts that can help improve your condition.   Do’s   Consult an ayurvedic practitioner: Seek guidance from a qualified Ayurvedic doctor who can provide personalized treatment based on your constitution and imbalances. Follow a healthy diet: Emphasize on fresh, whole foods. Avoid processed, inflammatory foods like refined sugar, refined flour, and trans fats. Stay active: Engage in gentle exercise, yoga, or tai chi to improve joint flexibility and reduce stiffness. Manage stress: Practice relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing, or spending time in nature to reduce stress levels and support overall health.   Don’ts   Overexertion: Avoid overworking or straining your joints, as this can exacerbate symptoms. Unhealthy habits: Minimize or eliminate habits like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, as these can worsen inflammation and weaken the immune system. Ignoring symptoms: Pay attention to changes in your symptoms. Consult your healthcare provider if you experience worsening pain, swelling, or stiffness. While rheumatoid arthritis can be a challenging condition to manage, Ayurveda offers a holistic approach that addresses the root cause of the disease and aims to restore balance to the body. With Ayurveda, you can find relief from pain and inflammation and improve your overall quality of life. Remember, managing rheumatoid arthritis is a journey. Patience, consistency, and a proactive approach are key to achieving long-term wellness and vitality.  If you have any further questions or want to learn more about Ayurvedic approaches to health and wellness, please contact us. We’re here to support you on your optimal health and well-being journey. … Continue reading Rheumatoid Arthritis in Ayurveda: Balancing Dos and Don’ts

Healing Factors in Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, health is not just the absence of disease, but a state of balance between the body, mind and spirit. Therefore, healing is a complex process that depends on various factors.     According to Ayurveda, there are three factors that influence healing in Ayurveda.    In this blog, let us take a closer look at each of these factors and how they impact healing.    Factors that influence healing      The factors are the strength of the disease (Roga Bala), the strength of the patient (Rogi Bala) and time (Kala).        Roga Bala: The strength of the disease       Roga Bala refers to the strength of the disease or the severity of the illness. In Ayurveda, diseases are classified based on their intensity, and treatment plans are tailored accordingly. Some diseases are considered mild, while others are more severe and require more intensive treatment. The strength of the disease depends on various factors such as its nature, duration and extent of involvement.     For example, a common cold is considered a mild disease, and most people recover from it within a few days with rest and home remedies. However, a chronic disease like diabetes requires long-term management and lifestyle modifications to prevent complications. In such cases, the strength of the disease is high, and the treatment plan needs to be more intensive.     Rogi Bala: The strength of the patient     Rogi Bala refers to the strength of the patient or the ability of the body to fight the disease. In Ayurveda, each person is considered unique, and their constitution or Prakriti determines their susceptibility to diseases. Some people have a stronger constitution and can fight off diseases more easily, while others are more vulnerable and prone to illnesses.     The strength of the patient depends on various factors such as age, diet, lifestyle and genetics. For example, a young person with a healthy diet and active lifestyle is more likely to have a strong immune system and can fight off diseases more easily than an older person with a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet.     Time (Kala)     The third component that affects healing is time or Kala. Time is seen in Ayurveda as being essential to the healing process. There is no overnight remedy for the majority of ailments. Healing takes time. The severity of the sickness, the patient’s health and the success of the therapy are just a few of the variables that affect how long an illness lasts and how long it takes to recover.     For example, a mild infection like a sore throat may resolve on its own within a few days, while a severe infection like pneumonia may take several weeks to resolve with medication and rest. Similarly, a chronic disease like arthritis may require long-term management.    Understanding the above-mentioned factors is essential in developing an effective treatment plan for any disease.   If you’re looking to heal from any health conditions, book a consultation with us and we will help you!       If you are struggling with any health issues, you can book a consultation with us or give us a message via WhatsApp at +91 79074 89839. We have the Best Ayurvedic Doctors in Trivandrum who is always glad to helps you . If you have any queries, contact us. You can also visit.