Obesity is one of the major causes of concern today, and it has become a critical health problem in recent years. According to the estimates of 2022, 890 million adults and 160 million children around the world were living with obesity. Being obese can raise the chances of getting type 2 diabetes and heart disease. It can also harm your bones, affect your reproductive health and increase the risk of some types of cancer. Obesity can even make everyday activities like sleeping and moving around more difficult. Obesity According to Ayurveda According to Ayurveda, obesity or Atisthaulya is the result of an excessive accumulation of fat tissue (Medha Dhathu). The main causes of obesity are lack of exercise, day napping and consuming foods that aggravate Kapha Dosha. This leads to food not being digested properly. As a result, Sneha (oiliness) and fat are accumulated in the body. Therefore, Ayurvedic treatment to reduce obesity focuses on balancing the Doshas, mainly through diet, exercise and lifestyle corrections. Effect of Obesity on Agni The excessive accumulation of fat tissues aggravates Vata Dosha within the alimentary canal. The result is an increase in Agni (digestive fire). Consumed food gets digested quickly, resulting in binge eating that can eventually affect your health. Though obesity causes the Agni to be high, excessive consumption of Kapha aggravating food will eventually weaken the Agni. This affects your digestion, leading to accumulation of toxins (Ama) in the body and the result is diseases. How to Treat Obesity with Ayurveda ? In my Weight Loss Program, the primary focus is on balancing the Doshas and correcting the Agni. This is done primarily through dietary changes, lifestyle corrections, exercise and cleansing therapy to flush out toxins from the body. Diet Accumulation of fat aggravates Vata and Kapha Doshas and even causes fluctuations in your Agni. Therefore, consult a qualified Ayurvedic doctor to come up with a diet plan that aligns with your Prakriti (body type), Dosha imbalances and health conditions. Avoid processed and junk foods. Having light, easily digestible foods is the best. Kashaya Vasti It is one of the five steps of Panchakarma where an enema with herbal decoction is administered to the patient. It helps balance your Vata Dosha and improves your overall health. Rooksha Udvartana Dry powder massage of Rooksha Udvartana involves massaging the body with herbs that are dry in nature. This treatment helps reduce fat in the stomach, thighs, and buttocks. Ayurvedic herbs and spices Buttermilk with spices helps bring out changes in the fat tissues. Ayurveda also recommends a variety of Ayurvedic herbs, such as Guduchi, Amla and Agnimantha to treat obesity. Exercise Exercise regularly. You don’t have to go for intense workouts. Walking, cycling or jogging is more than enough. Ayurvedic tips for obesity Here are some Ayurvedic tips that can help you beat obesity: Practice mindful eating Eating food while involving all your senses gives you control over the quality and quantity. It also stops you from overeating. Avoid Kapha-inducing foods Foods that are excessively salty, sour, sweet or oily aggravates your Kapha Dosha, which is also one of the attributes of obesity. Drink lots of water Drinking water reduces hunger, thus preventing overeating. Do not sleep right after dinner Have dinner at least 2 hours before going to bed. Be consistent Be consistent with your daily routines, diet and exercise. Stay stress-free Follow practices, such as meditation to stay away from stress. The connection between your mind and body certainly causes stress to be one of the reasons for obesity. Also read: Are Flaxseeds Healthy? Ayurveda not only provides a comprehensive strategy for treating obesity but also targets the underlying causes of physical and mental imbalance. It’s important to maintain a healthy weight, encourage optimum digestion and metabolism, and support general well-being by implementing Ayurvedic principles into lifestyle and dietary habits. If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us. You can also visit us at our hospital.
Obesity Treatment in Ayurveda