Why you shouldn't explicitly express your emotions

Emotions are a normal and essential aspect of human experience. However, Ayurveda says if you explicitly express emotions for prolonged periods of time, it might be harmful for both your physical and mental health.  

Ayurveda recognizes that each individual has a unique emotional makeup. Therefore, the way in which emotions are expressed and processed will vary from person to person. Some people express it openly and freely, while others may be more reserved and internalize their emotions.  

Regardless of an individual’s natural tendency towards expressing it, Ayurveda suggests that it is important to find a balance between expressing it and keeping them in check. Practices such as meditation, yoga and deep breathing exercises can help. These practices help to release pent-up emotions and promote relaxation and calmness.  

According to Ayurveda, we should limit the emotions for extended periods of time. Otherwise, it can lead to imbalances in the Doshas (biophysical energies). When you do not process it in a healthy manner, it can lead to an excess of certain Doshas. This can manifest as physical or mental health issues.  

For example, excessive expression of anger or frustration can result in an increase in Pitta Dosha. This can lead to inflammation, digestive problems and skin issues. Similarly, prolonged sadness or grief can increase the Kapha Dosha, which can lead to lethargy, weight gain and respiratory problems.  

In addition, Ayurveda recognizes that emotions are closely linked to the mind and that prolonged expression of negative emotions can have a detrimental effect on mental health. When negative emotions are not processed in a healthy manner, it can lead to increased anxiety, depression and other mental health issues.  

Therefore, Ayurveda recommends finding healthy outlets for emotions. For example, engaging in creative activities, spending time in nature or seeking support from friends and family. It is also important to cultivate a positive mindset and practice gratitude. This can help to counteract negative emotions and promote overall well-being.  

While experiencing it is a normal and necessary aspect of being a person, it’s critical to strike a balance between expressing those feelings and controlling them. Long-term negative emotion expression can be harmful to one’s physical and mental health and can cause Dosha imbalances. Finding constructive outlets for emotions and using healthy emotional coping mechanisms can help to improve overall well-being and keep the Doshas in balance. 




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