What makes Ayurveda different?

When we talk about Ayurveda, we think about Yoga, Satwik, spiritual science and many more. But the truth is they are not the same.   Ayurveda is different. Yoga and Satwik and spiritual sciences are associated with lifestyle practices for leading a harmonious and healthy life. Meanwhile, Ayurveda is a traditional system of medicine that helps people heal from their health conditions physically, emotionally and spiritually.    This blog will dig deeper into these concepts and give a brief outcome of Ayurveda.   Yoga   Yogic refers to practices and principles related to Yoga. In Sanskrit, the term “yoga” originates from the word “yoke” or “union.” Yogic refers to a discipline that unites an individual’s physical, mental, and spiritual aspects with a universal consciousness.   Yoga is a discipline that aims to create harmony between the mind and body. It derives from a spiritual practice and a nuanced area of study. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires both creativity and knowledge.   Yoga, as described in Yogic scriptures, aids in aligning our thoughts with those of others, illustrating the harmony of our mind and body with the world. Contemporary scientists call quantum particles the basic elements that form everything in the universe. A person who feels a deep connection to everything is known as a yogi. They have achieved a state of liberation known as Mukti, Nirvana or Moksha.   Yoga is intended to assist individuals in gaining insight into themselves and overcoming their pain, ultimately achieving a state of liberation known as Moksha or Kaivalya. Yoga is focused on living a life of freedom and achieving overall health and balance. It provides a method for individuals to reconnect with themselves and assert authority over their lives. It has existed for an extended period and supports individuals in their growth and improvement, both in practical and spiritual aspects—the principles of yoga center around embodying virtuous behavior.   Satwik   Satwik life refers to following lifestyle practices with the intent of being pure, positive, clean, responsible and honest. This is achieved by following the best practices for a Satwik life.  Following them influence our bodies’ health and our minds’ state and help us lead a balanced life.    Sattvic diet emphasizes the consumption of foods with Sattva (pure) quality. It  consists of natural and healthy foods that benefit the body and mind. Foods that are included are natural, unadulterated and packed with energy. It also abides by causing no harm to other living creatures. This is one explanation for why yogis frequently opt for a vegetable-based diet.   Sattvic diet includes fresh, natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains. It also comprises proteins from sources other than meat. Good dairy products are the result of cows being fed and milked correctly.   Spiritual Science   The concept of spiritual science combines elements of spirituality, moral beliefs and empirical knowledge. According to spiritual science, the world consists of tangible and visible elements and spiritual components. Spiritual science provides an alternative approach to understanding the world that diverges from traditional scientific and religious views. It demonstrates an alternative world perspective, distinct from science and religion. According to spiritual science, self-awareness is crucial, and our spiritual understanding can enhance scientific progress. It is an approach to understanding the world based on spiritual concepts rather than materialistic ones.   It is presented as an alternative to conventional science. Both spirituality and science aim to comprehend the fundamental aspects of the universe and our place within it. Science attempts to address this question through observation and experimentation, while spirituality examines it through introspection and personal experience. Spirituality involves contemplating and understanding concepts such as love, kindness, selflessness, afterlife, wisdom and truth.   Ayurveda   Ayurveda, on the other hand, is a traditional system of medicine that has been in existence for over 3,000 years. The tern “Ayurveda” is a combination of two words – Ayu meaning life and Veda meaning science or knowledge. Ayurveda, therefore, means science of life.    This traditional system of medicine emphasizes on the importance of maintaining a well-rounded balance between the mind, body, spirit, and environment for overall health. It strives to maintain people’s wellness, prevent them from becoming ill and address their ailments.     Ayurveda focuses on the entirety of the body, including the mind and spirit. According to Ayurveda, Doshas are the biophysical energies that represent the distinctive traits of individuals and influence their mental and physical health. There are three Doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha.   Every living thing in this universe is made up of 5 “Panchamahabhutas,” or five elements. Now, you might be working on what this term is. Panchamahabhutas are the five vital elements in Ayurveda, including Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Ether. The human body is composed of all these five elements, but in different proportions.    Depending on the proportions of these elements, Doshas are categorized into Vata, Pitta and Kapha, and the best way to understand them is by observing their qualities.   Vata   Vata has more of the air element. The air has the property of moving and instability; similarly, Vata people show the same characteristics. They are always active and continuous to move, as they never sit idle. Anybody symptoms related to dryness are closely related to Vata Dosha. Whenever you feel lightness in your body, it means Vata is affecting your body.    Pitta   Pitta means fire. Fire denotes aggression, passion, etc., and therefore, Pitta people have more fire in them, depicting an aggressive and tenacious nature. Whenever you feel a rise in body temperature like fever, you should understand that Pitta in your body is increasing. Pitta can be conceptualized as a liquid fuel burning.    Kapha   Kapha is predominantly the Earth element, and people with Kapha are sluggish, slow, lazy and lethargic. Whenever you feel heaviness in your body, it depicts that Kapha is influencing your body. Kapha is predominantly present in heavy-weight or overweight people. 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