
In my career, I have come across many patients who have been battling diabetes for years. During my consultations with them, I often notice that they share something in common – months and years of improper sleep or, to be more precise, insomnia. But they are not the only ones.  


 In today’s world, insomnia is indeed a serious health issue faced by many. As per reports, at least 38% of adults around the world are deprived of sleep. 


 Stress, bad eating habits and other factors can all contribute to the condition. 


Lack of sleep not only makes you feel tired for the whole day. It also has an adverse effect on your physical and mental health, increasing the chances of having diseases. 


 Ayurvedic treatment for insomnia includes dietary corrections, herbal medicines (if needed), and Ayurvedic therapy that promotes better sleep. 


Let’s learn more about insomnia, therefore, from the Ayurvedic perspective in this blog. 



What is Insomnia ?



Insomnia is a sleeping disorder, marked by trouble falling asleep, not being able to stay asleep, or not having good quality sleep.  It can have a negative impact on your overall well-being and functioning. 


 Insomnia can be acute, where it lasts for a few days or weeks, and chronic, where it lasts for months or years.  Even if you are doing everything right, you are putting your long-term health at risk if your sleep is not on point. 


Taking care of your sleep is extremely important for preventing many diseases, like diabetes, PCOS, and cancer.  Even a partial or full night of sleep deprivation, consequently, can increase your insulin resistance and your sugar levels. 


Lack of sleep also causes a reduction in immunity, reduced strength of the body and the mind, weakness, debility, and reduced fertility and longevity. 


 Insomnia as per Ayurveda



Ayurveda calls insomnia “Anidra” or “Nidranasha.” 


Although it seems to be a modern-day problem, Ayurveda has always emphasized the importance of sleep for health and longevity in ancient texts.  


“Nidra samyak prakrutisthaa sukham dukham pushtikarshyam |  

Balaabalam vrushata klibata jnaanajnaane cha karanam ||” 


Charaka Samhita (Sutra Sthana 21:35) 


Translation: Sleep, when balanced, leads to happiness, nourishment, strength, and wisdom. However, improper sleep results in suffering, weakness, and ignorance. 


 In Ayurvedic terms, Nidra (sleep) is one of the three pillars of health (Traya Upasthambha), along with Aahara (food) and Brahmacharya (regulated lifestyle). 


 Acharya Sushruta has stated that inadequate sleep can lead to Prameha (diabetes), Hridroga (heart disease) and even premature aging. 


Ayurvedic Approach to Insomnia



 According to Ayurveda, a low Kapha Dosha and an aggravated Vata Dosha could be the reasons for insomnia. 


 Vata Dosha controls movement and activity, while Kapha Dosha takes care of lubrication of joints, nourishment, growth, etc. 


 Imbalances in these Doshas, consequently, can affect your ability to sleep well.  Insomnia can be cured Ayurvedically through lifestyle and dietary changes, medicines (if required), and therapies. 


Ayurvedic Lifestyle Tips for Better Sleep



 Ayurveda promotes a set of lifestyle changes that can help you sleep better. 



  • Fix your sleep schedule 


Set a specific sleeping and wake-up time for every day; in addition, this should include weekends. This, consequently, helps you establish good sleep quality and set the body’s internal sleep clock. 


  • Avoid distractions 


 Remove any gadgets from your bedroom that can distract you from sleeping. For instance, leave your mobile phones in the living room (this is something I follow). 


  • Create a relaxing sleep environment 


 The ideal environment for sleep, therefore, would be a dark, quiet, and cool bedroom.  Avoid using bright lights in the bedroom. Also, make sure that the temperature in the room is cool and comfortable. 


  • Engage in some mindfulness and meditation 


 Practice meditation and mindfulness to calm your mind and, as a result, to have proper sleep.  Take a few minutes each night, for instance, to practice deep breathing or, alternatively, to do some guided meditation. 


Also, practising yoga poses like Shavasana (Corpse Pose) and Viparita Karani (Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose) before bed can relax your nervous system and improve sleep quality. 



Ayurvedic Dietary Tips for Better Sleep



Your diet also has a role to play in your sleeping pattern. 


  • Eat a light dinner 


Moreover, have warm, freshly cooked, and easily digestible foods for dinner. Therefore, avoid heavy, spicy, or raw foods, as they can indeed aggravate your Vata Dosha. 


Drinking warm milk infused with a pinch of nutmeg before bed is an excellent Ayurvedic remedy for insomnia. 


  • Avoid stimulants 


 Try to avoid coffee, alcohol, and other stimulating drinks that contain sugar at night.  


These drinks make it difficult for you to go to sleep, thus affecting your sleep timings. Instead, consider opting for herbal tea or water. 


  • Stay hydrated 


Drink plenty of water during the day. This not only helps regulate your body’s temperature, but it also helps you sleep well. 



Ayurvedic Therapies to Treat Insomnia




 These are some of the therapies, therefore, Ayurveda recommends to have better sleep. 


  •  Shiro Abhyanga 


Shiro Abhyanga – a head massage done using medicated oils, is, in fact, a great method to improve your sleep. 

It helps, therefore, calm the mind; additionally, it improves your blood circulation; and, furthermore, it reduces the anxiety and stress you’re feeling. 


  • Shirovasti 


In this treatment method, medicated oil is, therefore, held on the patient’s head within a hollow head cap. 

Shirovasti helps relax both body and mind and thereby, helps you sleep better. 



  • Thalapothichil 


This therapy involves covering the scalp with herbal paste. 

Thalapothichil helps relax your mind and body, and also promotes sleep. 



  • Shirodhara 


Shirodhara is another Ayurvedic therapy that helps improve the quality of your sleep and take care of your insomnia.  This treatment, therefore, involves slow and steady dripping of medicated oils or, in addition, other liquids on the forehead. 



  • Padabhyanga 


Padabhyanga or foot massage with herbal oil is another way to manage your insomnia. I usually recommend Chandanadi Oil for Padabhyanga


Insomnia can be a challenging condition to deal with, but Ayurveda offers natural and effective solutions to improve your sleep and achieve better health. 


 If you’re struggling with insomnia, I encourage you to try these Ayurvedic remedies. 


Remember, consistency is key. Therefore, give your body time to heal and, in addition, restore balance. 


 With the right approach, consequently, you can achieve lasting relief and, as a result, enjoy restful, rejuvenating sleep. 


If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit us at our hospital.

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Consult with Dr. Rekha Radhamony