

The concept of Atma (Soul) in Ayurveda

Atma or soul is one of the unique concepts of Ayurveda. It can not be seen, felt or heard, but its existence in the body means living, and its exit defines the death of a living being. It is the essence of life and a source of supreme knowledge.    When the soul departs from… Continue reading The concept of Atma (Soul) in Ayurveda

The concept of Atma (soul) in Ayurveda

When Atma departs from the body, the body becomes devoid of consciousness – just like a vacant house without it’s owner. Atma is the doer. But it cannot perform any action without coming into contact with the mind. And the mind cannot function alone without the Atma. The Atma is omnipresent. But when its put… Continue reading The concept of Atma (soul) in Ayurveda