Vitamin C

Have you ever dreamed of skin that is glowing and without dark spots? With a little effort, and without spending a lot on expensive products, you can achieve the skin of your dreams!


Why  Vitamin  C   &   Vitamin E?

Vitamin C is the single largest water-soluble vitamin & natural protector for the skin against sun damage.
Vitamin E is lipid-soluble and is rich in antioxidants, fight all those free radicals. Both make skin glowing, clear dark spots, and evens complexion!


When to apply?

This serum should be applied in the evening, after cleansing & toning, before applying moisturizer.
Remember to wait 2-3 minutes before applying moisturizer.
Apply a good sunblock at SPF in the mornings.


How to store?

Store in blue/brown bottles in a cool place and use for a week.
Make a new batch every week.


How to apply?
Apply every night, all over the face, neck, and back of the hands. Do not apply over eyelids, around the eyes, and on the lips.


L-ascorbic acid power distilled water aloe vera gel/ vegetable glycerineVitamin E oil


How to prepare?
Add 1.5 tablespoon of distilled water to a half teaspoon of ascorbic acid powder and mix it becomes clear. 
To the clear liquid add half teaspoon glycerine and half teaspoon Vitamin E oil.
Transfer to a blue glass bottle and tadaaaaa! The miracle serum is ready.


Is it good for dry and oily skin types?
Yes, it is. The strength of the serum can be adjusted based on how sensitive your skin is.


How to adjust the strength of the serum?
For 5% strength, add 1/4 tsp ascorbic acid to 4 tbsp distilled water
For 20% strength, add 1/4 tsp ascorbic acid to 1 tbsp distilled water


Now what?
Tag me @doctorrekha when you make your serum!
Please send me your comments and all sorts of feedback on how the serum worked for you. Share this with friends!




If you are suffering from any skin conditions, you can take our Skin and Hair Care Program. You can also join our other Health Programs for mind and body detox. And If you are struggling with any health issues, you can book a consultation with us or give us a message via WhatsApp at +91 79074 89839. If you have any queries, contact us. You can also follow me on Instagram.  

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Consult with Dr. Rekha Radhamony