Ayurvedic Treatment – Things to Know if you’re travelling to India

What does the word “Ayurveda” remind you of? For most people, especially if you’re not from India, it’s the massages (thanks to our tourism ads!. Massages are definitely a part of Ayurveda. But, beyond that, Ayurveda is  a traditional “system of medicine” like Allopathy or any other that helps you heal from diseases. As an Ayurvedic doctor, I can say from my experience that a large part of Ayurveda has been commercialised today to fit the modern society. But the truth is real Ayurveda is still relevant today. It has solutions to almost all health conditions. So, if you’re planning to come to India to experience Ayurveda, make sure that what you experience is real, authentic Ayurveda. And the best way to do that is understanding the basic Ayurvedic practices and principles you may come across and be well prepared.       Understanding Ayurveda     Ayurveda is a traditional system of medicine that primarily focuses on healing health conditions not by just suppressing the symptoms, but by treating the root cause and helping individuals be in their best of health.  That does not mean just physical health. Ayurveda emphasises the balance of mind, body, and soul in supporting health and wellness. Treatment in Ayurveda does not focus just on the symptoms of a health condition. Rather, it focuses on finding the root cause of your condition and healing from the bottom so that the disease does not recur in the long run.    Ayurvedic treatments are usually majorly through food and a combination of lifestyle practices and herbal medicines. Also, remember that anything that is Ayurvedic isn’t always safe. You cannot blindly follow an Ayurvedic diet or have Ayurvedic medicines without guidance.  Ayurveda believes that each person is different, in terms of their constitution, Dosha dominances and health conditions.  So, do not simply go for an Ayurvedic treatment just because your friend or relative tried it and got positive results.  It’s always best to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic doctor to figure out a treatment plan that works best for you.     Popularity of  Ayurveda Among Foreigners     People have long started looking for natural ways to heal from health conditions rather than popping one pill after another. As a result, Ayurveda has seen a rise in popularity globally since COVID happened.  However, many countries still do not accept Ayurveda as a system of medicine. Hopefully, things would change with the growing popularity of Ayurveda around the world.      How to Prepare for Your Trip for Ayurvedic Treatment?   Here are some tips to follow before you start your Ayurvedic journey:   Research and Plan   Research well about Ayurvedic clinics or hospitals and ensure that the services they offer are authentic. Make sure that the doctors are well qualified. It’d be great if they prepare their own medicine at the clinic using traditional methods. A real Ayurvedic doctor will only recommend treatments to you based on factors like your body type (Prakriti), Dosha imbalances and health conditions.    Consult an Ayurvedic doctor   If the Ayurvedic hospital you opt for offers online consultations, go for it before flying down for treatment. In my online consultations, I talk to my patients to know about their health conditions and requirements in detail.  After I have a clear idea of their Prakriti, Dosha imbalances and health conditions, I come up with a treatment plan that works for them.  You should consult a skilled Ayurvedic doctor who can advise you on the treatments considering your Prakriti, Dosha and health conditions.   Pack Accordingly   Choose your outfits carefully, e.g. casual clothes for yoga/meditation sessions.  Take note of the climate, for example, monsoon in Kerala can be cold and summers can be hot and humid. So, pack accordingly.   Key Ayurvedic Treatments   Here are some common Ayurvedic treatments which you can have in India.   Sukha Chikitsa   If you are a generally healthy person, but would like to further enhance your health, Sukha Chikitsa works the best for you.  This treatment strengthens your immunity and boosts your energy levels, preventing you from being prone to diseases very often.    Panchakarma   If you’re someone who follows content related to Ayurveda, you might have come across this treatment.  Panchakarma is an Ayurvedic therapy that helps remove the accumulated toxins or Ama and rejuvenate your body through the following five steps:    Vamana Virechana Basti Nasya Rakta Moksha   Abhyanga   Abhyanga means massage. It’s the Ayurvedic treatment that involves massaging the whole body with, preferably, organic black sesame oil. Abhyanga helps improve blood circulation, reduce stress and improve overall health.   You can also do it at home.        Shirodhara   Shirodhara is one of the best treatments if you have a stressed mind.  During this treatment, medicated oil or liquids are poured in a continuous stream on the forehead. Shirodhara is known to pacify the mind, reduce stress and help in sleep.   Swedana     Swedana is an Ayurvedic steam therapy. In this treatment, sweat is induced in the body through different methods. It is one of the preparation procedures for Panchakarma.  Swedana opens up all pores of the body, releases toxins and relaxes muscles. Instead of choosing the treatments you need by yourself, it’s always safe to seek the guidance of an Ayurvedic doctor.    Yoga and Meditation   Many Ayurvedic centres provide daily yoga and meditation sessions along with treatments.  Consult with your Ayurvedic doctor to check whether you need these sessions as you get treated.  Yoga and meditation help keep the equilibrium between mind, body and spirit. It promotes flexibility, acts as a great stress buster and makes the mind clearer.   Ayurvedic Diet   According to Ayurveda, a poor gut health is the main cause of all illnesses. And this is best treated through dietary corrections. Ayurveda sees food as medicine. This is one philosophy I strongly believe in and use in my treatment.  80% of my treatment is mainly through food. Only the rest 20% consists of herbal medicines,… Continue reading Ayurvedic Treatment – Things to Know if you’re travelling to India

Summer Allergies Remedies in Ayurveda

Warm weather and outdoor activities are associated with seasons, but summer allergies can cause pain and suffering. As particle levels rise, runny noses, itchy eyes and sneezing are frequent complaints.  Ayurveda provides completely organic, natural methods to treat and reduce allergy symptoms. According to Ayurveda, allergies are caused by an imbalance in the Vata, Pitta and Kapha Doshas. Heat and inflammation are typical symptoms of the Pitta Dosha, which becomes worse by summer allergies.  Common allergy symptoms are due to the exposure to allergens like pollen grains caused by this imbalance. In this blog, let us discuss how to get rid of summer allergies and the role of Ayurveda in its cure.   Ayurveda for Allergies   Ayurveda emphasizes recovering the body’s equilibrium through food modifications, way-of-life adjustments and herbal remedies for treating allergies.  Here’s a thorough look at how allergies are treated in Ayurveda: Finding the Imbalance: The initial stage of Ayurvedic therapy is identifying the imbalanced Dosha and the symptoms that result from it. Detoxification: Toxins (Ama) accumulated in the body can  increase allergy symptoms. Detoxification therapy helps flush out the toxins.  Increasing Immunity: Increasing immunity via food and herbal remedies makes the body more resistant to allergies. Dietary and lifestyle modifications: Modifying one’s daily schedule and food can relax an inflamed Dosha and reduce allergy symptoms. Are you looking for more valuable insights? Head onto our blog section!   Ayurvedic Remedies for Summer Allergies   Here are some remedies for summer allergies recommended by Ayurveda:    Neem   The antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties of neem helps reduce allergic responses by detoxifying the body and purifying the blood. Neem oil can be used either topically or taken as a dietary supplement in the form of capsules.   Tulsi   Tulsi, often called Holy Basil, is a useful Ayurvedic treatment for allergies and respiratory problems. It helps fight allergies and is great for improving your immunity. A significant reduction in allergy symptoms can, therefore, be obtained by consuming tulsi tea or, alternatively, by utilizing tulsi drops.   Turmeric   Curcumin, the active component of turmeric, possesses potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities; therefore, it may offer significant health benefits.  Reducing allergic responses can be achieved by including turmeric in your cooking or having it with heated milk (golden milk).     Ginger   A strong anti-inflammatory plant that helps reduce allergy symptoms is Ginger (Zingiber officinale). Have ginger tea, or alternatively, incorporate fresh ginger into your food, in order to help relieve allergy symptoms.   Also Read: Ayurvedic Superfoods to Eat Daily   Though these remedies can help you, overuse of some of them can have serious side effects. So, it’s best to seek the guidance of a qualified Ayurvedic doctor before using them.    Ayurvedic Treatment for Allergies   Ayurveda recommends the following treatments for allergies:   Nasya Therapy   Nasya therapy is a method of treating nasal passages with plant oils. This therapy not only aids in reducing inflammation, but also helps in cleaning up congestion in the nose, and enhancing respiratory health. Anu Taila – a traditional Ayurvedic oil is great for Nasya to relieve allergy problems.   Neti Pot   Neti pot treatment is used to do nose irrigation. By clearing mucus and allergens from the nostrils, this method helps avoid sinus infections and offers instant relief.   Panchakarma   An extensive Ayurvedic detoxification process called panchakarma uses five therapies to rid the body of toxins (Ama). This procedure assists Dosha balance and improves the body’s reaction to allergies.   Ayurvedic Tips for Allergies   Here are some Ayurvedic tips that can help: Refrain from acidic, hot, and spicy meals since they could aggravate Pitta Dosha. Include cold meals such as leafy greens, cucumbers, and melons. Stay hydrated by having lots of water and herbal beverages.   Ayurvedic Solutions for Long-Term Relief   Incorporate these Ayurvedic practices into your daily routine to preserve general health and develop resilience, for long-term relief from summer allergies:   Abhyanga (Self-Massage)   Daily Abhyanga will help balance the Pitta Dosha and furthermore, it’ll calm the skin. In addition to body calming, this technique improves lymphatic drainage and circulation which are critical for the immune system and detoxification. Warm up the oil and then apply and massage it on your body for at least 15 to 20 minutes. You can then take a shower.   Enough Sleep   Do not compromise on your sleeping hours as it is essential for the proper working of your immune system. Establish, therefore, a peaceful evening ritual to encourage, in turn, sound, restful sleep.  Try to avoid screens and stimulating activities at least one hour before bed. Drinking a cup of warm milk  with a bit of ginger and turmeric helps balance your Pitta Dosha and helps you to sleep.   Stress Management   Since stress may exacerbate allergic responses, practice mindfulness, yoga, or meditation to reduce stress.  Regularly performing yoga poses like Child’s Pose (Balasana), Legs Up the Wall Pose (Viparita Karani), and Corpse Pose (Savasana) might help lower stress levels and promote mental clarity. Include breathing techniques like Shavasana and Brahmari (Humming Bee Breath) to encourage calmness and, consequently, focus.   Seasonal Detoxification   Regularly eliminate your body of poisons collected over time by practicing detoxification. Panchakarma is an extensive Ayurvedic cleansing treatment to help your body reset and enhance general health with seasonal changes. Easy at-home detoxification techniques like having a warm cup of water with honey and lemon in the morning and eating small, easily digested meals can be helpful.   Boost Immunity with Herbs   Consume immune-stimulating herbs, like Amla (Indian gooseberry) and Guduchi. Amla is rich in vitamin C; it aids tissue regeneration and strengthens the immune system.Guduchi/Tinospora Cordifolia is, indeed, a powerful immune-stimulating supplement. Furthermore, it is available in both pill and powder form   You don’t have to let summer allergies stop you from enjoying the season. Ayurveda’s comprehensive approach can help you treat and prevent them naturally and with long-term Ayurvedic solutions for summer allergies. … Continue reading Summer Allergies Remedies in Ayurveda

How I Became an Ayurvedic Doctor – My Ayurveda Journey

  My journey as an ayurvedic doctor is something I get asked about the most. Hence, I’m sharing it in this blog.  I consider myself fortunate to have been born into an Ayurvedic family. My father, grandfather, his father and his grandfather were all Ayurvedic doctors. However, my mother was a government employee, adding a different dimension to my upbringing.  Throughout my life, I was surrounded by Ayurveda. As a newborn, the first thing I was given was a little bit of Vacha (Acorus calamus), honey and a touch of gold in my mouth. Ayurveda was a part of my upbringing. Whether it was the food I consumed or the medicines I took for various ailments, Ayurveda was always a part of it.  My father was a Yogi. He led a Satwik life and practiced yoga throughout his life. He held a strong belief in Ayurveda and had reservations about Western medicine or any medical system other than Ayurveda. As a result, throughout my childhood, I never set foot into an Allopathic hospital or took a single Paracetamol. Even when I had a fever – even a high one, my mother would request my father to admit me to a hospital, but he would insist on giving me “pani koorka” juice and Tulsi juice. Surprisingly, the fever would subside without further medical intervention.  As time passed, it was time for me to enroll in college.   The Ayurvedic clinic that my father ran was attached to our house. The smell of oils always lingered in the air, and patients would gather in the mornings and evenings, for their consultations with my father. There was always a bustling crowd in front of our home that made me want to live somewhere else, as I couldn’t stand the smell or the sight of so many patients and suffering. All of these coupled with the fact that I had hot blood of a teenager running in my veins, I told my father that I didn’t want to study Ayurveda.  When the results of my entrance exams arrived, my marks aligned with those required for BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery). In India, medical college admissions are determined by your score in competitive entrance exams. Those with the highest ranks have the first option to pursue MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery), which is followed by BDS, Ayurveda and then Homeopathy.   I was disappointed not to secure a place in MBBS as it would have been my one way to get out of Ayurveda. But my father was extremely happy. He said, “Why limit yourself to just the teeth? Why not consider the entire body? Pursue Ayurveda, and we will support you.” It was in that moment that I realized my true calling lay in treating the entire body.  So, I made the decision to study Ayurveda and joined my college. But, little did I know of the challenges that lay ahead. I was never the type to sit for extended hours and study, but I would be somewhere in the top five all through my life. But when it came to my college and studying Ayurveda, I realized I had no chance of passing it, because it was so voluminous for anybody to study.   My cousin used to be an MBBS student. We used to share notes of our classes because we had almost similar subjects. Only difference was that we have some other subjects added in the form of Ayurveda, and that too three different volumes and three different Samhitas, three different Acharyas, their books and what they have said about each of these concepts. Hence it was too voluminous for me and to make it worse, everything was in the form of a verse or a poem because it was all written in Sanskrit language, but not to the point that I could read all these verses and understand the meanings and all of it in detail.   At the time when I was studying, if you don’t write the verses then you don’t get any marks. Nowadays, the students are no longer required to memorize every single verse. This is what I’ve gathered from speaking with newer students. However, during my time, complete memorization was essential. Every single Sloka had to be learned by-heart.  It was too much for me to the extent that I contemplated running away from college. So, one morning, I packed my bags and returned home, pretending as though nothing had happened. No one, except myself, knew that I had abandoned Ayurveda. I remained at home until the college contacted my father, informing him of my prolonged absence.  My parents had believed that I was having my month-long study break. However, once they received the call from the college, they realized the truth. My parents insisted that I return to college. My father said, “Whatever happens, it’s fine for you right now. This is your Karma. Karma has to be done. This is something that you have to do. This is your duty to do. So do the duty. And then finally whatever end result it may bring, it’s okay. We are there to support you.” Encouraged by their support, I returned to college, where a new principal had also taken charge. So, things appeared brighter and more positive in my college.  However, I soon discovered that passing the exams required even more effort than before. We had an exam in every one and a half year. Memorizing everything we learned in that one and a half year and facing exams was much of a struggle. So, I had to literally take time and study.   So, I would wake up early in the morning, say by 3 AM, and dedicate myself to studying continuously. Even after returning from college, I would continue studying and sleep for only three hours at night. Sleeping any longer wouldn’t let me complete the portions and I won’t have time to exercise. During study breaks, I wouldn’t even take restroom breaks. I used to have bread… Continue reading How I Became an Ayurvedic Doctor – My Ayurveda Journey

Treatment for Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Ayurvedic Treatment of PCOS   Ayurveda considers PCOS as “artava dushti” which translates to menstrual abnormality. This happens due to vitiation of Vata, Pitta & Kapha. However, the highs and lows of vitiation varies from patient to patient. There are various treatment in Ayurveda for PCOS.       Types  of   Treatment protocols     1 – Vihara (Lifestyle)   Sleep is the most important parameter to corrected as sleep irregularities are one of the main causes of PCOS as per Ayurveda Moderate exercise to half of one’s strength and capacity is ideal. No extreme, strenuous workouts are advised. Meditation, breathing exercises like Kapalbhati, daily Abhyanga (oil massages) are also helpful.    2 – Ahara (food)   A customized diet that balances the vitiated doshas is ideal. Eg. If the patient presents with PCOS due to excess Kapha imbalance, the diet should be light. Vata imbalance – the diet should be nourishing. Reducing inflammatory foods like black gram, yoghurt and night shades like capsicum, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants etc will also help. Overall, having light, easily digestible well cooked foods with good fats added is important.    3 – Internal medicines   In my practice, for most cases of PCOS that come to me, I do not usually prescribe medicines. I put them on a 3-month diet and routines protocol based on their imbalance and they get better. In cases where internal medicines are required, there is no one-size fits all in Ayurveda. The medicines vary from patient to patient depending on the imbalances.       Doctor Rekha is a 4th generation Ayurvedic Medicine Doctor (BAMS) living in between Dubai and India who has patients from around the globe who believes that the wisdom of Ayurveda can help everyone lead a happy, heathy and disease-free life.   If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital. You can also follow me on Instagram.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                … Continue reading Treatment for Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)