How to Boost Immunity With Ayurveda ?

I had a patient who came to the hospital complaining of perennial fatigue and lethargy.     Her main complaints were aches and pains and she also tended to catch a cough or cold very easily.    She had a Covid attack a year back and since then, her immunity had taken a beating.     The patient fell ill very often and the symptoms would persist for weeks on end.    She was severely disappointed due to the constant dip in energy and persistent bouts of fever and cough.    No amount of medicines could help build her immunity and that’s why she finally decided to turn to Ayurveda.    Like her, I have many  patients who consult me regarding their immunity issues.    In this blog, let us discuss immunity from the Ayurvedic perspective.    Immunity as per Ayurveda    The strength within you to fight all diseases is called Vyadhi-Kshamatva; Vyadhi means illness and Kshamatya means resistance.     In Ayurveda, any imbalance in Doshas is indicative of bad health.   Imbalance in Doshas results in the accumulation of Ama (toxins) that affect all the cells in the body.     And this leads to diseases.    People with a strong immune system rarely fall ill and if they do, they recover faster.     A robust immune system is characterised by healthy sleep, good gut health and overall well-being and people feeling energetic daily.    As per Ayurveda, we possess different types of resistance or immunity:  Genetic  Developed by specific antibodies created in the body to fight a particular antigen  Developed through healthy lifestyle practices and a nutritious diet     Contributing factors to immunity    According to Ayurveda, the following factors have an effect on your immunity.     Ojus   Ojus or vitality is hailed as an important determinant of a person’s immunity as it nourishes and manages the body’s functions.     This includes digestion, nutrition assimilation and the ability to fight infections.     Any decline in Ojus can result in lowered immunity.     Our state of mind   The mind plays a crucial role in maintaining our emotional balance and the strength of our immune system.     We have heard the phrase ‘it’s all in the mind’ – and it cannot be far from the truth.    Digestive power or Agni   Your gut health determines your overall well-being.     Impaired digestion causes an accumulation of toxins or Ama, thereby clogging the channels.    This affects your immunity and results in diseases.     Guidelines to boost immunity with Ayurveda    Ayurveda emphasises building and strengthening immunity with a healthy lifestyle. This includes using herbs, healthy foods and incorporating daily rituals.   Panchakarma or Ayurvedic detoxification is also prescribed for people suffering from a build-up of Ama.    Your food and your immunity    The quality and quantity of food you eat is vital for your immunity.     Stay away from stale, highly refined and processed foods.    Also, make sure that the food you eat is warm and freshly cooked.     It’d be great if you can consult an Ayurvedic doctor regarding your diet.     They can help follow a diet that matches with your Prakriti or body constitution, Dosha imbalances and health conditions.     Practice healthy daily rituals   Start your day early and sleep during the prescribed time. Do not discount the role of good sound sleep to relax and recharge your body and mind.     Start your day with a glass of warm water to boost your gut elimination.    Ayurvedic rituals include tongue scraping and oil pulling.     Daily self-massage with oil will keep your skin lubricated, improve circulation and calm the mind.     A common modern-day malady is stress. Stress can arise due to various reasons and affects your peace of mind.     Try to practice breathing exercises, take quiet walks and do meditation to allow the mind to achieve a calm state.     Keeping physically active is critical to immunity. Whether walking or yoga, exercise moderately to handle stress and boost immunity.    Want to learn more about daily rituals? You can download my eBook for free!    Foods to Boost Immunity as per Ayurveda    Here are some foods to boost immunity as per Ayurveda:     Ginger   In Ayurveda, ginger – in both original and dried form, is highly valued for boosting the immune system and helping with digestion. Try ginger tea or add grated ginger to your meals for its warming and refreshing effects.     Amla   Amla has lots of vitamin C and antioxidants, which help your immune system. Drink fresh amla juice or use dried amla powder in your food to get its advantages, especially for enhancing immunity and lustrous skin and hair.     Tulsi   Tulsi is considered a sacred Ayurvedic herb and is known for its ability to help your immune system. It also helps relieve congestion, colds and coughs. Regular consumption of Tulsi can go a long way in enhancing immunity.     Drumstick   Drumstick or moringa is a powerhouse of nutrients and has the ability to greatly boost your immune system. With its high antioxidant levels, it helps protect you from infections. Additionally, moringa is packed with iron and vitamin A, which further strengthen your immune system.     Neem   Neem aids in boosting your immune system and has a cooling effect on your body from within. It has both anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and has been recommended by Ayurveda for different health conditions.    Dates   Dates are the “fruit of kings.” It helps build Ojus (vitality) and strengthen the tissue systems of the body. The fruit is rich in immunity-boosting elements, such as magnesium, copper, selenium antioxidant, etc. that are necessary for immune response.    Ghee   Ghee benefits the Sapta Dhatus (7 tissue systems) of the body and is rich in antioxidants. It has both gut-health-boosting and detoxification properties that are great for the immune system. … Continue reading How to Boost Immunity With Ayurveda ?