Shiro Abhyanga – The Healing Touch of Ayurvedic Head Massage

There’s nothing more comforting than a head massage( Shiro Abhyanga) after having a hectic day. If you’re from India, you would have experienced the iconic head massage by our mothers or grandmothers using herbal oil at least once in life. Now, with my busy schedules, I sometimes crave for those massages.    Talking of head massages, in Ayurveda, a head massage with herbal oil is called Shiro Abhyanga. ‘Shiro’ means head and ‘Abhyanga’ means massage. Shiro Abhyanga involves a complete massage of your head, neck and shoulders using herbal oils.      The Importance of Shiro Abhyanga     Our head is the most important part of our body. It comprises components, such as brains, nerves and sense organs, that control various necessary functions of the body. That’s why in Ayurveda, the head is considered  ‘Uttamanga’ or the best organ amongst all in the body.    In Charaka Samhita Sutra Sthana, the importance of head is mentioned as follows:    प्राणाः प्राणभृतां यत्र श्रिताः सर्वेन्द्रियाणि च| यदुत्तमाङ्गमाङ्गानां शिरस्तदभिधीयते||   It means the head is referred to as the supreme part of the body because it is the place where life forces (Prana) and all the sense organs (Sarvendriya) are situated.   Therefore, maintaining the health of the head is necessary for the health of your whole body. Shiro Abhyanga is one of the many methods to soothe and strengthen the functioning of your head, and thereby, your overall body.      Benefits of Shiro Abhyanga   Relaxation and Stress Relief   Shiro Abhyanga helps your mind feel relaxed and comfortable. The gentle rubbing also helps calm your nervous system. It is really beneficial, especially for people who work long hours or feel stressed a lot. The best part is that the effects of Shiro Abhyanga are not temporary, but long lasting.   Enhanced Blood Circulation   Shiro Abhyanga is known for its ability to enhance blood circulation to the scalp and hair follicles. As blood flows to the hair roots, it stimulates the scalp. Consequently, the growth of hair follicles is promoted. This ensures early growth of the hair, making it smoother and silkier.  Another benefit of this practice is that regular massage with Ayurvedic oils strengthens the hair shaft due to the increased blood flow  and shedding of hair is reduced.   Mental Well-being   It is amazing how Shiro Abhyanga benefits focus and other concentration patterns. In many scenarios, individuals undergo a lot of stress as a result of workload and other issues. The gentle strokes and movements during the massage take away the stress and help you focus and concentrate. One added advantage of the massage is that it helps get rid of headaches and migraines that are often results of stress.    Spiritual and Emotional Balance   In Ayurveda, we believe that the head is very important. It is where we think and feel things. There are also energy centres in our body called Chakras. When we massage the head, we can make the energy flow better in our body. This can help us feel more peaceful and balanced inside. Shiro Abhyanga is a way to take care and love yourself and show love to yourself. It helps you connect with who you are deep down.   Choosing the Right Oils for Shiro Abhyanga   The choice of oil used during the massage can further enhance its benefits.    In Ayurveda, the following are some of the commonly used oils for head massage: Organic black sesame oil Ksheerabala Tailam Lakshadi Tailam Chandanabala Lakshadi Tailam Shatavari Tailam Dhanwantaram Tailam Yashtimadhu Tailam Mahamasha Tailam Manjishtadi Tailam    It is always safe to use the oils as per the recommendation of a qualified Ayurvedic doctor. They’d be able to prescribe the right oil or mix of oils depending on your Prakriti, Dosha imbalances and health conditions.    At my unit, we prepare herbal oils exclusively using locally sourced authentic Ayurvedic herbs. These oils are free from heavy metals and strong Ayurvedic herbs, ensuring a safe and effective treatment for our patients.   Ayurvedic head massage or Shiro Abhyanga addresses the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of an individual’s well-being. It also helps promote health, relaxation and inner balance.       If you are struggling with any health issues, you can book a consultation with us or give us a message via WhatsApp at +91 79074 89839. We have the Best Ayurvedic Doctors in Trivandrum who is always glad to helps you . If you have any queries, Contact Us.  You can also visit.