Ayurvedic treatment and its truth

When you think of Ayurvedic treatment , the first thing that comes to mind is Panchakarma and body massage. What if I tell you it is because your mind has been tuned to think so, thanks to the commercialized version of Ayurveda you often see in the various forms of marketing.  Do not believe in a friend, uncle, aunt or an Ayurvedic doctor who tells you ” Got skin issues, bone & muscular issues, chronic diseases, or just random headaches? Go to an Ayurvedic center, get admitted, and do a 15-day Panchakarma & body massages!”   That’s not “real” Ayurveda; that’s more of “commercial” Ayurveda!     The truth about Ayurvedic treatment     The truth is Ayurveda treatment is much more than Panchakarma and body massages. A few diseases may need Panchakarma first, but that’s only in “a few” of the diseases. For the rest, it is only the last line of treatment. Ayurvedic treatment for most diseases is about treating the root cause through dietary and lifestyle and medicines, if required. Still, if the patient’s condition does not subside, Panchakarma may be advised. Panchakarma is all about detoxifying your body, i.e., removing the toxins (Ama) accumulated in your body. It is just one of the many parts of Ayurveda treatment. Panchakarma is really of no use unless the root cause of your health condition is addressed.   Why I do not support “commercialized” Ayurveda   This is my own story and experience.  Before starting my practice, I worked in 2 clinics in Dubai and one in Kerala. In all these three clinics, I have been asked by the management to prescribe mandatory body treatments and Panchakarma for every single patient, whether the patient needed it or not. For every treatment I prescribed, I was even offered decent commissions. This was totally beyond my ethics of practicing Ayurveda, and I never lasted long in any of these places. From the point of view of the clinic, it was more commercially viable for them when they looked at their fixed and variable costs – the cost of rent of the facility, the salary of therapists, the medicines used for body treatments, the licenses, etc. However, that is not authentic Ayurveda. Ayurveda is all about understanding the patient in and out. It includes understanding their body constitution (Prakriti), lifestyle, health conditions and prescribing a treatment plan that is best suited for them. If it does not get better, you can try body treatments. If you have a disease, do not jump into getting admitted and doing Panchakarma and body treatments. First, consult an authentic Ayurvedic doctor who will help figure out the root cause of your health condition and offer you a personalized treatment plan that involves dietary and lifestyle changes and medicines, if needed. They’d recommend Panchakarma if it’s absolutely necessary.   Choose “real” Ayurveda   There are certain conditions where Panchakarma is vital and can’t be avoided. But today, it is misused to such an extent that every disease treatment starts and ends with Panchakarma and body treatments. I never lasted long in any of these clinics as I would not change a bit from my ideologies and ethics of practicing a system in which I have invested my whole life in. That was the triggering point to not depend on any clinic and start my own. I know I am talking about a billion-dollar industry, but it is what it is. Let us bring back real Ayurveda treatment !   Doctor Rekha is a 4th generation Ayurvedic Medicine Doctor (BAMS) and also one of the best ayurvedic doctor in trivandrum city, living in between Dubai and India who has patients from around the globe who believes that the wisdom of Ayurveda can help everyone lead a happy, heathy and disease-free life.   You can join our   Health Programs  for mind and body detox. And If you are struggling with any health issues, you can book a consultation with us or give us a message via WhatsApp at +91 79074 89839. We have the Best Ayurvedic Doctors in Trivandrum   who is always glad to help you . If you have any queries,  contact us.  You can also  visit 

Medicine Fact -What’s Really Inside Commercial Drugs

Perfect  Medicine Competition   It is a market situation where brands compete with each other purely on price. Whichever medicine brand offers a slightly lower price than the others, consumers prefer to buy from that brand.   Most of the medicine manufacturing brands (Ayurvedic & Allopathic) face this situation. This also means that manufacturers have to ‘cut corners’ to meet the pricing advantage to stay ahead of competition.   Cutting corners can happen in many fronts – by adding lesser quantities of expensive ingredients, using cheaper, look-alike alternatives, producing in bulk to achieve economies of scale reducing the quality, etc.   Doctors use an expensive ayurvedic herb, such as ativisha, to treat digestive conditions (it costs up to $49 for 10g). Most often this is replaced by its less expensive alternative ‘Musta’ in formulations manufactured commercially.   Every Ayurvedic doctor is trained to make medicines for his patients from scratch, unlike other medical systems. The government also allows licensed Ayurvedic doctors to dispense medicines made by them to their patients.   So if your Ayurvedic doctor prescribes his/ her own medicines always choose that.   It may be a little expensive, or less fancy or may not be as readily available compared to commercial brands, but there will be an ‘elephant and ant’ difference in the effectiveness.     Medicine Rights     Every patient has the right to know what goes into the medicine. Hence exercise your rights to ask your Ayurvedic doctor on the ingredients.   My pro-tip:  Ask your doctor to prescribe herbal medicines over medicines with minerals as the latter needs many levels of purification to be safe.   Ayurvedic medicine manufacturing is a multibillion-dollar industry. I am not saying all manufacturing companies do the same, however it is important to exercise caution as a patient.     You can join our Health Programs for mind and body detox. If you are struggling with any health issues, you can book a consultation with us or give us a message via WhatsApp at +91 79074 89839. If you have any queries, contact us. You can also follow me on Instagram.