quantity of food

In Ayurvedic nutrition, we do not count the calories or weigh the food in grams. The quality of food matters more than quantity.  


Ayurveda thinks of food as medicine. This means the choices you make about what you eat can affect your health. When I treat my patients, 80% of the treatment involves coming up and implementing a suitable diet plan considering many factors, like their health conditions, body constitution (Prakriti) etc. And to decide on the quantity, we look at the digestive fire (Agni) of the patient.  


Right Quantity of Foods you  should  eat ! 


Every individual is different and therefore, the quantity of food you can have depends on your Prakriti.  


  • Kapha – less is more! 

Kapha people have a low digestive fire and therefore, have a sluggish digestion. Therefore, the quantity of food they consume should be minimal. Excessive consumption easily causes Ama (toxic waste accumulation) and leads to more lethargy, tiredness, weight gain and other conditions.  


  • Pitta- feed the fire! 

Pitta people have a high digestive fire. If you eat less, the fire will not be satisfied, leading to acidity and heartburn. Hence the quantity of food should be more. 


  • Vata – I’m unpredictable! 

Vata people, on the other hand, have irregular digestion. It may be good one day, but bad on the other. Hence it is difficult to say whether Vata people should eat more or less. However, one general rule you can use is to eat until the stomach is half full. 


In general, all Prakriti can aim at eating food until their stomachs are half full (leaving the rest for air and water). However, if you have Kapha or Vata predominance, choose your quantity wisely. 

Now if you have no idea what your Prakriti is, please consult an Ayurvedic doctor. Do not attempt those online quizzes as most of them are not accurate. 


Rules of eating 


Ayurveda has set certain guidelines for eating.  They include the following: 


  • Eat warm food, added with good fats. 
  • Eat the right quantity, after the digestion of the previous meal. 
  • Eat favourable food. 
  • Eat compatible foods. 
  • Do not talk or laugh while eating. 
  • Eat neither too slow nor too fast.  
  • Engage all your senses, body and mind while eating (mindful eating). 


The last point is the most important of them all. Be aware of what you eat, how much you eat and how you eat and see how it has a positive impact on your overall health! 




If you are struggling with any health issues, you can  give us a message via  WhatsApp at  +91 79074 89839. We have the Best Ayurvedic Doctors in Trivandrum who is always glad to helps you . If you have any queries, contact us.  You can also   visit.

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