

Three desires to fulfil in life

Caraka Samhita mentions three desires one should fulfil in their lifetime for a happy, successful life.    इह खलु पुरुषेणानुपहतसत्वबुद्धिपौरुषपराक्रमेण हितमिह चामुष्मिंश्च लोके समनुपश्यता तिस्र एषणाः पर्येष्टव्या भवन्ति । तद्यथा – प्राणैषणा, धनैषणा, परलोकैषणेति । । ३ ।।   Prana Eshana   The desire to live well with happiness and longevity. This is the initial… Continue reading Three desires to fulfil in life