Tackle Sugar Cravings The Ayurvedic Way

Are you really in control of your sugar cravings?   Let’s find out.   Imagine this possible scenario.    You do everything right for your health – you wake up on time, have warm water or herbal teas, do exercise, practice Dinacharya (daily routine), and eat well according to your Prakriti (body type). You feel great!   Lunch arrives, and you attempt to keep it balanced — some rice, dal, and veggies. All of a sudden, you’re exhausted. You feel sluggish. Your eyes want to shut. And then comes that craving. A strong desire for something sweet, perhaps tea with more sugar and a biscuit – anything sweet.   Sounds familiar?   You’re not alone.   Sugar cravings such as this happen to most of us on a daily basis even when we feel we have our diet under control.   But why does this happen? Is our body really in need of it ? or have we just trained to demand it at certain times?   Let’s dive deep into this sweet addiction and find out how to break free from it.     Are you dependent on sugar?     Most people don’t realize how dependent they are on sugar. It sneaks into our diet in so many ways that we don’t even notice. Processed foods, packaged snacks and even seemingly “healthy” breakfast cereals are loaded with hidden sugars.     One of the biggest signs of sugar dependence is the afternoon slump – that sudden drop in energy after lunch and you feel like taking a nap. If you experience this, chances are your body is overly dependent on it for quick energy.   Have you seen some people who add 2 spoons of sugar to their tea and still feel it is not sweet enough? That’s how they have trained their taste buds.   But here’s the good news: You can re-train your taste buds to consume less sugar too!   How?      The 14-day challenge: Reset your taste buds     Want to tackle sugar cravings? The first step is to stop eating sugar for 14 days. During this time do not have food with added sugar in it.   This also means no white sugar, no jaggery, no honey, and no hidden sugars in processed foods.   Sounds tough? Yes, the first few days will be hard. But after a week, you’ll notice something incredible – your cravings will reduce! Food will start tasting naturally sweeter, and you won’t need as much sugar to enjoy it.   Give it a try and see for yourself.     The ultimate secret to longevity     Let me tell you a fascinating story.   Once upon a time, there lived a guy called Micheal Poulain. He wanted to find out the most perfect diet in the world that suited everyone. So he set out on a journey to discover the secrets behind the perfect diet. In his journey, he discovered places called Blue Zones where people had no chronic diseases and lived till 100 years.      When he studied deeply, he found some common habits among these long-living people: They sat down to have their food.  There were no processed foods in their diet. And here’s the most shocking part – they only had sugar twice a year- during Christmas and Easter   Now think of us! How often do we have sugar?    For birthdays, anniversaries, baby showers, festivals, when we are happy, sick, sad or stressed – we make 10 million reasons!    No wonder our bodies are struggling.     Step 1: Make sugar an occasional indulgence     So the first step to good health is to reduce your intake of sugar and make it an occasional indulgence.   When you indulge, do it happily with no guilt attached because your thoughts also work in the background in how well your body digests and assimilates food.   If you eat sweets with guilt and stress, your body won’t process them well. So when you indulge, do it mindfully and happily.     Step 2: Try natural alternatives     I have seen plenty of videos where people say they have stopped having refined sugar and are using jaggery (gur) as a healthy alternative.   But according to Ayurveda, Mishri or rock sugar is the better alternative to it. It is the kind that you can have every day .   Mishri has a cooling effect on the body. Jaggery, on the other hand, has a heating effect.   Have you ever tried making your sweets with Mishri instead of refined ?  Sounds absurd, but trust me, it’s worth trying.   India is a land of festivals and no festival is complete without sweets.  So, instead of consuming lots of refined sugar, why not replace it with something beneficial.    If you must use a sweetener, Mishri is the best choice. Try replacing white sugar with mishri and notice the difference.       Step 3: Eat mindfully & reduce hidden sugars     Sugar is sneaky. It hides in foods you wouldn’t expect, like: Bread Ketchup Breakfast cereals Packaged juices Flavoured yogurts     Start reading ingredient labels. If you see words like “high fructose corn syrup,” “glucose syrup,” or “cane sugar,” avoid those products.   A simple trick? Eat more whole foods. The more natural your diet, the less sugar you’ll consume without even trying.     Step 4: Balance your meals to reduce cravings     Ever noticed that when you eat a meal rich in protein and fiber, you don’t crave sweets as much? That’s because balanced meals keep your blood sugar stable.   To reduce its cravings, make sure your meals include: Healthy fats Fiber-rich foods  Protein     These foods slow down sugar absorption and keep your energy steady.     Step 5: Keep yourself hydrated     Sometimes, what we think is a sugar craving is actually just thirst. Next time when you… Continue reading Tackle Sugar Cravings The Ayurvedic Way

Ageing with Ayurveda

Ageing is inevitable. But it does not mean that it has to be a tough or bitter experience. Instead, it should be considered as a graceful and meaningful journey.    With the help of Ayurveda, you can make the journey towards older age beautiful by focusing on improving the quality of your physical and mental well-being.      Take Care of Yourself     According to Ayurveda, ageing is a natural process regulated by the three Doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.    As we age, our Vata Dosha goes out of balance and we experience it through symptoms, such as dryness, weakness and difficulty in mobility. Therefore, balancing Vata Dosha is essential to remain healthy and active in the later years.    Ayurveda recommends many natural ways to keep your Vata Dosha in balance.      Change Your Lifestyle     Indeed, lifestyle changes can make a whole lot of difference in the way you age.      Follow a Daily Routine     Following a structured daily routine or Dinacharya has a strong positive influence over the Doshas.      Morning rituals      Start the day with a glass of warm water to wash out toxins. Oil pulling, brushing and tongue scraping are small routine activities that make way for great oral health.  This should be followed by some yoga or stretching exercises to keep your body flexible and disease-free.      Oil massage (Abhyanga)      Use organic black sesame oil to do a full-body massage before taking a shower. It helps to moisten and feed the skin. It also prevents the formation of cracks and relieves Vata Dosha.      Healthy breakfast      Consume a balanced, freshly cooked breakfast to have energy throughout the day. Don’t run after the packaged breakfast options like cereals, muesli, etc. Cook your first meal of the day with love and with a dash of ghee and it will do wonders to balance your aggravated Vata.     Want to learn more about Dinacharya? Download my e-book for free.      Have a Balanced Diet     While planning for a meal, include foods that are fresh and organic and are light on the tummy.   Have warm, cooked foods      As you age, your digestion may be compromised. Hence your body may not be able to absorb nutrients properly.    Therefore, it is advisable to go for warm, cooked meals rather than raw, cold, or heavy foods that, on the other hand, may cause indigestion.      Consume anti-ageing foods      Increase the intake of foods that can help counter oxidative stress such as berries, green leafy vegetables, fruits and nuts.      Stay hydrated      Have plenty of water, especially during the warmer Summer and Autumn months or if you engage in heavy physical activity or work outdoors.     You can also have herbal teas occasionally to help detoxify your body. However, not all herbs may be suitable for you. So, it’s better to consult a qualified Ayurvedic doctor for advice.       Sleep Well     Sleep is an essential factor for overall wellness.      Have adequate sleep      One must get quality sleep in order to be healthy and alert. Sleep for 6-8 hours at night so that your body gets enough repair time to rejuvenate itself.      Establish a sleep routine      Be consistent with your sleep and wake-up timings. In addition, this helps to set your body clock efficiently.        Create a calming environment      Declutter your bedroom by getting rid of all the electronic gadgets and things that may distract you at night.      Practice relaxation techniques      Do activities that will help you relax, such as listening to music or reading a book, before sleeping.        Try Detoxification      As we age, more toxin buildup happens in our body because our body’s natural process of expelling the toxins gets weakened. Detoxification flushes out toxins from the body and revitalizes tissues.      Seasonal detox      Discuss with an Ayurvedic doctor to choose one suitable detox program at the beginning of every season. Detoxifying not only purifies your body but also improves your energy levels.      Herbal teas      Occasionally, drink herbal teas that support liver functions and remove toxins from the body. Remember, not all herbal teas suit you. So, it’s better to consult a qualified Ayurvedic doctor for advice.     Sip dry ginger tea at night. It gently detoxifies your gut, boosts digestive fire and promotes blood circulation. Dry ginger also controls Vata, which is the dominant Dosha especially in old age.      Ayurvedic Practices for Ageing      Apart from diet and lifestyle practices, Ayurveda also recommends certain practices that help you age well.      Yoga and Exercise      Physical exercise is vital so as to keep your body in the best shape possible.      Yoga    Perform relatively low-impact movements to help in the flexibility of joints. First, try Bitilasana Marjariasana (Cat-Cow pose); then, move on to Balasana (Child’s pose); and finally, conclude with Pashchimottanasana (Seated forward bend pose).    It is advisable to perform these poses under the supervision of an expert Yoga trainer if you are a beginner.     Also, practising Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) daily can also help maintain flexibility and energy levels.      Daily walks      Take a walk for about 45 to 60 minutes daily. It improves blood circulation; as a result, it makes you feel better and more energized.      Strength training      Do strength training under the supervision of an expert trainer to help sustain muscles and bones. As the endurance power of your muscles increase, new cells regenerate, delaying the ageing process.      Mindfulness and Meditation      Age is just a number! It’s all in your mind. Your mental health is, therefore, also of great importance in healthy ageing.      Meditation … Continue reading Ageing with Ayurveda