Why home-made is better?

The recommended brand is something I get asked for every small thing – from my ghee cream to Amla powder! But, there is beauty in home-made. When you make it yourself, you have complete control over the ingredients, quantity, and, most importantly, the intention. When you buy something readymade, you have no idea or control over how it is made, where it is made and with what intent it is made.   The same thing goes for food cooked at home and food from restaurants.   Even for my patients, I never recommend commercially manufactured brands unless the patient lives in a location where they cannot get my medications. I send home-made medicines made in a small set-up of just three burners!     Why the intent is important?   In Indian households, we traditionally offer prayers while cooking rice.  This is something I’ve seen my grandmother do. In addition, when she stores water, she places 2-3 flowers in it along with prayers with the intention of purifying the water.   I’m not suggesting that you pray every time you cook. We can, however, put good intentions into the food we cook and the medicines we make at home when we are doing it for our loved ones.   For example, instead of purchasing  Amla powder, take a few of them, remove the seeds, and dry them in the shade. Then, in a blender, powder it to make Amla powder. It will last a long time if stored in airtight glass jars.   Let us change the world, one small step at a time!       You can join our Health Programs for mind and body detox. If you’ve any health issues,  book a consultation with us or message us via WhatsApp at +91 79074 89839. If you have any queries, contact us. You can also follow me on Instagram.