

Even though Ghee has a lot of health benefits, it is not for everyone.

Ghee is one of the healthiest everyday foods according to Ayurveda. It has amazing benefits like –

  • Anti-ageing
  • Good for eye health
  • Improves intellect and memory
  • Improves digestion
  • Improves Ojus (vitality)
  • Improves skin health


However, Ghee is not for everyone. It has some contradictions.

Ghee is ‘guru’

It is heavy to digest. If you are someone with chronic indigestion and stomach issues, do not overdo on ghee.

Ghee is Kapha increasing

It’s not good to consume ghee during fever associated cold and cough.

If you are pregnant

Pregnant women should avoid Ghee if they have a cold or an upset stomach.

Diseases of the liver or spleen

Ghee should be avoided in ALL diseases of the liver and spleen.

Doctor Rekha is a 4th generation Ayurvedic Medicine Doctor (BAMS) living in between Dubai and India who has patients from around the globe who believes that the wisdom of Ayurveda can help everyone lead a happy, heathy and disease-free life.

You can join our Health Programs for mind and body detox. And If you are struggling with any health issues, you can book a consultation with us or give us a message via WhatsApp at +91 79074 89839. If you have any queries, contact us. You can also follow me on Instagram.  


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Consult with Dr. Rekha Radhamony