Hemophilia is a rare, hereditary bleeding disorder with excessive bleeding as its main symptom. The condition is manageable if detected at an early stage. If not managed, hemophilia can be fatal.
Ayurveda can help keep your symptoms in check primarily through diet and lifestyle practices, thereby improving the quality of your life.
What is Hemophilia ?
Hemophilia is a bleeding disorder where a person often has trouble forming blood clots. This results in chronic bleeding after an injury or accident and other health issues.
Ayurveda categorizes bleeding disorders as “Raktapitta.” Hemophilia too comes under this category.
According to Ayurveda, Raktapitta is the result of an aggravated Pitta Dosha (due to dietary and lifestyle habits, and emotions), which affects the Rakta (blood).
In terms of diet (Ahara), the excessive consumption of the following kinds of foods can aggravate your Pitta Dosha and be the reason for hemophilia:
- Foods of Amla (sour), Katu (pungent), and Lavana (salty) tastes (Rasa).
- Foods that are heating (Ushna) and cause acid reflux and heartburn (Vidahi).
The following lifestyle practices also contribute to an imbalance in Pitta Dosha:
- Overexposure to sunlight
- Overdoing exercise and walking
Also, extreme emotions such as excessive grief and anger can also affect the balance of your Pitta Dosha.
This is why Ayurveda always emphasizes balance, not just in what we eat but also in how we live. Even something as simple as eating at irregular times or sleeping too late can disrupt the Doshas, making conditions like hemophilia worse over time.
To learn more about the early signs of increased Pitta, watch this video:
The main symptom of hemophilia is excessive bleeding. It could be external bleeding, which is visible, or internal bleeding.
External bleeding symptoms
- Bleeding inside the mouth as a result of a cut or due to the loss of a tooth
- Bleeding from the nose without a reason
- Excessive bleeding from even a small injury
- Bleeding from an early injury that resumes after a while
Internal bleeding symptoms
- Signs of intestinal bleeding marked by blood in urine or stool
- Joint discomfort and swelling
In children, unexplained bruising is one of the early warning signs of hemophilia. If a child frequently gets large bruises from small bumps or falls, it might be a sign to consult a doctor.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Hemophilia
There is no permanent cure for hemophilia. However, with the right diet and lifestyle practices, the condition can be managed.
A nutritious diet is essential for managing hemophilia. To treat bleeding issues, Ayurvedic principles highlight the need for a Pitta-pacifying diet.
You can include the following foods in your diet:
- Rice varieties, such as Shashtikashali (Njavara rice), Neevar, Priyangu, etc.
- Pulses, such as mung beans, masoor dal, chickpeas, moth beans, etc.
- Vegetables, such as pointed gourd (Patola), Vetas leaves, Shalmali flower, etc.
- Fruits, such as Amla, pomegranate (Dadima), raisins, etc.
In Ayurveda, special emphasis is placed on including cooling and nourishing foods to balance Pitta. Ghee, for example, is highly beneficial—not only does it balance Pitta, but it also improves digestion and the absorption of nutrients that strengthen the blood.
These foods are good for managing hemophilia, but that does not mean that all of them may suit you. It is always best to consult a qualified Ayurvedic doctor first to figure out the right diet for you.
Leading a healthy lifestyle benefits your overall health and also helps manage hemophilia symptoms.
Daily exercise
To enhance circulation without putting too much strain on the body, you can, for example, try light activities such as yoga and walking.
However, if you have severe hemophilia, it’s important to avoid activities that can cause injury. Swimming is one of the best exercises since it puts minimal strain on the joints while improving circulation.
Stress management
Reduce stress, which can aggravate bleeding issues, by practicing breathing exercises, meditation, and other relaxation methods.
Ayurveda believes that excessive stress and emotional turbulence weaken the Rakta Dhatu (blood tissue). Spending time in nature, journaling, or even listening to calming music can help manage emotions better.
Prevent heat exposure
Because the Pitta Dosha is linked to heat, stay out of the sun and warm places for extended periods.
Ayurvedic Approach to Hemophilia Management
Ayurveda emphasizes treating patients comprehensively and individually, considering their unique imbalances (Vikriti) and constitutions (Prakriti).
At my hospital, this is how we go about managing hemophilia:
During the first consultation, the doctors have a detailed discussion with the patient regarding their symptoms and health condition. We then figure out the Dosha imbalances, the root cause, and also the foods and activities that trigger the symptoms. Based on the information, we come up with a personalized treatment plan.
Lifestyle and dietary practices
The treatment plans include dietary recommendations and lifestyle practices that prevent the imbalance of Pitta Dosha.
Regular detoxification treatments, such as Panchakarma, aid in the removal of toxins and preserve the balance of Doshas. However, the procedures are recommended only if required and suitable for the patient.
Basti (medicated enema) is often recommended in chronic cases to nourish the body and improve the absorption of nutrients. But not all types of Basti are suitable for hemophilia, so it’s always best to take professional advice.
Recognizing the triggers
Determine the foods or activities that cause bleeding episodes or worsen symptoms and stay away from them.
Many people with hemophilia don’t realize that even certain Ayurvedic herbs, if not used correctly, can increase bleeding. For example, while Neem and Aloe Vera are fantastic for Pitta imbalances, they must be used cautiously in bleeding disorders. To be on the safe side, always consult a qualified Ayurvedic doctor before trying any herbs or herbal medicines.
If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us. You can also visit us at our hospital.